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Is the Section X starting quest gone, or just moved?

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All "bonus" missions (except possibly the Taris/Balmorra low-level series) lost their fleet pointers, and have been made L60+ besides.

Alderaan still has its Bonus series NPC on the fleet.


Republic still has the Black Hole.starter NPC on the fleet as well. The injured general (section x) and the mob of angry citizens for imperial are gone.

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Alderaan still has its Bonus series NPC on the fleet.


Republic still has the Black Hole.starter NPC on the fleet as well. The injured general (section x) and the mob of angry citizens for imperial are gone.


Don't you mean the imperial gunning down scared prisoners?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

Bumping this.


I've been playing through a new character and am around the part of the story line this area should be starting. Was wondering if the NPC is still gone. I know they got rid of the Aldaraan bonus series pointer quest for some reason, and instead you just have to stumble upon the npc on Aldaraan.


Would be nice to get a response from BW.

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Just a thought, while there may be concerns about having too many NPCs in a given area hence Bioware managing this by moving the NPCs to the actual locations, maybe the ship's console can offer lead-in missions pointing players in the right direction?


Like others have said, it's a shame to 'hide' content away like this but it may have been for legitimate reasons. So making more use of the ship's console makes perfect sense to me as a stop-gap solution.

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Bumping this.


I've been playing through a new character and am around the part of the story line this area should be starting. Was wondering if the NPC is still gone. I know they got rid of the Aldaraan bonus series pointer quest for some reason, and instead you just have to stumble upon the npc on Aldaraan.


Would be nice to get a response from BW.

Still gone. Holonet terminal for Pub Black Hole is still there.

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BWA - please bring these breadcrumb missions back!


By all means they should be "Exploration" missions that are subject to the toggle you added in 4.0, and if necessary they could certainly be moved to less cluttered areas of the Fleet, but with those options already available to keep things streamlined there is no compelling reason to remove mission content from your game as you have done here.

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  • 2 years later...

Bumping this.


There are now parts of the Fleet that are "shuttered" because there's not enough "content" to fill them.

Meanwhile, there's content that used to be on Fleet and was removed....


I'm not saying this is the be-all end-all of "content"...but it was fun, and more importantly there are plenty of folks who joined in the last 3 years that only know about Section X because they heard it's how to get HK-51.



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And, of course, Section X and others appear under the "solo" tab in the "Activities" window (ctrl-G).


But if you pick up the starter mission, then use the quick travel (as above), you have to hop on the shuttle outside the mission area, go back to the main base on bel, then hope it again, to count as 'using your ship to get there' for the start mission. Of course, if you use your ship, then you can still pick up the weekly at the base

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B... to count as 'using your ship to get there' for the start mission.

You only need to use your ship the first time you do it during the story. The rest of the time - to do dailies, or get HK-51, etc - you can just go directly from the Activities/Solo menu.


Or, of course, you can just travel to Belsavis using your ship or just the galactic map, and take the shuttle to Section X.

Edited by JediQuaker
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  • 3 years later...

Reviving this thread since it was the first google search hit when I looked for the imp starting quests for both Black Hole and Section X, and it lead me to believe that they are still gone. They were gone, but no longer. Not sure when they came back. I have not seen them for years, but that may well be because I just found this same thread and assumed they were still lost.


Anyway, both imp side starter quests are back at the fleet:

  • The Black Hole: Talk to Sergeant Karloss in the inner ring.
  • Section X: Talk to Captain Gostel near the entrance to the Cartel Bazaar.

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