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Why do so many people like Theran Shan?


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I would think the girls would like Scourge. No ****, but I even think his character is sexy.


I think it is the demeanor and again the voices of characters like Scourge and Marr. I find very attractive any character that I feel I could "walk through hell with and come out the other side alive." I also think that Cytharat on Makeb is rather sexy. I normally don't find pureblood sith very appealing and am not sure if Marr is pureblood or not.


On the softer side, I love Vector also, because whatever he says or writes is pure poetry. We would both die in Hell but he would make me feel good about it.


Theron would get us through, but we would have scars.

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I think it is the demeanor and again the voices of characters like Scourge and Marr. I find very attractive any character that I feel I could "walk through hell with and come out the other side alive." I also think that Cytharat on Makeb is rather sexy. I normally don't find pureblood sith very appealing and am not sure if Marr is pureblood or not.


On the softer side, I love Vector also, because whatever he says or writes is pure poetry. We would both die in Hell but he would make me feel good about it.


Theron would get us through, but we would have scars.


Darth Marr is human.


Cytharat is pretty sexy yes although I've caught myself often liking most purebloods so again, I may have issues. For me somehow the whole 'bad boy' cliche is likely part of it. I mean I love and adore Theron but you know.. it's like, you can get 100 Stefans which is great cos he's hot and he's a nice guy but what you really want is Damon. The guy who CAN be nice and caring but it's far and few in between and when it does happen it's like 5 times as special and more genuine in a way? Who knows I'm rambling. :rolleyes:

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Let's face it, the bar isn't exactly set very high in this game. Between an uptight awkward prig like Quinn, a slimy creep like Doc, an egomaniac like Theran (Cedrax), a well-meaning but sexi... I mean... "old fashioned" goober like Corso, we're not exactly given a huge dearth of guys to fawn over. Andronikos (psycho), Lt Iresso (boring), Torian (HONOR!), and Vector (bugs?!) are probably the only ones I would really entertain out of the original comps.


Theron is that rare gem who manages to be genuinely charming and personable without any obvious or major flaws.


Lest anyone think I'm picking on the dudebros in this game, Lana is also a pretty nice step up from a lot of the women comps too. I absolutely adore Kira, but good lord she needs rescuing almost constantly right up until the final mission.



As much as I love Torian and Vector I have to agree with you here. Haven't romanced Theron before but he seems fine so far. Not exactly my favourite but I'd romance him rather than Corso-sexist-Riggs or Quinn.

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I would think the girls would like Scourge. No ****, but I even think his character is sexy.


Scourge is sexy. His voice is soothing and that whole "I can't feel love anymore" shtick makes him a worthy challenge. :) I like him more than sleazeball Doc.

Edited by Tamyn
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I fail to see why people like this NPC.


To me he comes across as a cocky a***hole that thinks he knows everything and is far above you.


His clothing doesn't help with that stupid belt with nothing on it and a jacket that looks far too small


The same reason people like Han Solo or Donald Trump or Hitler.

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... you meet Theron, who has an immediate charisma (omg the voice actors voice...seriously, I could listen to him do Theran's voice all day and not get bored. It's very, very, attractive for some reason). 'Lets get this job done' persona to him. Also pretty funny in a deadpan way that works. He also looks very nice, esp compared to the other guys. Only thing is the jacket, *** with the shoulders designer people?


Then you learn more about him. He's smart. Really smart, and about his past etc. He doesn't give up on things. He's adorable and awkward and at times a total mess. He's a leader but can take orders. He can take care of himself (he gets the **** beaten out of him in the process, but he gets through it alive). He grieves and feels disappointment, frustration, and anger like anyone else. But he doesn't let those emotions rule him.


I about died from the letter he sends in kotfe. It's such a mix of his being awkward, truthful and loving, venerable side we get a few glimpses of. He doesn't assume anything (which a lot of the other npcs do), but he hopes.


I could probably keep going but need to stop XD


Pretty much this. I love Theron, not going to lie! :D Plus, I've loved Troy Baker for a while (since I played GW2 briefly to be exact, though I know he's done a lot of other stuff) aaaaand I would also love myself a bit of Zenith (though I don't think that's ever likely to happen).


Koth's romance is actually really adorable and I'm glad I managed to resist Theron long enough to do it :D you really should stick it out if you can or if not then watch it on the youtubes.


Koth's romance was meh for me, nowhere near "really adorable" but I have hope it improves. I'm trying to be open-minded about him.


*sends Koth on crafting mission*


"Couldn't find anyone else?"


Perhaps I missed something with the romance :p May have to check out youtube.

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Koth's romance was meh for me, nowhere near "really adorable" but I have hope it improves. I'm trying to be open-minded about him.


*sends Koth on crafting mission*


"Couldn't find anyone else?"


Perhaps I missed something with the romance :p May have to check out youtube.


Same here, I dislike the character of Koth but I romanced him on my smuggler (as I also disliked Corso) as I thought he might open up a little bit more to me but unfortunately the romance hasn't gotten me to change my mind about him but I'll hang in there and see what it brings later on.

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Koth's romance was meh for me, nowhere near "really adorable" but I have hope it improves. I'm trying to be open-minded about him.


*sends Koth on crafting mission*


"Couldn't find anyone else?"


Perhaps I missed something with the romance :p May have to check out youtube.


I think that's down to whether you like Koth in general or not. I find him adorkable, he was pretty much the perfect match for my smuggler :D

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Let's face it, the bar isn't exactly set very high in this game. Between an uptight awkward prig like Quinn, a slimy creep like Doc, an egomaniac like Theran (Cedrax), a well-meaning but sexi... I mean... "old fashioned" goober like Corso, we're not exactly given a huge dearth of guys to fawn over. Andronikos (psycho), Lt Iresso (boring), Torian (HONOR!), and Vector (bugs?!) are probably the only ones I would really entertain out of the original comps.


Theron is that rare gem who manages to be genuinely charming and personable without any obvious or major flaws.


Lest anyone think I'm picking on the dudebros in this game, Lana is also a pretty nice step up from a lot of the women comps too. I absolutely adore Kira, but good lord she needs rescuing almost constantly right up until the final mission.



Urg, I really want Corso dead. Him and his misandric ways can go straight out the airlock.

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You mean Theron Shan? My adoration for him began looooong before he was introduced into the game.


Thanks to Annihilation and The Lost Suns (comics) I fell for the character. He was resourceful, cunning, extremely clever, highly intelligent, and did what was needed to get the job done. I mean, for pete's sake, he helped take down the Ascendant Spear, killed Darth Karrid, and Darth Mekhis. He is the equivalent of Cipher Nine.


He cares deeply about the very few people he feels he can trust. Such as Master Zho (who raised him when Satele abandoned him) and Tiff'ith (where is she?!)


THIS is why I love his character. Not simply because a highly attractive character popped up in the game. Who has a voice that can make me go weak at the knees.


I hope since his writers (Alexander Freed & Drew Karpyshyn) are writing for KotFe. I am hoping we see Theron become a bit more like his literary counter part.

Edited by Amadahy
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it's like, you can get 100 Stefans which is great cos he's hot and he's a nice guy but what you really want is Damon. The guy who CAN be nice and caring but it's far and few in between and when it does happen it's like 5 times as special and more genuine in a way? Who knows I'm rambling. :rolleyes:


<3 this. Love me some Damon.



As for Theron, he's one of those male characters that can be nice without being too boring, interesting without being an arse, and he can defer to the main character without being a doormat or a whiner. After getting stuck with the Corsos and Arics of SWTOR, it's nice to have someone who's not so... annoying? Extreme? Either way, Theron is a nice addition.

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