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Why Being a Lightside Sith Warrior is More Epic! (does contain SPOILERS)


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Warning: The following post will contain some spoilers from the Sith Warrior main quest. Viewer discretion is advised.


This one part in the main quest where you finally get to fight and defeat Norman Karr. As a lightside Sith Warrior, I showed acts of mercy and good will in my actions, like also sparring Jasea's parents to live and live in luxury even under the Empire rule. I also came into Karr's place telling him I mean him no harm, I only come for his padawan (who i also mean no harm).


Now the best part of all this, is I'm the one that makes Jedi look like complete jerks. Karr just wants to kill me through lies and deception (lying about the padawan meeting me in the ship where instead, two jedi that are sent to kill me), and just wants to fight and kill me without trying to be diplomatic through peace. Norman Karr eventually shows anger and hate by giving in a bit to the darkside during the fight while I basically maintain my cool and told him to stand down and surrender. But he would have none of it and eventually, he was defeated.


As the Padawon arrived, she has finally seen who Karr for what he truly is, and looks into my heart only to find that I walk in the path of light. Telling her to even forgive her master for all of this, but due to her confusion, she fought me, and was defeated as well. I also showed mercy by sparring her instead of killing her when I had the chance. She finally realizes that i mean well and that her master (or former now) has just hid his true nature of the darkside, just like all the other jedi. Told her that together through the true light path, we can conquer the galaxy and bring real peace from the side of the Empire.


That to me, is why lightside Sith Warrior is more epic then being the typical darkside Sith Warrior. I show true purity and peace, while showing that Jedi are the real evil beings of the galaxy and only want power for themselves. I do what's best for the Empire, and bring true justice to the galaxy :D. I just find it a lot more satisfying and fascinating :).

Edited by ScarMortico
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nooo sorry i prefer being dark plus we get cool eyes so I have something to look foward to after each dark side rank plus its more fun twisting the padawan to my way of thinking. Plus we get to choke people who annoy us. I personally find being dark more epic. plus as keltic said light side makes me want to punch a hippy I had enough of it in kotor and now we can be an actual sith and flex our evil muscles. Edited by lokdron
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Agreed, I felt amazing during my end of act 1 quests. Only thing is, ls Jess's is a whiny, useless, ignorant child. I don't even use her because she annoys me so.


Not counting the aliens who can't speak English, thus forcing me to read subtitles :p, Jaesa is easiest the crappiest personality of all Companions out of all the classes. At least the JK equivalent, Kira, has a few brain cells in her head (not many, but say...three or four). I think Jaesa suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome or something.


Lightside V (or Darkside V for that matter) is kind of annoying. There's no wiggle room at level V, so if you want to use your gear or speeder or whatever, you can't ever do an opposite alignment choice again. Up until level V, you could throw in a few opposite alignment choices; it was no big deal. You hit level V at 10000 LS or DS points, and you can't get more, so even 1 point of the opposite side will make you lose your alignment.


Now, I don't even send my Companions out on DS Diplomacy Missions for Biochem mats, because then I'd have to wait for a LS Diplomacy Mission to finish to use my LS V gear again. :/ Which has essentially cut my Biochem production in half now.


Lame. Though I suppose I can see the argument for making the highest tier something you have to truly commit to.


Honestly, if there were neutral aligned Relics, I'd have gone straight up neutral. I'd be losing 1200 hp though if I went neutral, and a lot of +Damage and +Crit on demand as things stand now.

Edited by revial
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This one part in the main quest where you finally get to fight and defeat Norman Karr. As a lightside Sith Warrior, I showed acts of mercy and good will in my actions, like also sparring Jasea's parents to live and live in luxury even under the Empire rule. I also came into Karr's place telling him I mean him no harm, I only come for his padawan (who i also mean no harm).


sorry OP but ur confusing epic with freak of nature

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  • 7 months later...
This sounds far more rewarding than my experiences thus far running as a darkside consular.

Unfortunately for me, I like playing the dark role. Lightside makes me want to punch a hippy.


Don't let the darkside dissuade you from punching hippies. The only thing that beats that out in pure fun is gnome punting.


to the OP: I agree wholeheartedly. the way the choices seem to work out in qeusts (empire that is) are:

Darkside: hulk smash! in an evil way....

Lightside: forced to think...and decide. some decisions are tough as they seem to lead to bad or complex consequences, and possibly revealing your true nature.


I find that lightsde on a sith is far more difficult to maintain. it's like lightside on repub...its pretty much the milk and cookies approach. I love group hugs! sort of disgusts me. I end up more often then not being more neutral on repub side, and mostly good on sith side.

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Pfffft... light side sith... that's not the true "SITH" way.. if you were actually role playing... i can understand if you were an imperial or BH.. but a sith??? either sith inquisitor or warrior... you're bound to be a dark side. Lucas would be ashamed of you :p
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Pfffft... light side sith... that's not the true "SITH" way.. if you were actually role playing... i can understand if you were an imperial or BH.. but a sith??? either sith inquisitor or warrior... you're bound to be a dark side. Lucas would be ashamed of you :p


The Sith way is freedom.


I like LS Sith best of all the force users. LS Jedi are fun, but rather...blase. DS Jedi are equally blase, just like DS Sith. Yeah, you're evil. You do terrible things because you can. Big whoop.


But LS Sith....that is true freedom. I think an early quest on Korriban has a guard exemplify the idea best. One of your conversation options with her gets her to respond that she's happy to see that the Sith embrace other emotions besides anger and fear.


This led me to the conclusion that LS Sith is the "best" choice in terms of actually getting to maintain true humanity (or whatever it's called for non-humans). LS Jedi forgo all emotion because the code says emotion is bad and leads to the dark side. DS Jedi embrace all the things they wern't able to before under the code, and like a child kept from the vices of the world, they go nuts and drink deeply of the once-forbidden emotions. DS Sith focus exclusively on negative emotions as a path to power, believing anything besides fear, anger or hate to be worthless. But LS Sith employ the full spectrum of emotions. They feel all things and use all these feelings to aid them. MY LS Sith was very happy to hear that Jaesa wanted to stay with me, and I formally adopted her into my house as a daughter, even encouraged her to get married and have children. We talked about changing the Sith empire for the better from within, and the trials that we would have to go through in order to do that. It was an intimate, special moment of closeness between the two of us.


Then I walked down the hall and had a wonderful conversation with Broonmark about how he was honored to be a part of my clan and would work to teach my as-yet-unborn young to hunt and kill worthy prey, and I praised him for his dedication to destruction, encouraging him to stay on and serve my legacy while he continued to hone his skills as a predator.


It was great.


Then of course, you play the JK story and you realize that going DS Sith is probably the worst thing you could do for the continued survival of everything, and LS Sith suddenly starts to, somehow, feel even more awesome.

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I have neutral and LS characters, so I'm not bound and determined to play a certain way, but I REALLY liked doing Dark Side SW. Just like a lot of things in this game, it depends on how you roleplay it, right? My jugg is a true Sith, a hardass, but not a psycho. Peace is a lie; there is only passion - of all kinds. She bonds to the point of sweetness with her crewmates, she'll make a deal with Repub troopers if it's expedient to her cause and not kill them (remember that quest?), and she will straight-up murder you if her cause demands it or you cross her, no second chances. She goads people to make them passionate, enraging enemies or encouraging her crewmates to seek revenge.


There's something evilly fun about being the devil on people's shoulders.


And the Jaesa thing? OP, I'm glad you enjoyed your path, and I can see its allure. But the Dark Side way was just so gloriously screwed up and unique that I freaking loved it. And now Jaesa's like my character's unstable little sister. I feel like George Clooney in From Dusk til Dawn.

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This sounds far more rewarding than my experiences thus far running as a darkside consular.

Unfortunately for me, I like playing the dark role. Lightside makes me want to punch a hippy.


Im sorry but punching a hippy is a Light Side Choice :cool:

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  • 7 months later...

I think the problem with DS choices is that the writers think that dark side is being simply a bully (although frequently they're amusing or bad ***).


They are out to get power for themselves but they seem to kick over everyone on their way, they don't tend to try and think in the longterm view.

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The Sith way is freedom.


I like LS Sith best of all the force users. LS Jedi are fun, but rather...blase. DS Jedi are equally blase, just like DS Sith. Yeah, you're evil. You do terrible things because you can. Big whoop.


But LS Sith....that is true freedom. I think an early quest on Korriban has a guard exemplify the idea best. One of your conversation options with her gets her to respond that she's happy to see that the Sith embrace other emotions besides anger and fear.


This led me to the conclusion that LS Sith is the "best" choice in terms of actually getting to maintain true humanity (or whatever it's called for non-humans). LS Jedi forgo all emotion because the code says emotion is bad and leads to the dark side. DS Jedi embrace all the things they wern't able to before under the code, and like a child kept from the vices of the world, they go nuts and drink deeply of the once-forbidden emotions. DS Sith focus exclusively on negative emotions as a path to power, believing anything besides fear, anger or hate to be worthless. But LS Sith employ the full spectrum of emotions. They feel all things and use all these feelings to aid them. MY LS Sith was very happy to hear that Jaesa wanted to stay with me, and I formally adopted her into my house as a daughter, even encouraged her to get married and have children. We talked about changing the Sith empire for the better from within, and the trials that we would have to go through in order to do that. It was an intimate, special moment of closeness between the two of us.


Then I walked down the hall and had a wonderful conversation with Broonmark about how he was honored to be a part of my clan and would work to teach my as-yet-unborn young to hunt and kill worthy prey, and I praised him for his dedication to destruction, encouraging him to stay on and serve my legacy while he continued to hone his skills as a predator.


It was great.


Then of course, you play the JK story and you realize that going DS Sith is probably the worst thing you could do for the continued survival of everything, and LS Sith suddenly starts to, somehow, feel even more awesome.


my juggernaut agrees eheh.

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The best part about Dark Side is the "freedom" of being able to permanently deal with NPCs who insult you and goad you on. How many RPGs have you played where one of the people you talk to is nothing but rude, eggs you on, and even after you save them or complete their quest, they still treat you like utter crap? And there is nothing you can do about it, but sit there and take it like a little b.... witch?


That happens very infrequently when you play full Dark Side. It's wonderful.

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There are actually 2 ways to play dark side for a Sith warrior. One is the destructive maniac who kills everything, which is kind of boring.


The other way is by being manipulative and seduce people to the dark side. The dialogues are very interesting and entertaining in this way. I think this way is way better than light side sith warrior.


The dialogue options for the sith warrior story is very extensive and leaves much room for exploration. I am very impressed by this class' story.

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I love my light side SW...I find it rather ****** that I can stroll into a building and basically be like "look, I'll kill you all if you make me, buti don't want to, so you may leave if you go now". Makes me feel rather powerful lol
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The Sith way is freedom.


Freedom from all things, that is. To really embrace the Sith way is to be the ultimate individual, with nothing else in your life besides the Dark Side of the Force and the desire to grow ever more powerful. And as you commit atrocities and spread fear and pain, the Dark Side grows stronger, and therefore so do you. Concern for the wellbeing of others, happiness with Jaesa, respect for Broonmark - these are all weaknesses, invisible tethers tying you to others, barnacles on your hull slowing you down. Only by freeing yourself of them can you reach your full potential. You must kill them.


Kill them all. :csw_deathstar_un:

Edited by smartalectwo
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