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did they realy say that ALL romance comps will have deep presence in the story?


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I am worried that this presence is restricted to one IE per class.


Like what if having Aric in this chapter means that Elara won't appear in anything more than an alert? So all your reunion will happen in classic kotor style.


As I dig the sith warrior the most, I am worried that if I meet Quinn in random chapter, I will not have any cutscene with Vette I hope I explained my fear well enought for you to understand. (I only fear that my english isn't good enought)

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I was worried about this until I was reminded that there is a Season 2 to KotFE. Chances are that no matter what happens up and into Chapter 16 we'll still be reintroduced to the other LIs and companions later in the next season.
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I thought they said in a stream there wasn't going to be a season 2? Unless they changed their minds. They kind of got themselves in a pickle.


Let's just assume that all players want all their original companions back, yes including Skadge, Quinn, etc. Just to make things easy and I don't care if/why people want to kill or reject some companions...


There are 40 original companions. We have gotten back Pierce, M1-4X, Yuun, Blizz, Qyzen, Lokin, Scorpio, T7-O1, Kaliyo, Xalek, Talos. From the originals. That's 11 out of 40.


Next chapter is Jorgan, Bowdaar and maybe Zenith? Not sure about chapter 11's alert being with Zenith (I'm saying yes cause I saw the JC's companion achievement, go look).


We have Treek, HK-51, Nico and HK-55 we keep forever and ever. One was purchased, one was quested for, and two were subscriber rewards. They wont get rid of these guys ever.


So we have at the moment, Koth, Senya, Theron and Lana, all of who COULD leave your *** if you piss them off.


The original 40 companions MIGHT not leave you because originally they told you they'd be there for you and your legacy, of course this was BEFORE Kotfe, so who knows. But this is probably why as a JC if you originally had Qyzen, he happily returns to you, along with other original companions you had for THAT class. IE my Warrior and Trooper didn't have to do 10/20 rounds of pvp for them.


Then we have the romanceable companions. Quinn, Vette, DS Jaesa, Jorgan, Kaliyo, Temple, Vector, Doc, Kira, Iresso, Nadia, Dorne, Mako, Torian, Andronikos, Ashara, Corso, Akaavai, Risha who you can date, marry, talk kids with. That's 19 companions out of 40. Remove Kaliyo due to chapter 10, and remove Jorgan due to arrive in chapter 11 and that makes it 17 companions out of 40 we're missing.


Then we have the actual alerts and possible alerts: Blizz, Skadge, Gault, Bowdaar, Guss, Xalek, Talos, Khem Val, Rusk, Scourge, Pierce, Broonmark, Tanno Vik, M1-4X, Yuun, Scorpio (story), Lokin, Tharan C w/ Holiday, Zenith, and Qyzen who ARE or MAY be alerts. That's 20 out of 40.


As we see, the Alerts are easier, do a little chatting on comp's end, do a minor quest if they don't come back glomping the class user and we're good there.


I THINK the love interests from the original companions will be back INSIDE the story. I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling they'll return.


If all 40 don't return, aside from some goober killing them if killable, Bioware will have a **** storm on their hands.


I might not be a fan of Temple, but my agent wants her back. I don't like Zenith or Skadge all that much, but I want them back.


I married Quinn, Jorgan, Vector, Iresso, Corso, Doc, Andronikos, and Torian. I want them back.


Because Bioware wanted to do a bit extra with companions, Kotfe isn't exactly what we were talking about but they tried. But they know if we don't have the availability to get the 40 originals back, most of us, NOT all of course, will be pissed.


Then there are those who don't care cause f/f Lana or m/m Theron or whatever.


But still, I am sure Bioware knows most of us have had these companions for FOUR years, we'd like them back.


So, I THINK if there's another 'season' to Kotfe, it won't be until 5.0, UNLESS they begin giving us the next chapters 11-16 with more alerts and more people in the main story instead of Kaliyo 10, Jorgan 11, whoever 12, etc.

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I thought they said in a stream there wasn't going to be a season 2? Unless they changed their minds. They kind of got themselves in a pickle.


Let's just assume that all players want all their original companions back, yes including Skadge, Quinn, etc. Just to make things easy and I don't care if/why people want to kill or reject some companions...


There are 40 original companions. We have gotten back Pierce, M1-4X, Yuun, Blizz, Qyzen, Lokin, Scorpio, T7-O1, Kaliyo, Xalek, Talos. From the originals. That's 11 out of 40.


Next chapter is Jorgan, Bowdaar and maybe Zenith? Not sure about chapter 11's alert being with Zenith (I'm saying yes cause I saw the JC's companion achievement, go look).


We have Treek, HK-51, Nico and HK-55 we keep forever and ever. One was purchased, one was quested for, and two were subscriber rewards. They wont get rid of these guys ever.


So we have at the moment, Koth, Senya, Theron and Lana, all of who COULD leave your *** if you piss them off.


The original 40 companions MIGHT not leave you because originally they told you they'd be there for you and your legacy, of course this was BEFORE Kotfe, so who knows. But this is probably why as a JC if you originally had Qyzen, he happily returns to you, along with other original companions you had for THAT class. IE my Warrior and Trooper didn't have to do 10/20 rounds of pvp for them.


Then we have the romanceable companions. Quinn, Vette, DS Jaesa, Jorgan, Kaliyo, Temple, Vector, Doc, Kira, Iresso, Nadia, Dorne, Mako, Torian, Andronikos, Ashara, Corso, Akaavai, Risha who you can date, marry, talk kids with. That's 19 companions out of 40. Remove Kaliyo due to chapter 10, and remove Jorgan due to arrive in chapter 11 and that makes it 17 companions out of 40 we're missing.


Then we have the actual alerts and possible alerts: Blizz, Skadge, Gault, Bowdaar, Guss, Xalek, Talos, Khem Val, Rusk, Scourge, Pierce, Broonmark, Tanno Vik, M1-4X, Yuun, Scorpio (story), Lokin, Tharan C w/ Holiday, Zenith, and Qyzen who ARE or MAY be alerts. That's 20 out of 40.


As we see, the Alerts are easier, do a little chatting on comp's end, do a minor quest if they don't come back glomping the class user and we're good there.


I THINK the love interests from the original companions will be back INSIDE the story. I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling they'll return.


If all 40 don't return, aside from some goober killing them if killable, Bioware will have a **** storm on their hands.


I might not be a fan of Temple, but my agent wants her back. I don't like Zenith or Skadge all that much, but I want them back.


I married Quinn, Jorgan, Vector, Iresso, Corso, Doc, Andronikos, and Torian. I want them back.


Because Bioware wanted to do a bit extra with companions, Kotfe isn't exactly what we were talking about but they tried. But they know if we don't have the availability to get the 40 originals back, most of us, NOT all of course, will be pissed.


Then there are those who don't care cause f/f Lana or m/m Theron or whatever.


But still, I am sure Bioware knows most of us have had these companions for FOUR years, we'd like them back.


So, I THINK if there's another 'season' to Kotfe, it won't be until 5.0, UNLESS they begin giving us the next chapters 11-16 with more alerts and more people in the main story instead of Kaliyo 10, Jorgan 11, whoever 12, etc.


far i know after hk-55 boonus chapter they will take couple months and be with the second unless it changed

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It is also entirely possible that MULTIPLE romance comps will be brought back in a single chapter. Chapter 11 may feature BOTH Dorne and Jorgan. Honestly, it would be a VERY smart move on BW's part, and I would find it acceptable, provided that the chapters aren't wave-based mob filler parties like Anarchy in Paradise was.
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I know! I'm scared that I won't see Corso rip my smuggler's brains out for cheating on him! If we have to do it in a KOTOR cutscene we won't be able to hear the screams of the smuggler before death!


Ugh... So far I guess Kaliyo and Aric are the only ones confirmed to come back for now so i guess we still need to wait for Iresso and Nadia for Consular, Doc and Kira for Knight, Elara for Trooper, Corso, RIsha, and Akaavi for Smuggler, Andronikos and Ashara for Inquisitor, Malavai, Vette and Jeasa for Warrior, Torian and Mako for Hunter, and Vector and Temple for Agent.


So we still need 11 companions? Wow! Good luck with that Bioware!

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Hope they do the two companion per story idea. Can imagine Risha and Vette meeting again, Akaavi and Torian teaming up, Maybe Malavai and Temple working together, Nadia and Kira possibly and that is all I could think up now.


Hehe I was thinking about Kira and Vette joining forces aswel.


I also thought about Kira and Ashara.

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It is also entirely possible that MULTIPLE romance comps will be brought back in a single chapter. Chapter 11 may feature BOTH Dorne and Jorgan. Honestly, it would be a VERY smart move on BW's part, and I would find it acceptable, provided that the chapters aren't wave-based mob filler parties like Anarchy in Paradise was.


It really would be the best idea, BW say they don't want to just bring characters back without much reason, Jorgen and Elara were both Havoc squad so the easiest way do doing it would have to bring both back in chapter 11.


Elara does not appear listed as returning so I feel BW have missed an opportunity here.

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They really should do two per chapter, one republic and one empire.


That maybe rather difficult if you mean the chapter itself and not a recruitment mission as for example Jorgen hates imps so there are very few (if any) imperial characters he would 'team-up' with, like wise I think it would be difficult to write a cohesive story based on this. Though as I said I feel Bioware could have quite easily brought both Jorgen and Elara back for chapter 11.

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I know! I'm scared that I won't see Corso rip my smuggler's brains out for cheating on him! If we have to do it in a KOTOR cutscene we won't be able to hear the screams of the smuggler before death!


This is something that concerns me. I do feel we should get all the LI companions back, some of us actually do like Quinn for example and would love to see him again. I play the game for the story first and foremost, and it would be a huge disappointment to have such a large part of my class story experience relegated to KOTOR cutscenes.

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Keep in mind it also depends on which VAs they can get back.


Well, if this happens they can always do what they did for Tanno. I know his original voice actor didn't quit, but passed away. This they couldn't do anything about, of course. But if the VA for Jaesa is gone, they could find someone who sounds just like her. It's possible. I think only maybe 5 people NEED their original voice actor or the companion will sound like ****. Ie Corso, Quinn, Vector, Vette.


It just depends I suppose. I do know the VAs are under contract to come back and voice the characters they're tied to. No guarantee they didn't renegotiate, but I wouldn't see why the VAs wouldn't do voices. In the grand scheme of things it MAYBE takes 5 hours to do how ever many lines they need plus any double or triple takes.

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The VA for Mako makes about 4 Hallmark Channel movies a year now. I hope she's not too busy with that to come back, but I worry she might be. Her letter to the BH does imply she quit being a hunter.


Lacey Chabert (Mako) is listed on IMDB in KOTFE. Cathrine Taber (Vette) has been with the story since the original Old Republic and is the voice over for Padme in the Clone wars series. She is probably the main one that we can count on since it seems she has a home with the Star Wars animation franchises. I want Jaesa to come back too, but Rachel Leigh Cook has not done much since she has had her baby and shows up no where in credits or in listings.

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Lacey Chabert (Mako) is listed on IMDB in KOTFE. Cathrine Taber (Vette) has been with the story since the original Old Republic and is the voice over for Padme in the Clone wars series. She is probably the main one that we can count on since it seems she has a home with the Star Wars animation franchises. I want Jaesa to come back too, but Rachel Leigh Cook has not done much since she has had her baby and shows up no where in credits or in listings.


I wouldn't count on IMBD to confirm if someone is/isn't coming back, after all it could be wrong or not up to date. I would say that all LI's are coming back in a chapter either in part 1 or 2 of KOTFE. I hope we see more than one come back at least in some chapters, but this is likely up to what the writers want to do and VA availability.

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Considering Kaliyo returned in X, and Jorgan's back in XI, I'm beginning to wonder if this round of releases won't be the start of "the LIs return," even if they aren't central characters in the stories in question.


Some of them I do see as... tricky to depict in KOTFE, particularly Jaesa, mostly because her companion arc is influenced on whether you recruited her as a LS or DS Warrior. Hell, there are a few non-LI companions I could see as tricky bringing back, such as Khem Val

considering he'd have to come back as either himself or as Zash-in-Khem, depending on what you decided in the Inq storyline


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