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The premade problem


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This . Example 2 hours old . Got pop for voidstar ( solo queued) .Got a team of 4 and 3 more randoms . Before match started folks from that *premade* talked on ops chat .They didnt talked on english (which is rude I think) but we come from the same country so I completely understood conversation. It was something like this :

She : You said we are gonna do a flashpoint.

He :We will do flashpoint later .This is more fun.

She : Ok but tell me what to do.I have no idea what to do .

He: Just follow me and dps on my mark . Im gonna mark.

3rd guy : Im gonna guard left side , please come if I call . Dont forget me like you did last match .

4th guy : Im going with you left.

Didnt even bothered checking their gear .

Opinions now , is that steamrolling premade ?


lmao.. This is exactly what I've seen too. You get these "Premades" in PVP that aren't pvpers or maybe only one of them is.

But like you said, they weren't even on voice, just in chat, so that supports what others have said over and over that not all Premades use voice chat.


I'm on Harbinger and there are way more Premades of non pvpers than actual PVP Premades. You do see the same PVP Premades a lot. But there aren't that many. It just seems that way because all they do is PVP.


I'm also at the point when I see certain Non PVP guild Premades queue syncing, that I leave. It's a guarenteed loss everytime. Most of the time they even give up and all go stand at the only node we have.


I watched in dismay when all 7 gave up in civil war and the score was 480-390. I was the only one on the team fighting the other team. I started talking to the other team and when other guys saw what was happening, they ask me to come 1v1 dual them, which was so nice of them. Then after a bit I suggested they all go to kill the other 7 and I would guard their node and call incs if my guys tried to cap. All in all it was fun and those guys on the opposite team were so nice to do what they did for me 😘.

But I will never, ever play with that other guild on my team, not even one member. I always leave if I see one and if I'm on the opposing team I tunnel them all match so that they learn to PVP. If they go and hide I find them, there is no escape (evil laugh). They will either learn to try in PVP or they won't queue.

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Actually some are right, premades are not the problem, the attitude of those in many of them is.


What point does it serve when you have taken every possible advantage to stack the deck in your favor to run your mouths, grind people into the dirt, and act like you achieved anything? To these people i can say only grow up.

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Actually some are right, premades are not the problem, the attitude of those in many of them is.


What point does it serve when you have taken every possible advantage to stack the deck in your favor to run your mouths, grind people into the dirt, and act like you achieved anything? To these people i can say only grow up.


Maybe you just need to get off of harb? It sounds like the e-peen is STROOOONG there. I'm sure every server has their problem children, but it just seems like it's more prevalent on your server.

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Maybe you just need to get off of harb? It sounds like the e-peen is STROOOONG there. I'm sure every server has their problem children, but it just seems like it's more prevalent on your server.


It was no different back on Bastion. Or really in any other game ive ever played that this was allowed.


Doesnt look like ill have much choice then to play elsehwere anyway ifi want to do the cotton picking DL/LS event i have no room on Harb. lol

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Maybe you just need to get off of harb? It sounds like the e-peen is STROOOONG there. I'm sure every server has their problem children, but it just seems like it's more prevalent on your server.


it's prevalent on any server that is the "go to" or popular server. the worst I've ever seen was Pot5 after the first paid server transfers, but yeah. the two things go hand in hand: popularity & salt/douchery

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it's prevalent on any server that is the "go to" or popular server. the worst I've ever seen was Pot5 after the first paid server transfers, but yeah. the two things go hand in hand: popularity & salt/douchery


I'm on SL and this is NOT a prevalent thing. It exists, but not to the point where it would merrit the 50 forum threads you find here.

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I'm on SL and this is NOT a prevalent thing. It exists, but not to the point where it would merrit the 50 forum threads you find here.


and SL is a backwater server. no offense. the quote is any popular. as in harb or teh at present (for US). popular meaning destination server for pvp. although I think they might be the big overall population atm too.

Edited by foxmob
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I guess I don't see this premade problem on Harbinger during the late hours I play. On rare occasions you'll see the same guildies grouping for several zones, but they come and go like tumble weeds. As far as those who roflstomp the other side and drag it out just to farm dps...I despise those folks as well. My own guild truly doesn't do this. We're objectives players. If we're in a Huttball, for example, where the other team is just derping their butts off and letting us run the ball uncontested we'll just run the ball till we win and get it over with.


Zones like that go fast. We don't get it up to 5 and then just farm. That's just us, though.

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I almost always run with a premade, except when I am playing assassin or operative dps, or if I am healing and no one else in my guild needs a group.


I don't Q with people so that we can roflstomp the other team (Though it does happen from time to time)


I do it so I don't get roflstomped


You see, when I Q solo, there are 7 available slots that are, for the most part, random. Which means 7 potential slots to get someone with less than 500 expertise who has no clue what they are doing.


And at the same time, Murphy's Law makes it so whenever I get idiots on my team (Or a team with no healer) The enemy team will get a nice set of 2-3 sage healers and a tank. Obviously this doesn't always happen, but it happens enough to frustrate me.


My solution is to group with others in my guild, so no matter what I have at least one competent healer on my team, while also reducing the 7 random slots to 4, which is a win win in my mind.


I understand that some guilds run 8-man premades sometimes just to stomp people into the ground (I've been apart of them occasionally, I usually avoid it because it takes too much work to set up) But long gone are the days when it was common to see a full Goof Troop or HVND premade on Harbinger come in and destroy everything.



Now, I do find that most games are a faceroll, one way or another, but I think they should fix the problem by:


-Class balancing. We need it, everyone wants it. Just do it.


-Very basic matchmaking: If there is one or more healers on one team, require the other team to have at least one healer.


I'm calling you on your ********. You don't premade to prevent roflstomps. You premade to cause them. Also you're doing this in solo que so the ******** is 2x as much.


You're a terrible liar.

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Also you're doing this in solo que so the ******** is 2x as much.


The fact that you don't even understand that there is no solo queue for regs speaks volumes about your game knowledge. Instead of blaming premades for your problems, start learning.

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