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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Empire ALWAYS wins Warzones?


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What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?

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What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?


Tbh this is not true. I play on Empire and we don't win as much as you think. I think you're just upset. Try taking a walk for a bit and come back, always works for me. :)

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I definitely think that Empire does better in Huttball simply because they play it more. I play republic and I have done at least 3-4 warzones per day since early access and out of all those I have done huttball maybe 3-4 times. Republic just doesn't get that much experience playing huttball.
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reading the patch notes it just means the light side gets even more screwed, lately seems empire wins every time, now they get increased rewards for winning the losers get less for..well losing, means more people will jump to empire for the increased rewards, which means pvp will die at this rate


not even going to get started with the whole 50 vs 10 thing

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This is where it starts.. "Empire ALWAYS wins"


Next you will want Empire Nerfed because your team cant learn new tactics and how to play. Not something I would air on the forums, I would simply consider talking to your guild about new tactics.


We only get Hutt ball because there's more Empire players Queueing for PVP. In turn we have to PVP with our self.

Edited by Lectro
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What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?



Carried by more high levels seems to be the culprit. I rarely see a 50, or even a high 40 on my team, and the Imp team has mostly 40-50s. Get used to it.

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Just finished a game where the other side had 40+ with mostly l 50 vs random 19 onwards. Guess who won?


Currently pvp is broken. It be may be fixed once everyone reaches l 50 or Bioware copies WoW again and have level ranges.

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Empire wins because of a combination of 2 factors.


Factor #1: The classes are not balanced. Merc/Commando do way too much damage and Sorcerer/Sages are pretty much OP in control/stuns. Their damage is a bit too much as well.


Factor #2: BH and Inquisitors(Specifically Mercs and Sorcs) are SIGNIFICANTLY more popular than their Republic counterparts(Commando and Sages). You will just simply run into way more of the OP classes on Empire than you ever will on Republic.

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It's about half and half on Tarentatek. Of course in Hutt-Ball Empire always wins. :eek:


I'm on Tarentatek and lately I've been seeing a Emp 50 in every match and in many cases multiple 50's.


I USED to have the same experience as you and with any decently coordinated team we would win. Now it's just ugly and it feels more like 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 we win. This deeply troubles me.





This changed over the course of the last week so it's very recent. I am focusing mainly on PVE right now and dipping my hat occasionally back in just to see if it changes lol.

Edited by CommandoPower
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Currently pvp is broken. It be may be fixed once everyone reaches l 50 or Bioware copies WoW, Rift, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan, and every other mmo worth a rats as-s released in the last 6 years again and have level ranges.




WoW isn't the only game with pvp brackets. Get over it.

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I definitely think that Empire does better in Huttball simply because they play it more. I play republic and I have done at least 3-4 warzones per day since early access and out of all those I have done huttball maybe 3-4 times. Republic just doesn't get that much experience playing huttball.


Sorry but, am I missing something? If the Empire plays huttball, doesn't that mean that the Republic is, too?


edit: I've PvPed a lot on two servers so far, not much interest in joining a guild atm, so I go in solo. Empire does seem to win more often than not, but then I have no idea whether or not they're premades.


Long story short, I think the Republic has more solos and the Empire has more grouped.

Edited by Golbez
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Sorry but, am I missing something? If the Empire plays huttball, doesn't that mean that the Republic is, too?


edit: I've PvPed a lot on two servers so far, not much interest in joining a guild atm, so I go in solo. Empire does seem to win more often than not, but then I have no idea whether or not they're premades.


Long story short, I think the Republic has more solos and the Empire has more grouped.


Huttball is the only map where one faction can fight against itself... just sayin


as far as this thread goes.... I think the matches are evenly spread for winning. people who say one class is more op than another have something comin to them... its just not the case... I feel that bioware has done one hell of a job with balance. The problem isnt that empire wins all the time, the problem is empire players get more experience PvPing because there are 3x more of them so huttball is empire land, the other maps... the win/loss ratio is fine... less qq... more pew pew pls.

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I'm sorry, as an Imperial player, I have the exact opposite feeling/experience. Sages seem VERY popular for Republic, at least, Healer spec'd sages. It seems every time I look at the healer board, four out of the top 5 healers seem to be republic. Hard to win matches when you only have 1 healer.


I play on Lord Adraas, so it could be that because it's an RP server, Republic has a better spread of classes than just, 'I wanna be evil and pwn d00dz with my red glow stix and lightningz"


But I feel my win/loss ratio as an imperial is closer to 3/7, or perhaps 4/6 on a good day. Imperials just get out healed.


Huttball does seem to be our game though. when we face Repubs in Huttball, I think you guys don't understand that passing well is the key to winning ;)

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