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A general merge is a horrible idea, unless they find a way to preserve player names.


Enabling inter-server communication (ie, cross realm), is a much better solution.


With player ID-Numbers.





0121#Vader - 0121#Luke

1120#Vader - 1120#Luke

2001#Vader - 2001#Luke



The number is the unique player ID and the character name is temporary often available on server.

With the unique Player ID would be possible to block player all time even if they create a new character. Or add your friends only one in to friend list. :)

The player ID can ingame make hidden or discreetly to see or per right click, mouse-over about character name to see - same in chat by dropdown menu or similar.


I hope you understand me. I am from Austria - Vienna. :)

Edited by romfis
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Hey folks,


By the term "Megaservers" I presume you think we are collapsing multiple servers together into "megaservers." Especially with many of the quality of life features you highlighted. These changes were only designed to allow friends to play together, regardless of their personal playstyle. Now someone who wants to play on a PvP server can play on the same server as their friends who don't want to.


Hope that clears up any confusion.




What I'm getting from this is that it'll be Ultima Online-like (Felucca and Trammel). Each planet, after the Capitol World, will have at least two instances - one for PvE and one for PvP.


If this is the case, then what happens when someone goes into the opposing faction's area in the PvE "world?" Will they still flag and be summarily teleported into the PvP "world?" Or will they remain unflagged and just be attacked by the mobs?


What about Outlaw's Den on the PvE "world?" Will going there automatically teleport you to the PvP "world?" Or will it just become a normal area?

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From what I am understanding, for the most part yes you are correct. However, it may introduce people to your server that have no interest in RP'ing, and out of ignorance may not be respectful to you folks. I am not an RP'er myself, but I do understand that your community takes RP'ing very seriously. You have RP'ing events and things of that nature. It may be nothing, but just speaking in caution for your community, as I've seen some concern on reddit about it.


We already have people that don't like roleplaying on our server. The funny thing is they make the comment in general chat and there is a few of people that say well then why did you chose a roleplay server and most of the times they shut up or if they don't they wind up getting ignored and then they shut up.


Yes, we probably get some more but most of the roleplayers on Ebon Hawk have shown that they can handle people like that so I don't see that changing except maybe a few more being ignored when they are making comments like that.


Ebon Hawk is pretty good and if you don't want to roleplay that is okay but if you start acting like a jerk saying roleplaying shouldn't happen then people do remind them they are playing on a roleplay server.

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I'm not a SME or network ops monkey, but work with enough and have a few national and global server networks to be responsible and pay for. I get that they probably wouldn't recoup much and am figuring it like this: Why do what they're going to do *but* keep dead servers live?


the minute they announce server merges, massively and all the other press will announce it as downsizing, which it is. bad press. they cant afford that

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the minute they announce server merges, massively and all the other press will announce it as downsizing, which it is. bad press. they cant afford that


That is an opinion but I can telling there has been press saying this game is dying since it launched. I think you overestimate the power of bad press or what it would take to kill an MMO. SWTOR is going to be around as long as Disney lets them keep the licensing. You appear to be gasping at straws to try to keep something you don't want. Unless you can give me an example of what you are saying is true with actual data than you just opinions that have no basis in reality. The actual facts


1. Megaservers are the new standard in MMOs. Moving to one would be a sign of upgrading the game.

2. DOwnsizing is when a game doesn't have enough players to fill one serve so it merges to one server. SWTOR has more than enough to fill one server. i fill pretty safe that it has enough to fill two in NA alone.

3. SWTOR numbers are up last quarter some of the highest in years. That wouldn't go with the doom and gloom.

4. New PvP map will also help keep numbers up.

5. Star Wars brand is more popular than ever.

6. People have been posting doom and gloom since a few months after launch. If they go F2P iit was bad new and it would lead to the end of the game. Etc. Last I checked the game is still live and well years later.


Nothing points to what you are saying seem to go with the actual facts. If I wanted to listen to a person spot off about stuff they know nothing about and ignore all the facts I listen to a Trump speech.

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I'm actually more confused than before.

Could someone explain to me exactly what we gonna get now?


You log into your character on like Harbinger for example. Right now this is a PVE server. Some planets have multiple instances for example if one gets too crowded you can go to another one.


After the update, when you log in, Harbinger will not be a PVE only server, it will just be a server. When you go a planet like Balmorra for example, in your map where you would change to a different instance, you can choose if you want to be in a PVE or PVP Instance. If you choose PVP, it will just be as if you were in a PVP server will all the open world PVP to your hearts content. If you choose PVE, then it will be like nothing has changed.

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The potential real casualties are the RP servers, as if they get thrown in with the others, gonna be alot of complaining about PEOPLE NOT BEING RP, or they'd stay isolated.


THERE IS a solution to this. IN ADDITION to the 2 PVP and PVE phases/instances, they CAN add a THIRD or FOURTH instance type too: RP instances (or RP-PVE and RP-PVP instances)


OR just add a flag like the PVP flag, but it being an RP flag. Then NO NON-RP people can show up in chat.

The RP flag should be OPT-IN and NOT OPT-out.

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My question, which may have already been answered, is as follows...


Can players still engage in, or get flagged for PVP in PVE instances? Or is it only possible now in PVP instances?


A good question; I have not seen anything concrete on this either.


As it is, I assume nothing will change on a PVE instance. PVP would be possible, auto flag and griefing etc will still exist. Just if you choose a PVP instance, you will be flagged no matter what.


Unless we're are told otherwise, I think the mechanics are going to be the same.

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Hey folks,


By the term "Megaservers" I presume you think we are collapsing multiple servers together into "megaservers." Especially with many of the quality of life features you highlighted. These changes were only designed to allow friends to play together, regardless of their personal playstyle. Now someone who wants to play on a PvP server can play on the same server as their friends who don't want to.


Hope that clears up any confusion.




Sooooo .... IN OTHER WORDS, all we are getting is NOTHING MORE than just a GLORIFIED NEW PVP FLAG???? because uhhhh .. we ALREADY HAVE a PVP flag :(

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That is an opinion but I can telling there has been press saying this game is dying since it launched. I think you overestimate the power of bad press or what it would take to kill an MMO. SWTOR is going to be around as long as Disney lets them keep the licensing. You appear to be gasping at straws to try to keep something you don't want. Unless you can give me an example of what you are saying is true with actual data than you just opinions that have no basis in reality. The actual facts


1. Megaservers are the new standard in MMOs. Moving to one would be a sign of upgrading the game.

2. DOwnsizing is when a game doesn't have enough players to fill one serve so it merges to one server. SWTOR has more than enough to fill one server. i fill pretty safe that it has enough to fill two in NA alone.

3. SWTOR numbers are up last quarter some of the highest in years. That wouldn't go with the doom and gloom.

4. New PvP map will also help keep numbers up.

5. Star Wars brand is more popular than ever.

6. People have been posting doom and gloom since a few months after launch. If they go F2P iit was bad new and it would lead to the end of the game. Etc. Last I checked the game is still live and well years later.


Nothing points to what you are saying seem to go with the actual facts. If I wanted to listen to a person spot off about stuff they know nothing about and ignore all the facts I listen to a Trump speech.


I really dont care either way, I dont do wz's so que time dont matter to me. The fact is, they are not going to megaservers at this time. they are keeping the servers they have, just changing tasking and functionality. they are not getting rid of the ghost town servers that were pvp, and the situation for those servers wont be getting any better. they are keeping the worst of both worlds for a reason. we might not know what those reasons are, but they arent hard to guess. They arent merging servers to keep EA happy and keep bad press down. they certainly like to crow about how many new subscribers they have and merging servers doesnt feed into that narrative. as long as the empty servers dont cost that much to run, they can stay there and spin.

I am not saying doom and gloom, I am saying dont expect the empty servers to merge any time soon. they can sit there mostly empty perfectly fine by them selves...the cheap transfers were a very smart move, they got people to gather on main servers without a merge...so bw can honestly say they didnt consolidate, players did.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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A good question; I have not seen anything concrete on this either.


As it is, I assume nothing will change on a PVE instance. PVP would be possible, auto flag and griefing etc will still exist. Just if you choose a PVP instance, you will be flagged no matter what.


Unless we're are told otherwise, I think the mechanics are going to be the same.


If that is the case, that would be unfortunate IMO. Though certainly one should expect to get flagged if they attack factional NPCs, and players should still be able to engage in friendly duels, the autoflag from attacking another player should be removed IMO. It should not be possible, under any circumstances, to attack another player, flagged or not, unless you are flagged yourself FIRST.


This would have been a good time to set that in place IMO. A person should have the ability to set a "no pvp" setting, and then they would be venerable to factional NPCs (which they could not attack, but the NPCs could attack them at will).

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I don't get it. You are unifying the servers but not merging them. What's the point of having X low pop servers that have absolutely the same rules? Not to mention that the PvP ones will stay low because they are low not because they are PvP as a lot of the people who specifically wanted PvP servers already moved to the PvE ones because of the population issues and are staying there. Also, even the PvE servers are mostly lacking in population. Please duds, reconsider, merges are something that kind of needs to happen at this point and the more you delay and deny it - they worse.
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ok So i am pretty sure with all the confusion here in this thread alone...you sideways talking community managers need to get an actual developer or get permission to lay out specifics before people over think or and over react to what this really is ... what is your goal what is the "end game" for this concept... is this another way to get people to server swap for a dollar... or is there another part of this plan that will be implemented SOON #trademark#omgwtfiwas theoriginallegolass386#PVPERSARESERIALKILLERS?


Specifics and honesty please...


1> what is the games intent with this system(all of it not just what we want to hear)


2> what is the projected time schedule(make sure to add disclaimers)


3> dont lie, hedge, squirm, or even leave room for speculation. if people leave your game because of it im fairly sure they were gonna leave regardless of what you say or do.(squeezing another 15$ out of folks will not make your game super successful and losing those folks wont kill it{if it does thats another issue})


4> own up to any mistakes made, bugs created, or anything else apologize and fix them... Gamers are critical, but we are still people and understand you are too.


5> be honest


TLDR: specifics or RIOT! LOL

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In other words it's a useless change as it really won't do anything. PvP servers will just opt for the PvP option as 'most' of the people on them want that anyway. The opposite for PvE servers, honestly this is more for new players who want to play with friends but are 'afraid' of the PvP server penalties.
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Hey folks,


By the term "Megaservers" I presume you think we are collapsing multiple servers together into "megaservers." Especially with many of the quality of life features you highlighted. These changes were only designed to allow friends to play together, regardless of their personal playstyle. Now someone who wants to play on a PvP server can play on the same server as their friends who don't want to.


Hope that clears up any confusion.




So you are telling us you make all the preparations needed for megaservers but refuse to do the last step ? Why ? Some servers, especially the pvp servers, are dead. There is no owpvp anyways because lack of population.


Most people staying at the dead servers do this for one single reason: They don't want to lose their guild effort (guild bank, flagship, guild SH).


Maybe the changes will bring some more people to the dead servers over time, we will see, but please consider a server merge, or at least some help transferring the guild efforts to another server.

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Ok, so after playing with it on PTS, it works pretty much like I expected.


It just replaces the PVP toggle. Instead of flag/unflag for PVE/PVP, you switch which instance you're in for the zone.


The interesting thing is that, when I went to an area that should have flagged me for PVP, it didn't, I stayed in the PVE instance. This has implications for things like Conquest, as it means I can now march into an opposing faction base and kill guards and the opposite faction players won't be able to do a damn thing about it.

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In other words it's a useless change as it really won't do anything. PvP servers will just opt for the PvP option as 'most' of the people on them want that anyway. The opposite for PvE servers, honestly this is more for new players who want to play with friends but are 'afraid' of the PvP server penalties.


It also gives incentive for those on dead PVP servers to move to a more populated PVE server, while still retaining their style of play

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It also gives incentive for those on dead PVP servers to move to a more populated PVE server, while still retaining their style of play


Doubt it. People are too tied to names and paying money to move onto a server where you have no friends isn't much incentive. I can see where you are going with it but I doubt it will do much good in the long run. The better solution is to make cross server instances and be done with it.

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Doubt it. People are too tied to names and paying money to move onto a server where you have no friends isn't much incentive. I can see where you are going with it but I doubt it will do much good in the long run. The better solution is to make cross server instances and be done with it.


Depends. With being able to add spaces into your name also coming at the same time as the PVE/PVP instances, that will probably settle the naming issue at the same time.


I don't disagree that cross server instancing is the right way to go (which should be evident from my other posts in this thread), but this is a small step in the right direction.

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So great. No mergers. Just F'ing great. :mad:


Unless I pay to move all 14 of my characters over to a more populated server, I'm stuck on Bastion which is now one of the deadest servers in the game. On top of that, if I choose to go where everyone else has already moved to, or is planning to move to, I lose all 4 of my strongholds. I don't mind the cost as much to move my characters, would be nice of course if it was free via a server merge, or if there was a feature to move all of them at once at a reduced bulk rate, but the cost of losing all 4 of my strongholds, upon which I will have to repurchase and re unlock and redecorate, is where it hurts the most.


Why would anyone new want to create a new character on a dead server such as Bastion, when they can create a new character on an active server such as Harbinger, where both servers are now identical, and both are pve and pvp?


This idea about 'now you can play on a server your friend is on and not worry about it being a pve or pvp server' is just plain stupid. If your friend is on Bastion, then they probably are pretty miserable and wish they were are on a more active server. If you're that great a friend and do end up creating a new character on that dead server then you both will end up being miserable because it's still a dead server.

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Unless I pay to move all 14 of my characters over to a more populated server, I'm stuck on Bastion which is now one of the deadest servers in the game. On top of that, if I choose to go where everyone else has already moved to, or is planning to move to, I lose all 4 of my strongholds. I don't mind the cost as much to move my characters, would be nice of course if it was free via a server merge, or if there was a feature to move all of them at once at a reduced bulk rate, but the cost of losing all 4 of my strongholds, upon which I will have to repurchase and re unlock and redecorate, is where it hurts the most.


It's actually not that bad. Since your Strongholds are Legacy attached, you don't actually lose everything. You do have to pay the initial cost to unlock them again, as if you had deactivated them, but once you do that, all your rooms are still unlocked. Will have to redecorate though.


You keep all your other legacy unlocks too, so you won't have to hunt down all the datacrons, for example.

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If we're losing servers I'm going to lose a lot of characters plus my 4 guilds that I run. If that happens, SWTOR will lose me.


* facepalm*


I'm not part of BW Dev team at all. Regardless, I'm able to clear this up for you. If they were to ever merge the servers, you would not lose your characters or guilds. Source: single iota of common sense.


I'm very disappointed to realize these new changes apparently aren't a harbringer for some serious server merging after all. It is understandable why people would read such message from " between the lines". I certainly did. It would have been quite a boon for pvp at least.


I don't have slightest of clue wth Musco's comment about " friends being able to play together" is supposed to mean. Despite not understanding it, I find it utterly hilarious, considering how determined KOTFE era TOR has been in flaying the "MM "out of their MMO. Friends playing together indeed.

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