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i've noticed not all companions are equal w/ the changes..


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some are missing skills that others have... off the top of my head HK-51 in tank stance doesn't have a mitigation cooldown making him far squishier then other comps in tank stance that i've tried


i find it confusing considering... wasn't the goal of homogenizing the companions was so every comp could be used if u so desired

Edited by Divinehero
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original tank companions are better at tanking and holding agro


original healer companions are better at healing


original dps companions are better at dps


force users heals tick one more time than tech user companions


tech power and force power is different. force power companions have higher power ratings


unique companion abilities have been removed. so those that purchased or unlocked via CC treek and HK on all characters are ignored. everyone can get them and these companions are the same as other companions. Lokin lost his rakghoul abilities and other companions no longer use their original pre-4.0 weapons.


4.0 screwed up companions because gearing a companion was deemed hard :rak_02:

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. Lokin lost his rakghoul abilities


If you put Lokin in DPS mode he's a Melee Rakghoul. :rak_03:


But other than that, you're right. Main character gearing was simplified. But companion gearing .... might confuse a stupid person. - Even if it WAS EXACTLY THE £$^%"^$% SAME.


Apparently some special snowflake couldn't figure out how tabs worked on the character sheet, and cried. Ahhhh....

:eek: Which meant all those charming features that made them distinctive, were swept aside.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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If you put Lokin in DPS mode he's a Melee --------. :rak_03:.



I believe in tanking stance as well. Honestly, making it something that only triggers automatically in combat is also a good way to prevent spoilers, as I saw someone walking around on fleet with his secret out before I'd gotten that far in the agent story and it killed what would have been a brilliant surprise.


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For the most part, I like the idea behind the companion changes and level sync. However, I think both need some fairly serious work on the follow-thru.


I mean... I don't like that DPS & Heal companions have 150% (or more?) health than my Tank characters... and Tank comps are even healthier... who's the hero here?


It shouldn't be that difficult to build companions with stats based on the characters. I mean, DPS and Healing characters, give them 75 - 90% health as players, and damage reduction, mitigation, and an aggro drop. Tank characters should have between 100 - 120% health as players, plus mitigations (obviously higher defense, etc, means less health).


...also, abilities should be put into pools. Tech Melee, Tech Range, Force Melee, Force Channel... and companions could be stocked with abilities from these pools. Don't have to invent the wheel every time, but enough variety so that Lord Scourge (tank) feels different than Khem Val (tank).

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I think that some of the unique skills they had before the change should be reintroduced, something to make each one unique.


Like certain ones will have powerful heals no matter what stance they are in, or perhaps an assassinate ability (HK). Blizz and his huge cannon animation comes to mind.


They could even, perhaps, give us back the vertical companion bar if they added one or two unique abilities per companion.

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It beats being stuck with Quinn or Doc if I want a healing companion. I'll take all my companions being the same if it means I get to take who I want along with me in whatever role I wish.


i'm not complaining about the homogenization itself i'm commenting on the fact that despite this some comps can't effectively fill every role

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I think that some of the unique skills they had before the change should be reintroduced, something to make each one unique.


Like certain ones will have powerful heals no matter what stance they are in, or perhaps an assassinate ability (HK). Blizz and his huge cannon animation comes to mind.


They could even, perhaps, give us back the vertical companion bar if they added one or two unique abilities per companion.


The problem (though whether it is a problem is debatable) is that when you have differences, some end up better than others. If each companion had one or two unique abilities, without fail there would be companions who are the most optimal at a certain job. Therefore, that character becomes the only "correct" choice in any given encounter. That's exactly the scenario they're trying to avoid--for good reason.


I'd say the first primary focus should be fixing companions so that they're 100% equivalent. Force and Tech users doing the same amount of healing for example. Once those numbers are set, then you can start doing fun stuff with the animations. Tharan's stun being holiday and Lokin's Rakghoul transformation are two examples of this being done properly. I'd be down for seeing more like those: the moves are the same, but they have different flavors.


Put simpler, I'd prefer all companions to be functionally the same but with different animations, like what we see with the Imperial and Republic mirror classes.

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