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Has anyone held off on KotFE til confirmed companion return?


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I'm just wondering if anyone's held off on starting the KotFE chapters on their character until they know if/when their companion or LI returns?


I've only just now brought my Trooper through all of it at the announcement of Chapter 11. My BH is still taking it very very slow in anticipation of her man returning and so's my 2nd Agent who's hopelessly devoted to Vector.


I know there's the "gimme my peeps back now!" terminal but I'd really rather wait until they actually return via story.

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More than you know.


I wait until dulfy's story guides get released to safely plot a course through kotfe chapters to minimize crew losses and maximize positive gains. (like influence)


[Chapters 1-9] dulfy.net/2015/10/20/swtor-knights-of-the-fallen-empire-quest-and-story-guide/

[Chapter 10] dulfy.net/2016/02/10/swtor-chapter-10-anarchy-in-paradise-story-guide/


Here's an example:


Agent Only Trigger: Kaliyo meeting you


  1. What’s going on
  2. It’s really good to see you – Kaliyo approves
  3. We never did get along – Kaliyo disapproves


Dufly's story guide will also warn you of critical decisions that might have an impact later on, or risk of someone dying.

Edited by Falensawino
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I play this game for a really nice story, so I don't really care for waiting until x or y companion returns, I do look forwards to their return though but its not going to stop me playing, I expect all will make a return/appearance sooner or later, I am still going to need to have gotten through the kotfe content anyway so I may as well play on release.
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Yes. The new companions don't interest me at all because I can't customize them and I don't like having an empty starship.


Star ship remains empty doesn't it? I can't actually quite remember now because the few characters that did get someone back.. well I usually use the companion book to 'travel to', or my fleet pass or head to my SH. I've barely actually gone anywhere with my ship since arriving on Odessen. I'm with you though, my ship 'feels' eerily quiet and cold without my people there. =\


My Smuggler was one of my first characters to go through all of KotFE, wish I'd done my research because as much as she adores Theron.. she feels lonely as hell without her people.

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Star ship remains empty doesn't it? I can't actually quite remember now because the few characters that did get someone back.. well I usually use the companion book to 'travel to', or my fleet pass or head to my SH. I've barely actually gone anywhere with my ship since arriving on Odessen. I'm with you though, my ship 'feels' eerily quiet and cold without my people there. =\


My Smuggler was one of my first characters to go through all of KotFE, wish I'd done my research because as much as she adores Theron.. she feels lonely as hell without her people.


Yes the ship is empty but I did get an HK-51 after starting KotFE and it showed up. So it's just me and HK-51 cruising the galaxy now. Have to admit having that 'travel to' function is great though.

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I'm just wondering if anyone's held off on starting the KotFE chapters on their character until they know if/when their companion or LI returns?


I've only just now brought my Trooper through all of it at the announcement of Chapter 11. My BH is still taking it very very slow in anticipation of her man returning and so's my 2nd Agent who's hopelessly devoted to Vector.


I know there's the "gimme my peeps back now!" terminal but I'd really rather wait until they actually return via story.


The companion issue is one of the big reasons why I've never touched KotFE.

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Again, I don't get this. You can get the back via a terminal after completing chapter 9.

Exactly what I thought.


If you're using your ship to travel places at Lv.65 you're doing it wrong LOL.

Only time I use it is for my characters to go to Ziost.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Again, I don't get this. You can get them back via a terminal after completing chapter 9.


1) this isn't a single mission where you're stuck with a particular comp or can't use your comps, it's 9 "chapters" of content.


2) in some cases, you're just getting them back as "combat pets" -- in total disconnect with the story, etc.

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I've done one character through everything currently released, used the terminal to get my companions, and will not be running any other of my 30+ characters through KotFE.


I'd rather roll another alt and run any of the original launch stories than play through KotFE again.

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I'm going to run Kotfe only with 1 character to see story. Don't really care about any of the companions and besides they all function same now. Not going to bother doing any of the alliance recruits either.


Most annoying thing in this kotfe crap is that BW forces me to take companions. I'd rather have option to refuse or accept them. I would killed Kaliyo instantly and same fate would wait Aric and maybe other comps yet to come.

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Those that are talking about a 'terminal' to get your companions back...


What terminal?


Which companions?


I'm confused by this, thought they only ones that you could get after starting KOTFE were the ones unlocked via the crew/alliance alerts and main story.

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Those that are talking about a 'terminal' to get your companions back...


What terminal?


Which companions?


I'm confused by this, thought they only ones that you could get after starting KOTFE were the ones unlocked via the crew/alliance alerts and main story.


There is a terminal I believe in your alliance stronghold on Odessen where you can obtain class specific companions of which class you're playing on back instead of waiting for them to return VIA alliance alerts or story missions in KOTFE. They basically return as they were prior to KOTFE, and that's all it is to basically fight along side you or to be used for crew skills you won't have any story interaction with them if you had left any of that un-done.


Edit: I found this video that may or may not be of some use on the subject:

It shows the location in your alliance stronghold in which the terminal lies. Edited by Lil_Fusion
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I'm just wondering if anyone's held off on starting the KotFE chapters on their character until they know if/when their companion or LI returns?

I'm not. :)

I'm in the process now of taking my 14th character through KoFE. On one of them - sith assassin - I used the terminal in the Alliance headquarters to get Ashara back ahead of time, just to see how it went. But overall, I'm more interested to see when they show up in the story.

Funny thing is, when my IA met up with Kaliyo, she was apparently already a love interest although I don't recall [flirt]'ing with her. :)


P.S. After taking my first few main characters through KoFE, it doesn't take long to "spacebar" through the rest. :p

Edited by JediQuaker
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Those that are talking about a 'terminal' to get your companions back...


What terminal?


Which companions?


I'm confused by this, thought they only ones that you could get after starting KOTFE were the ones unlocked via the crew/alliance alerts and main story.


There is a circular terminal in your Alliance base in the same little bedroom where you periodically click on the Commander Datapads. (There's a protocol Droid sweeping the floor perpetually.) The terminal doesn't glow, but you can R-click it. It gives you multiple warnings and will only let you retrieve one companion at a time, but it's fairly straightforward. You get whoever you want from your original crew back, and it won't interfere with any future "storywise" reunion.

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There is a terminal I believe in your alliance stronghold on Odessen where you can obtain class specific companions of which class you're playing on back instead of waiting for them to return VIA alliance alerts or story missions in KOTFE. They basically return as they were prior to KOTFE, and that's all it is to basically fight along side you or to be used for crew skills you won't have any story interaction with them if you had left any of that un-done.


Edit: I found this video that may or may not be of some use on the subject:

It shows the location in your alliance stronghold in which the terminal lies.


thank you!

I'm going to be testing that out when I am able to get back in game.

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