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PvP needs a mercy rule


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When one team is winning by a large margin the game is over faster. Isn't that mercy?

The only thing worse than defeat is slow, dragging defeat. I am not really interested in an extended match to see if a team can recover. Accept defeat and move on.


If you don't like being farmed, stick together and help each other.

Edited by Jessabeans
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Last night in PvP, I was in an arena and we completely stomped the other side (kinda hard to avoid in an arena when the fight lasts 45 seconds).


For the second round, I let the other side kill me. They still lost, I was the only death on my team.


I then typed in PvP chat "nice try guys, it gets better, keep working at it and get that PvP gear".


I was trying to be a gracious winner rather than a bully. So I do practice what I preach. :) (for whatever that is worth)


I'd rather people fight full strength, but genially respected people's efforts to fight back, even if their ability is far, far, far lesser. It's the s*****ring, the spits, the trash-talk that I object to. Someone sitting it out to make a match 3 vs 3 instead of 3 vs 4, or the guys doing 1 vs 1 duels when they pull 1 vs 4 - that's an offer of respect.


Charity and "letting them" is not needed. One knows that s/he faces a real champion when s/he does not feel any shame in losing, no matter how badly.


A real champion's grace is in projecting confidence that does not need a validation by humiliating others, and that extends to the loser and makes the loser want to be better, not to take revenge on the guy, but to be more like him/her.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I would like to see a mercy button in PvP. If one side is just shutting out the other, let people click it. If more than 50% of the members of the team click it, then the match ends early.


Anyone in this thread ever consider how badly exploitable a surrender option could be in PvP.


There are reports of people win trading, not leaving spawn, suicide in galactic starfighter for conquest points, anything imaginable to make their pvp battles as short as possible to reward maximum amount of conquest points


there are several guilds(more than one. Only know two for sure) that have been suiciding in GSF just to score quick conquest points


full thread: reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/46x2gg/abuse_of_gsf_in_conquest/




someone on the first page of this thread did mention potential for abuse

While I like the idea of this in theory, it would be a mess in practice. People would likely abuse it to no end, etc., particularly if there were no penalties for pressing the button.

someone on page 3

It can't be player initiated because then it will just be exploited. But it also can't be automated, in case of false-positive situations where you can actually turn it around but the game doesn't see it that way.

page 4 briefly mentioned gsf abuse

In GSF a person can self-destruct repeatedly, speeding up the match and denying the opposition the inflated kill count/records.

page 5

1) This rule would be exploited for daily/weekly/companion missions.

page 5

There is an idea there - but just too open to abuse.

Team of 4, "mercy" number of times in a row, weekly completed in 10 minutes.

Edited by Falensawino
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Anyone in this thread ever consider how badly exploitable a surrender option could be in PvP.


There are reports of people win trading, not leaving spawn, suicide in galactic starfighter for conquest points, anything imaginable to make their pvp battles as short as possible to reward maximum amount of conquest points


Have to agree with this post.


Such a feature would be ecploited, and exploited HARD.


Keep the rose tinted glasses on if you want but for every one of you who wouldnt cheat, there are a bunch who will. The rampantly abused credit exploits, ravager/cortani exoloits and the above mentioned win trading show this.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Have to agree with this post.


Such a feature would be ecploited, and exploited HARD.


Keep the rose tinted glasses on if you want but for every one of you who wouldnt cheat, there are a bunch who will. The rampantly abused credit exploits, ravager/cortani exoloits and the above mentioned win trading show this.

Not if it required 8 votes it wouldn't.

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I've been in the coast where it is one team was owning the other team down the last 2% but was over cocky by trying to get the 3rd one and end up losing the match.


Last week I was Alderanaa and got to point where we need 3 cap to win. The other team got cocky and we got 3 cap and won.


Even the worse matches can be won if the other team gets cocky.

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To what gain? 8 medals and 100 wz comms? If people are so cheap that they'd win-trade for that, oh, boy, let them. They must really need it. Any win-trade that requires a full group to participate is not a bad thing, as it stops victimizing the poor honest guys trying to pug against all odds. Edited by DomiSotto
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This reminds me of a "cotton wool" rule that was implemented in my local council for school football (soccer for you yanks). If the score ever got to 6-0, they would be reset back to 0-0 and play would continue. This made for some exciting games, since the winning team would halt at 5-0 and try to just hold the ball (it's great watching someone just stand in the corner with the ball), because if they scored again, it would be classed as a draw. The opposition saw the immediate flaw as well, and if the game was at 5-0 with a couple of minutes to go, they would score an own goal, forcing the score to 6-0, and thereby gaining a draw.


Yeah, it was an exciting 2 weeks before the rule was scrapped.

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This reminds me of a "cotton wool" rule that was implemented in my local council for school football (soccer for you yanks). If the score ever got to 6-0, they would be reset back to 0-0 and play would continue. This made for some exciting games, since the winning team would halt at 5-0 and try to just hold the ball (it's great watching someone just stand in the corner with the ball), because if they scored again, it would be classed as a draw. The opposition saw the immediate flaw as well, and if the game was at 5-0 with a couple of minutes to go, they would score an own goal, forcing the score to 6-0, and thereby gaining a draw.


Yeah, it was an exciting 2 weeks before the rule was scrapped.

I am of a generation that predates participation trophies. In fact, my generation predates the shot clock in NCAA basketball. I remember teams would be up 40-35 in the second half of a game and the coach (most notoriously, Dean Smith at North Carolina) would implement the "Four Corners" offense ... which is just what it sounds like. Four players, each standing in one corner of the front court, with the fifth player near the foul line. The players would just pass the ball around, often killing several minutes of game clock before the losing team would start fouling players. Of course, back in the old, old days, fouling did the losing team no good. Any non-shooting foul was simply an inbounded ball for the winning team ... and the Four Corners would start anew. It was a riveting spectacle to behold ... so exciting that college basketball eventually adopted "bonus" free throws once a team fouls too many times and the shot clock.
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I've been in the coast where it is one team was owning the other team down the last 2% but was over cocky by trying to get the 3rd one and end up losing the match.


Last week I was Alderanaa and got to point where we need 3 cap to win. The other team got cocky and we got 3 cap and won.


Even the worse matches can be won if the other team gets cocky.


Yes, that happens, but it is the rare exception. I've been part of such matches and they are sweet, but they are way outside the mean.

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This reminds me of a "cotton wool" rule that was implemented in my local council for school football (soccer for you yanks). If the score ever got to 6-0, they would be reset back to 0-0 and play would continue. This made for some exciting games, since the winning team would halt at 5-0 and try to just hold the ball (it's great watching someone just stand in the corner with the ball), because if they scored again, it would be classed as a draw. The opposition saw the immediate flaw as well, and if the game was at 5-0 with a couple of minutes to go, they would score an own goal, forcing the score to 6-0, and thereby gaining a draw.


Yeah, it was an exciting 2 weeks before the rule was scrapped.


Surely if they'd thought it through the 6-0 would reset to 1-0 to prevent abuse... but I guess that's the point of the example. They didn't think it through.

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...in this day and age of crying about bullies...

100 to nothing is not a basketball game, it is one team being a bunch of bullies to the other team.

Called it :cool:


In business, in pro sports, and even in war, give it all you've got and win. But even in those cases, when the other team cries mercy, give it to them. Even in war, when one side surrenders, you're not supposed to shoot them.


It is inhumane, as is beating up a bunch of high school kids playing basketball, or kids playing an online game that is completely lopsided.

You seriously just compared getting beat in a ball game - or even a video game - to war crimes. :rolleyes:


"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back!"

As someone whose Legacy is based on Firefly (my main impside toon is named "Yosaffbrij"), this quote brought a smile to my face : )


He is decent, not the best player on the team, but his team is one of the best in the local league. When they play, if the score ever gets more than 20 points apart, they turn off the scoreboard and just let the kids play, knowing that it is clear who won. I also like the fact that my son's coach tells the kids "when we're winning, let the other kids shoot baskets without blocking them, be a good sport".

smdh... That's not even... *sigh*


...while not being bullies and beating up on the other kids and running up the score...

Seriously, you treat it like the winning team literally choke-slammed and tea-bagged the losers, then took their lunch money. Kids these days need to toughen the eff up. Losing is a fact of life. Raising kids like this is just gonna keep them unprepared when they actually do lose something and no one's there to hold their hand for it.


*Mutters something about a lawn*


When one team is winning by a large margin the game is over faster. Isn't that mercy?

The only thing worse than defeat is slow, dragging defeat. I am not really interested in an extended match to see if a team can recover. Accept defeat and move on.


If you don't like being farmed, stick together and help each other.

The nicest way I've seen it put yet : )


Charity and "letting them" is not needed. One knows that s/he faces a real champion when s/he does not feel any shame in losing, no matter how badly.


A real champion's grace is in projecting confidence that does not need a validation by humiliating others, and that extends to the loser and makes the loser want to be better, not to take revenge on the guy, but to be more like him/her.

Very well said, Domi :)

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To what gain? 8 medals and 100 wz comms? If people are so cheap that they'd win-trade for that, oh, boy, let them. They must really need it. Any win-trade that requires a full group to participate is not a bad thing, as it stops victimizing the poor honest guys trying to pug against all odds.

Agreed Domi. If 16 players are "win trading", they'd be destroying in regs anyway.

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What ISN'T fun is when the score is 600 to 0 when playing the snow/mid/grass turrets, or when it is 100% to 0% on shielded turrets. It isn't fun for the losers and it shouldn't be fun for the winners. Anyone who takes joy and glee from complete shutouts has personal issues IMHO.

That would describe the majority of PvPers.

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Players would exploit this system to get dailies/weeklies done in minutes


You just want to be able to quit Warzones and still get credit for participating. no, just no.


Where did he mention this? All I been seeing him go on about is trying to find the moral decency of people in there heart to not completely curb stomp the other team and give them mercy. Some can argue that fighting to the finish and your hardest is better, but I never so far seen him go "I want rewards for quitting early" yet, and I apologize if he did and I missed it.

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Where did he mention this? All I been seeing him go on about is trying to find the moral decency of people in there heart to not completely curb stomp the other team and give them mercy. Some can argue that fighting to the finish and your hardest is better, but I never so far seen him go "I want rewards for quitting early" yet, and I apologize if he did and I missed it.


I did not once mention rewards. I frankly care less about the rewards and more about having fun. I have multiple toons with full 208 PvP gear, what do I need more dailies/weeklies/comms for? I don't care about conquest anymore, now that I have galactic conquer, and frankly, since you can't do multiple FP in a day on the same toon for conquest points (well, 2 I guess, 1 hard mode, 1 tatical), then perhaps the solution is to only give credit for 1 or 2 warzones a day?


Anyway, the rewards are secondary to the behavior and options within warzones.


As it is, I almost never leave warzones, but when it is a curb stomp, I will find myself a place to hide in the corner and come read the forums until it is over. If the enemy finds me, I just /stuck it and then go hide somewhere else after the 30 second timer.


Some people will say "just leave then if you're not going to play". Yea, thanks but no thanks, I'll take the credits and the tag for the match and do nothing. Aren't you so glad there is no mercy option? :D

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How do you fairly and properly do this in a automated system, and implement it in a way that can't be abused? I have been in several matches that started out completely lopsided that looked like certain defeat, but we pulled it out and won. Under a mercy rule we would have received a loss.
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