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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operative's too long stun


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Just arrived here after really veeery annoying warzone, in which i witnessed 2 times about the fact operative class needs serious nerf (at least about their stun)!

Guys from Bioware its completely unfair that 1 class can stun pylon guardian in duration as long as it needs to overtake pylon! Its unfair because any other class can do it, and also, team which gets more operatives then another one actually has higher chance to win!

What about little game/class - balancing, it wont be bad idea... :p

First step - nerf operative's stun to 5 sec, or im deleting.

Edited by ForceOfFinland
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Just arrived here after really veeery annoying warzone, in which i witnessed 2 times about the fact operative class needs serious nerf (at least about their stun)!

Guys from Bioware its completely unfair that 1 class can stun pylon guardian in duration as long as it needs to overtake pylon! Its unfair because any other class can do it, and also, team which gets more operatives then another one actually has higher chance to win!

What about little game/class - balancing, it wont be bad idea... :p

First step - nerf operative's stun to 5 sec, or im deleting.


complain about sins, they can do it too and have better damage

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No, we cant do it, and yes we have high damage burst, but this thing is less dirty then operative's overlong stun which ruins every ancient hypergate warzone! :p


Yes, sin can and do sapcap just as easily as operatives.


L2P and get that call out as soon as the first stun happens, don't break the first stun. Move away from the pylon so the stun wears off before the cap can complete. If the operative or sin has to move away from the pylon to stun you, he has to move back to it to capture it.

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Btw stun caps are the most satsifying. I love doing it with my sentinel. Force choke then awe... Could probably do it with my guardian too. I did it once with my sniper after an op failed to cap. The guard had no cc break. Edited by chosonman
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All classes can easily counter one person trying to sap cap. If you stand far away enough from node where you can still interrupt a cap but are far enough so that travel time will stop a full cap before sap wears off, they will have to kill you before taking the node.


EDIT: Referring to the 10m mezzes or centered on self/target mezzes

Edited by Quarast
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All classes can easily counter one person trying to sap cap. If you stand far away enough from node where you can still interrupt a cap but are far enough so that travel time will stop a full cap before sap wears off, they will have to kill you before taking the node.


Sssshh... You gonna make it harder to sap cap if you start teaching people how to play.

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just arrived here after really veeery annoying warzone, in which i witnessed 2 times about the fact operative class needs serious nerf (at least about their stun)!

Guys from bioware its completely unfair that 1 class can stun pylon guardian in duration as long as it needs to overtake pylon! Its unfair because any other class can do it, and also, team which gets more operatives then another one actually has higher chance to win!

What about little game/class - balancing, it wont be bad idea... :p

first step - nerf operative's stun to 5 sec, or im deleting.


thanks for the reminder i'm bored as hell with this game and should pick up op again


also l2p

Edited by Joesixxpack
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No, we cant do it, and yes we have high damage burst, but this thing is less dirty then operative's overlong stun which ruins every ancient hypergate warzone! :p


first of all, sins ARE better for it than ops. although both can do it.


in addition to having the same ability to break combat and reapply a mezz from stealth, the sins have a in combat mezz (that can even be instant cast!) from 30m away. they also have a more effective movement buff. they can place PW on the node. walk 40m to the guards. sap him. then PW to the node to instantly begin the channel. that's always faster and more accurate than an op trying to do it with roll.


as for the map itself, I agree that it's stupid that either class has a sap that lasts longer than the actual channel for the node.


All classes can easily counter one person trying to sap cap. If you stand far away enough from node where you can still interrupt a cap but are far enough so that travel time will stop a full cap before sap wears off, they will have to kill you before taking the node.


EDIT: Referring to the 10m mezzes or centered on self/target mezzes


using PW and the cast WW, I'd say a sin wins that every time against certain classes (sniper, of course, can entrench, and sorc has 2 breaks with barrier, but merc? not so much)

Edited by foxmob
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All classes can easily counter one person trying to sap cap. If you stand far away enough from node where you can still interrupt a cap but are far enough so that travel time will stop a full cap before sap wears off, they will have to kill you before taking the node.


EDIT: Referring to the 10m mezzes or centered on self/target mezzes


I gave up trying to explain this to people.

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Tho he about operative kyte and he was stunlocked to death. Atm as node guarder oper>sin, deal with it. The last duel event shows how sins are better, there is was only 1 sin. If about deception they are slighty better in 4*4 DPS and healer + 3 DPS solo ranked than concealment and nothing more, coz oper afraid 2 stunlocks in a row, but sins afraid to be tunneled. Edited by helpmewin
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Yep, the solution is to not stand on the node. If I see somebody on my team solo guarding and standing on the node, I'll ask them to swap with me (exception: VG/PT because of shoulder cannon). No problem. I play Mara/Sent, and even I can prevent most caps. The exception is when there are two stealth - one caps and the other saps.
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I usually try to self-express by typing "stlth" but I notice it gets filtered out more and more often by an unfathomable reason. I will try the line on virtue. That might get people interested.


That's said, I once mezzed a Sin that came to take an Alderaan turret from my merc. I felt out of sorts. I was wondering where we went wrong.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I usually try to self-express by typing "stlth" but I notice it gets filtered out more and more often by an unfathomable reason. I will try the line on virtue. That might get people interested.

Well, I might've lied and only say "SAPPED NODE". The full line is worth a shot though. Particularly if you have a female char to help mobilize neckbeard reinforcements.


That's said' date=' I once mezzed a Sin that came to take an Alderaan turret from my merc. It felt all wrong. I was wondering where we went wrong.[/quote']

Nice. I'll bet the screw up made him start chewing on his mouse cable.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Nice. I'll bet the screw up made him start chewing on his mouse cable.


I think he's got the general idea that his AC is good at taking offnodes, but missed the part of the memo where it tells you that you got to be in stealth. The guy was greener than that grass I was holding. It's just was funny to mezz a Sin on a turret. I don't stand a chance against an actual Sin player.

Edited by DomiSotto
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No, we cant do it, and yes we have high damage burst, but this thing is less dirty then operative's overlong stun which ruins every ancient hypergate warzone! :p


i'll bite. actually you have 2:

cloak+mind conrol


feel free to uninstall


bonus classes with a 8'' mez:






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Yep, a few examples in my streams and videos. I have notepad filled with call outs, copy and paste into chat while loading into the War Zone. Ready for a quick double press of the ENTER key. The call is made when I need help or when others need assistance. It's good to keep an eye on off nodes or where the enemy is/isn't during a match.


If the calls need swapped say from east to west, I have already selected my west call out for a quick alt+tab out and copy. Run the game in windowed (full screen) mode for quick alt+tab to desktop


I have notepad in my streams because players called it hacks and macros when they saw my unique call outs and how quick they pop up. Unfortunately not everyone is on voice Comms.


At 7:19 in that video you can see my first call to -= SNOW =- even though I'm Mid, I know it will be busy. Throughout that match I double tap enter to get those calls out, then when I have a chance ctrl+V to paste it into chat. Click on a play in the ops frame to get out of chat. Just an example of how quick those calls can come. That alone can be a huge advantage for your team. Do this and when you get sapped or stunned, instead of clicking on stun break, double tab enter so your prefiled call out is sent to your team. The sooner that call goes out the sooner your team mates can respond.


My sapcap videos show how easy it is to use sleepdart and debilitate to get players to use stun break too early. I will flashbang you and take advantage of the situation. Sins will do the same thing. No one is over powered. It's a learn to play mechanic. Use it to your advantage.

Edited by knowmyname
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I would speak the truth and call out the thread creator for what he is, but I would probably receive a warning/ban if I did.


you mean he's a baddie and doesnt know his class nor does he have common sense when guarding a node?

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