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Is this computer powerful enough to play swtor flawlessly?


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I am planning on buying a new gaming computer. I am planning on getting the alienware desktop in this link. http://www.dell.com/us/p/alienware-x51-r3/pd?oc=dpcwxy02h&model_id=alienware-x51-r3


The computer I am currently using is Lenovo y510p. here is the link for that. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834313583


So can I expect to see a significant improvement on the new desktop compared to the Lenovo laptop? Will this game likely be lag free on the new computer?

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1. Newly bought desktop PC will always perform better than laptop

2. This game uses old hero engine which is modified heavily and has problems when there are a lot action on screen or players same area. Doesnt matter how expensive your PC is it will struggle in certain moments.

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SWTOR is very CPU intensive. The i5-6400 in the Alienware is a lot better than the CPU in that laptop. Gameplay should be smooth in most areas. (There will be fps drops in some areas, but all CPUs suffer that.)

The R9 370 will get you mid-high graphics settings. The SLI graphics in the laptop may actually be capable of higher settings. The optional GTX-960 might be worthwhile.


P.S. Most MMOs - not just SWTOR - are very CPU heavy. While there is no current consumer CPU that won't have fps drops in crowded areas, warzones, and OPs, having a good CPU - which basically means a recent gen desktop quad-core Intel i5 - will get you the best results.

Edited by JediQuaker
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So can I expect to see a significant improvement on the new desktop compared to the Lenovo laptop? Will this game likely be lag free on the new computer?


Will it be faster? Yes.


Will it be massively faster? Meh... maybe...


Just being a desktop will help, the clocks are faster, the GPU is faster, etc. But your existing laptop isn't "old" and it has a dedicated GPU which isn't terrible.


That Alienware is expensive for what it is, upgrade it to what it should be and it is really expensive.


$850 for a system with a basic $100 ish video card and hard drive? No SSD at that price? You're paying a massive Dell Alienware tax for a shiny case that doesn't get you anything.


Lenovo IdeaCentre 700-25ISH ($930)



This system includes a SSD boot drive (and the 1TB HDD for data), and a FAR superior GPU in the GTX 960. It also has a far superior CPU, the i7-6700 at 3.4GHz (turbo to 4.0GHz) vs. the i5-6400 at 2.7 GHz (Turbo to 3.3GHz).




Note: You can build yourself a better desktop than any of these of course, but not everyone is inclined to build their own, so if you want to buy, the above Lenovo system is a good place to compare and start shopping.


Side note: If you don't care about SSD and want cheap, try this:


ASUS M32CD - $450



That system is almost exactly the same as the Alienware:





AC Wi-Fi


Buy this card and add it, will take you 15 min:


EVGA GTX 950 - $150



That card comes with an adapter to convert the 2 MOLEX power cables inside the ASUS machine to one PCI-E power cable, it is the most card I'd run in that machine, but it'll be enough for modest gaming at 1080p.


So for $600 total, you get the same basic computer as the Alienware, for $250 less.


If you think you want to go higher on the GPU, then don't get that ASUS machine, it lacks the space and cooling and power supply for more GPU than that, but it is the "less expensive option".


If you want to spend more:


CYBERPOWERPC Gamer Xtreme GXi9100A - $866



Gets you more or less the same thing as above, but comes ready to go. The plus side is that it will include a better case and probably better power supply.

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I didnt look at the PC specs because i wanted to share my experience to those who say it wont run the game perfectly.


I bought an alienware 17 laptop 3 weeks ago and i upgraded my amd desktop with the fx 8370 black edition cpu and other new parts.


I also pay for the 150 mb/s internet speed through comcast


BOTH AMD DESKTOP AND LAPTOP runs without any frame lag or server. My ping never goes over 13 and no matter where or what i do i have no lag. Even at peak times.


So yes, it is possible to play this game 100% lag free. The right computer, correct router, and good internet goes a long way.

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I didnt look at the PC specs because i wanted to share my experience to those who say it wont run the game perfectly.


I bought an alienware 17 laptop 3 weeks ago and i upgraded my amd desktop with the fx 8370 black edition cpu and other new parts.


I also pay for the 150 mb/s internet speed through comcast


BOTH AMD DESKTOP AND LAPTOP runs without any frame lag or server. My ping never goes over 13 and no matter where or what i do i have no lag. Even at peak times.


So yes, it is possible to play this game 100% lag free. The right computer, correct router, and good internet goes a long way.


Does that include pvp warzones and 16 player operations?

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So yes, it is possible to play this game 100% lag free. The right computer, correct router, and good internet goes a long way.

Lag translates to latency, which is measured in time. So unless you're sitting on the local LAN with the servers, you're going to have "lag".

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I also pay for the 150 mb/s internet speed through comcast


The connection speed doesn't matter, latency and number of hops to the SWTOR server is what counts.


You could be on 15 megabit and your performance would be exactly the same.


BOTH AMD DESKTOP AND LAPTOP runs without any frame lag or server. My ping never goes over 13 and no matter where or what i do i have no lag. Even at peak times.


If your ping time in the game is 13ms, then you must live right next to the servers, because there is no distance travel in there.


In any case, most of what people refer to as "lag" isn't really lag, but rather frame rate drops. The term is misused, but it has been misused so much that it has become accepted.

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Does that include pvp warzones and 16 player operations?


Yes...mainly warzones though...


...and fleet?


Of course...


Lag translates to latency, which is measured in time. So unless you're sitting on the local LAN with the servers, you're going to have "lag".


Lets not get ahead of ourselves and try and get very technical and act like you know this stuff so well...

I think we are talking about noticeable lag. my latency does not go above 13 "ms" which Is not noticeable when playing.


Though, if the server is about to take a ****, I'm sure ill lag because the whole server would.


Now if you are playing a game like "TERA" your sure to notice it then with all the desync and what have you because of the combat style.


The connection speed doesn't matter, latency and number of hops to the SWTOR server is what counts..


I know how that works, I only stated it because for some reason I have found that when I pay for the faster service my ping off the company's service is better. I think they screw people over who don't dish out the money lol. But it could be a coincidence.

Edited by Sikknasty
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I just built me a new machine under $1300. CPU, MB, Power Supply, Liquid Cooling, RAM and Video Card. I also added a few pretty fans. Already had the case and HD. No need to post specs but my new Intel rig is very speedy and exceeds the specs needed for Occulus Rift.


Depending on what you choose as a CPU, MB and Video Card, you could get a great machine under $1100 ... if you need a case and HD ... which really isn't much more than that Alienware you linked. For instance, you could go for the I5-6600k instead of the I7-6700k and probably not notice a difference in the game. Just match your parts and you're good to go.


The thing is that by building your own ... and it's very easy to do with the net full of howtos ... will allow you to upgrade in the future easier and much cheaper. Plus you get the machine you want, which will play any game out there. There are some killer laptops out there but when it comes to the performance bang for the buck, a desktop wins every time.


Oh ... , SWTOR plays way better than it used to since I upgraded but there are times when it gets choppy. Not often, but sometimes throwing hardware at an issue isn't always the answer and how the game is optimized makes a big difference no matter what your specs

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That card comes with an adapter to convert the 2 MOLEX power cables inside the ASUS machine to one PCI-E power cable, it is the most card I'd run in that machine, but it'll be enough for modest gaming at 1080p.


I completely fubared a machine converting molex to pci-e for a video card once.

I do no recommend converting power cables. Better off just replacing the power supply with one that has proper connections.


Beyond that, TX is pretty much right.

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I have a skylake i5. a 7700 Series 1gb Replacement Card i am currently using as my 280 decided to die. I run Swtor 30+ Frames.


On my old 965 build with the same Card, i can run swtor +30 frames, with the 280 i was getting 60 easily.



You're better off building your own.

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So yes, it is possible to play this game 100% lag free. The right computer, correct router, and good internet goes a long way.


Not true I am within about 200 miles of the server I am on with a 50Mbps connection on a computer way op for this game and it still lags like a mother from time to time. Most of the time it hovers at 25 to 30 ms lag if you don't go into fleet I am running on max settings with this game. Many factors go into lag most are not noticeable but many are.

Edited by AurraPing
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Not true I am within about 200 miles of the server I am on with a 50Mbps connection on a computer way op for this game and it still lags like a mother from time to time. Most of the time it hovers at 25 to 30 ms lag if you don't go into fleet I am running on max settings with this game. Many factors go into lag most are not noticeable but many are.


That is your computer not being able to process and display everything fast enough. Could be caused by sub optimal hardware or terrible coding or both but it is not lag.

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Yes...mainly warzones though...




Of course...




Lets not get ahead of ourselves and try and get very technical and act like you know this stuff so well...

I think we are talking about noticeable lag. my latency does not go above 13 "ms" which Is not noticeable when playing.


Though, if the server is about to take a ****, I'm sure ill lag because the whole server would.


Now if you are playing a game like "TERA" your sure to notice it then with all the desync and what have you because of the combat style.




I know how that works, I only stated it because for some reason I have found that when I pay for the faster service my ping off the company's service is better. I think they screw people over who don't dish out the money lol. But it could be a coincidence.


If the OP just mentions lag they are probably referring to video lag, in which case they really mean low/choppy FPS, not network lag. Big difference. In the case of FPS, you absolutely can NOT build or buy a system that won't have FPS drops in situations like pvp for this game. Not with current hardware. Network lag? Sure but you can never 100% eliminate latency. It can come down enough that it's not noticeable. But obviously that depends on a lot more factors besides the computer in question. Even then it's never a guarantee.

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Not true I am within about 200 miles of the server I am on with a 50Mbps connection on a computer way op for this game and it still lags like a mother from time to time. Most of the time it hovers at 25 to 30 ms lag if you don't go into fleet I am running on max settings with this game. Many factors go into lag most are not noticeable but many are.


it all depends on what people are calling lag.

if by lag you mean you push a button and something happens, well that is a function of latency and processing (both sever side and client side).

latency = the time it takes from signal to get from point A to point B. Nothing your computer does will change this time, it is 100% a function of distance


Now, if you are talking lag as a drop in frame rate as measured on the client side, a good computer will help with that, but only so much as latency and server side processing also affect that number.


server side processing is a function of both number of clients connected, sever bandwidth, and the performance of the servers themselves. More powerful servers do help, but at some point even the most powerful server built for average or slightly above average load will start to crawl under extremely heavy loads.


additionally the more processing and synchronizing the servers have to do will effect your client side performance. which is why the most "lag" is seen in large scale pvp/operations battles with lots of effects, and lots of moving pieces. this is in part to 1) latency between client and server 2) client processing 3) server load 4) server processing 5) system bandwidth (not just CLIENT bandwidth but server side and overall internet traffic in general, i.e high demand times)


so yes, "lag" has many faces and nobody really defines what they mean by it.


Myth: I have HUGE bandwidth thus I should never get "lag": FALSE

Myth: I have a HUGE machine with latest cutting edge technology, i should never get "lag": FALSE

Myth: There are only a few people in my game, I should never get "lag": FALSE


edit: I wont even get into the problems of packet loss and protocol overhead.

Edited by DOHboy
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Not a fan of Dellienware, personally. "Optional liquid cooling to enable overclocking" and yet the processor is a non 'K' chip, so the multiplier is locked, hence it cannot be overclocked. Oh and that vid card is not great and not really worth overclocking. So basically they are just trying to get people to give them more money for no apparent reason...:rolleyes:


They want way too much money for their upgrades. They will charge you an extra $150 to go from 8GB to 16Gb DDR4. *Ahem* If they want an extra 150 per 8GB, ask them to ship the system with no RAM and shave off $150/8GB from the price tag, see if that flies. :p Actually, the 2133MHz DDR4 is even cheaper, check this out. RAM is the easiest component for you to change out yourself. It would take maybe five minutes (including opening case, plugging in cables, etc.).


I've never experienced a "flawless" SWTOR gaming experience, nor have I ever known anybody who has. Warzones and operations (especially 16 man) can slow to 10-40 fps at times, even on a really good machine. Do a 16 man operation with a bunch of sorcs spamming force lightning and tell me that you are getting more than 20 fps (realistically under 10). Not gonna happen. So, it really depends on your definition of flawless, which everybody seems to differ there.


I think that one very important factor is you connection. I live on the west coast and average around 60ms ping to the harbinger. I average around 130ms to an east coast server. That makes no sense geographically speaking. But of course there is a whole lot more going on.

Edited by teclado
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