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The Hutts or the Dread Masters: which story arc did you like better?


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Never finished DM cause raid, so hutts I guess.


I like the Oricon storyline, but only once or twice. The environment pulls off dead and creepy a bit too well, and just isn't the kind of place I want to spend a lot of time on.


Makeb, about 2/3 of the way through starts to feel like it should have been over a while ago (in particular, the mining platform part feels like it was designed to drag on for no good reason). Perhaps because the circumstances are meant to be dire, but you spend a lot of time there (like 2012, if it was written and directed by Peter Jackson). I enjoy Makeb Rep way better than Makeb Imp. I have problems with Makeb Imp for more or less the same reason I have problems with Oricon... everything feels lonely and dead.


I can't speak to the entirety of each storyline though, cause I haven't done all of lead-in pieces for either.

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Makeb, with reasons in no particular order:

1. I enjoy the horror genre but I don't think it belongs in Star Wars. This includes the Tatooine planetary arc, because while the callback to KOTOR is great, please get those zombies out of my Star Wars! Likewise, Oricon was cool but it should be another game entirely or something.

2. Preventing solo players from finishing Oricon is really irritating. No ops for me, thanks.

3. Makeb is ridiculously beautiful. I could spend days there just looking at the scenery.

4. Makeb's storyline is really fun, especially Imp side. It's one of my favorite storylines to play.

5. Makeb has gay and lesbian romances, yay!

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See I like ops, so I'm happy that DM gave us ops. That said over all I think I prefer Makeb more.


To me, personally I could see where the Hutts could pose a threat to the Empire, and Republic alike especially after the two have been killing each other for years, where as the Hutts were neutral and consolidated their power. They have the money for it, and with them having new access to technological wonders it made sense that they would be an opposing faction who could challenge the two dominate ones. It made sense of why the Empire and Republic would fight over Makeb, and where the challenge came from. It also stepped away from this game being completely force centric like the rest of the expansions have been. While I kind of hated Makeb as a whole, from a story perspective I liked it a hell of a lot more than I liked DM.


With DM, there's a handful of evil sith who are like lulz we are powerful, we spread fear, and hatred, and stupidity across the galaxy lulz, fear us. That's nice. Honestly while they were powerful dark side wielders, the only thing that made them stand out vs. other evil Sith was that they had ops dedicated to them. I mean really, if Bioware decided to make the Red Eclipse, or Athiss an OP, where certain Sith split off and tried to take over would it have been any different? If Dread Palace was a FP instead of an OP would people really care from a story perspective? To me it just lacked all originality and flair separating one group of lunatics from another. The fact that they even became as powerful as they did mind boggles me for several reasons, but that's for another thread. And it started with all the enemies being powerful force users. Ya, cause that really doesn't get old and boring, when we're playing Dragon Ball Z, where every new enemy is just a more powerful version of the old one....

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With DM, there's a handful of evil sith who are like lulz we are powerful, we spread fear, and hatred, and stupidity across the galaxy lulz, fear us. That's nice. Honestly while they were powerful dark side wielders, the only thing that made them stand out vs. other evil Sith was that they had ops dedicated to them. I mean really, if Bioware decided to make the Red Eclipse, or Athiss an OP, where certain Sith split off and tried to take over would it have been any different? If Dread Palace was a FP instead of an OP would people really care from a story perspective? To me it just lacked all originality and flair separating one group of lunatics from another. The fact that they even became as powerful as they did mind boggles me for several reasons, but that's for another thread. And it started with all the enemies being powerful force users. Ya, cause that really doesn't get old and boring, when we're playing Dragon Ball Z, where every new enemy is just a more powerful version of the old one....

I never did the ops, but I also never understood why the dread masters are so powerful. Or why they're considered much of a threat at all. Like I guess they can get into peoples' minds or something. But wouldn't a trained sith just use the fear to their advantage, to strengthen them? I thought fear was one of those dark side things, so I would think sith would be good at channeling it into power, and wouldn't be intimidated by the dread masters.

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I never did the ops, but I also never understood why the dread masters are so powerful. Or why they're considered much of a threat at all. Like I guess they can get into peoples' minds or something. But wouldn't a trained sith just use the fear to their advantage, to strengthen them? I thought fear was one of those dark side things, so I would think sith would be good at channeling it into power, and wouldn't be intimidated by the dread masters.


Doing the ops doesn't really tell you a whole lot more than not doing them. The cut scenes just really loosely tie them in. In most cases just hinting at something out there manipulating events or what not. I think with KP it was something scared the Hutts and made them retaliate because of the number of planets they lost recently. Karagga was just the first to launch an offensive to take over other territory to recoup some losses. Hence the reason for the whole OP, was to stop his offensive aggression. I think the intent was to be diplomatic if you're Pub, but given permission to use force if it came down to it. Which it being an OP of course it did.


With EC it started off as a resource battle if I recall correctly, with minimal tie ins do the Dread Masters. TFB was more of a Gree thing, with again very little tie in to the Dread Masters, though I think this is where they first gave them a name, and at least identify them. (Been a while since I did the one time Op quests for the story). In short the pre Op and end Op cut scenes mostly hinted at some minor crap here and there which was tied to the Dread Masters, but nothing major, honestly.


It's not until you do Scum and Villainy that they actually make a show of force, which kicks off Oricon, and then you just do Dread Fortress and Dread Palace. Honestly you're really not missing much, but you could always just Youtube the cut scenes if you're interested. I'm willing to bet you could probably find most if not all of them. Or just find a guild to run you through story mode. Most raiding guilds could easily carry you through a story OP with out any problems. I know I've done that in the past for people, it's really not hard at all, and doesn't take very long either.


In regards to why they're powerful? I have no idea. Cause Bioware said so, is about as good as you're going to get. It's pretty much the same logic that has a bounty hunter or imperial agent go into the dark temple and be perfectly fine, while literally everyone else including a Sith gets taken over, believing herself to be an apprentice. It's the same reason why when you reach Oricon, everyone is freaking mad and basically mind controlled except for you, and a small remains of the previous landing party. Don't matter if you're a smuggler or not venturing into the depths of madness, you're perfectly fine, while Jedi Masters before you are driven insane. Ya sure you could argue that you've only been there a short time, and it hasn't taken it's effect on you yet, but it's a sketchy argument at best. The mental blocks the Jedi or Sith have put in, cover the base only and are stated to be frail, so really once you go out there as a none force user, your arse should be toast, but it's not.


I have 0 understanding of why they're as powerful as they are, or what separates them from other Sith, who have literally done the same thing, over and over again. I have no understanding, how driving people insane or filling them with fear, gets these people to loyally fight for them, giving up their lives. Because unlike Revan, these guys did not have a cult following that I'm aware off. I have no idea why you can kill a Dread Master in the Oricon daily quest, (who seems on par with the other Dread Masters one on one), but the rest require 4 different raids to kill. Honestly there's so little about this that makes sense to me, that I really don't want to try and understand it. The Game Master (Bioware) said so, and that's pretty much it.


All that said, it's still probably a better story than Kofte = /

Edited by Setta
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