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Automatic Targeting of Allies, please remove this bug/feature already.


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Automatic Targeting of Allies, please remove this bug/feature already.


I don't remember how long ago I made a thread about this issue and it has not been adressed, yet the problem still stands, and it's an annoying issue to say the least.


When your allies kill enemies or in some cases use skills on you, you get them as your target for some reason, yet there is no case in which I want friendlies as my target at all, it simply makes me have to manually tab-retarget more often or find myself doing nothing when pressing buttons in a futile manner when an ally is my target, until I realise one is my target, wasting quite some time for nothing, and it is frustrating.


So please, fix this issue, I don't want to get allies automatically as my targets, ever, unless I manually select them.


Help me BW, you're my only hope.

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  • 2 years later...

Over 2 years later and still a problem. Really annoying as a tank when my healer pops a shield on me just as I'm running up to the enemies and it auto-targets my healer (which is never necessary, so why?!), so now I have to tab-spam to re-target the primary enemy before I can engage...all while they're raining fire on me for exposing my position without drawing first blood.

There is no purpose whatsoever in a friendly auto-target. Fly text is enough to see who's healing or buffing you.

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  • 1 year later...
Here we are approaching the year 2020 and they still have not fixed this. Nor have they fixed a lot of bugs regarding odessen assualt and other annoying bugs in the story. If it doesnt completely stop progression, BW doesnt give a crap and will not put effort towards it. they are more concerned with adding more useless and cosmetic features.
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Here we are approaching the year 2020 and they still have not fixed this. Nor have they fixed a lot of bugs regarding odessen assualt and other annoying bugs in the story. If it doesnt completely stop progression, BW doesnt give a crap and will not put effort towards it. they are more concerned with adding more useless and cosmetic features.


Yeah well, I paid 10 million credits for Covert Cipher Armor (other posts written about it) only to find out it won't do the "Droid summon" thing with a Nautolan wearing it, which irritates me to no end. Realizing how bad they are at taking care of the game makes it seem unlikely they even noticed my message, or care about it, if they did.


As far as targeting goes I agree it's a mess in general, especially in PVP. I mean I can literally click on one guy (as opposed to tab targeting) and then have the game arbitrarily decide to attack someone else. So I can be trying to execute some guy right in front of me who is nearly dead, and then have my attack hit some guy 4 steps over to the left without any prompting from me at all... Lol. It's a big part of why I insist PVP in this game is a huge joke and cannot be taken seriously, and why I don't even put in any effort when I do my grinds (I grab my medals and then usually goof off... with rare exceptions... I mean with the tight caps, and crappy rewards even with max medals, I'm not sure why i should care especially if there are pre-assembled teams on the other side and none on mine. I can literally do a dance routine at my goal line in Huttball and get the same things I would by fighting beyond a certain point).


PVE targeting mostly works, but the problems you guys point out still indeed exist, however PVP is where it becomes comedic.


Of course the worst targeting ever is PVP in ESO. In that game with have this laser-type templar attack we jokingly call "the Jesus Beam" as melts people below 50% health pretty quickly if built right. At any rate ESO tries to do "real time combat" where you actually aim as opposed to tab targeting and stuff.... that beam is like having tracer bullets, even more so than say lightning in SWTOR. It's utterly crazy to say have your target dead on someone and then watch the beam got out at a jaunty angle and hit someone's pet that is over and to the left ot whatever, same thing as SWTOR, but more jarriing, because at least SWTOR can blame buggy auto targeting, in ESO they are trying to say that is where I am aiming even if it's glaringly obvious the attack is going nowhere near where it's supposed to.


ESO and SWTOR are the only two games I PVP in at all right now, and I take neither seriously, and I know a few people who play both games. We have some long standing jokes about which is actually more pathetic... especially in light of all the "Serious PVPers" that think these are good PVP experiences. I can't see even thinking about being a so called "Tryhard" in a game where the code is such a mess of spaghetti that even the game itself isn't trying anymore. :)

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Here we are approaching the year 2020 and they still have not fixed this.

Just because this doesn't seem to work the way you want it to, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it that needs to be fixed.

Targeting friendly players is a good thing for healers, and can help with skills such a Guard, for example.


Check in Preferences under Controls(?) and check Automatically Target Nearest Enemy - that might help. (I don't know)

Also, check under Targeting that you don't have some sort of Target Nearest Friendly bound to something you can hit accidentally.

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Wow this thread looks old, ty for the bump though.


It is absolutely shameful that this is still a thing. I DONT WANT TO AUTOMATICALLY TARGET MY ALLY BIOWARE, KAPPISSHH?


If only i could target u bioware and dps u into a pulp cause u guys r bloody useless.

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Just because this doesn't seem to work the way you want it to, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it that needs to be fixed.

Targeting friendly players is a good thing for healers, and can help with skills such a Guard, for example.


Check in Preferences under Controls(?) and check Automatically Target Nearest Enemy - that might help. (I don't know)

Also, check under Targeting that you don't have some sort of Target Nearest Friendly bound to something you can hit accidentally.


It isn't a matter of heals targeting people. It's a matter of dps targeting the healer instead of the enemy. It gets annoying for the dps, and it gets annoying for the healer to get yelled at by the dps for doing their job which interferes with the dps' job.

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Onslaught is the first time I've experienced this bug, or at least that I've really noticed it. That first daily on the Republic side in the town area is where this almost always occurs. I'm having to hit escape multiple times for it to remove its focus. This is really an odd bug, and certainly needs to be addressed.
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I have to agree with OP.... I notice it most frequently when playing Arsenal Merc.... before a big pull I have to trigger kolto shot on myself repetedly... if a healer then casts an ability on me (bubble, probes, shell) I'll automatically be targeting them with my kolto shots


not sure if it only happens when I have no target, or when I'm self targeting, but it's annoying as hell, and annoys them as well.

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It isn't a matter of heals targeting people. It's a matter of dps targeting the healer instead of the enemy. It gets annoying for the dps, and it gets annoying for the healer to get yelled at by the dps for doing their job which interferes with the dps' job.

Yeah well, I play DPS and I can't say I ever target the healer (unless purposefully). So, I don't know what the difference may be. Perhaps the "Target nearest enemy" thing makes the difference - I therefore always target the nearest enemy if none is selected, and not the nearest friendly.

In any case, I can see it as being beneficial in some cases - particularly for healers - and I think it's working as intended, so there's no need for anyone to berate BW for not fixing what isn't broken.

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I have to agree with OP.... I notice it most frequently when playing Arsenal Merc.... before a big pull I have to trigger kolto shot on myself repetedly... if a healer then casts an ability on me (bubble, probes, shell) I'll automatically be targeting them with my kolto shots


not sure if it only happens when I have no target, or when I'm self targeting, but it's annoying as hell, and annoys them as well.


As far as im aware, it only happens when u have no target at all. If it does when u have something targeted, then it is very troubling news.

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Yeah well, I play DPS and I can't say I ever target the healer (unless purposefully). So, I don't know what the difference may be. Perhaps the "Target nearest enemy" thing makes the difference - I therefore always target the nearest enemy if none is selected, and not the nearest friendly.

In any case, I can see it as being beneficial in some cases - particularly for healers - and I think it's working as intended, so there's no need for anyone to berate BW for not fixing what isn't broken.


When playing a ranged dps in PvE, I always stand near the healer to protect them from healing aggro and therefore have target nearest enemy checked. If the healer bubble's me when I am not targeting anything (usually because I just killed a target) It does indeed automatically make me target the healer. In PvP it can be even more pronounced as the enemy can sometimes be a rational being making decisions the game's AI will not. This has been happening so long I forget when I first noticed it. This in no way benefits the healer because it is being caused by the healer placing a bubble on someone.

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This in no way benefits the healer because it is being caused by the healer placing a bubble on someone.

Mini-rant alert!


What is wrong with you people? Is it a lack of reading comprehension, or are you just trolling?

Let me try this one last time.

No, it's not the DPS targeting the healer that helps the healer - it helps the HEALER to target friendlies to HEAL them. So, while accidentally targeting friendlies DOES NOT HELP THE DPS, it can help the healer. 🤬

Therefore it may be working as intended.


And .. have any of you actually checked to see if you have "auto-target nearest enemy" (or whatever exactly it's called), enabled, and does it make a difference? (In fact, I'd suggest that that setting is there for just that purpose.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Mini-rant alert!


What is wrong with you people? Is it a lack of reading comprehension, or are you just trolling?

Let me try this one last time.

No, it's not the DPS targeting the healer that helps the healer - it helps the HEALER to target friendlies to HEAL them. So, while accidentally targeting friendlies DOES NOT HELP THE DPS, it can help the healer. 🤬

Therefore it may be working as intended.


And .. have any of you actually checked to see if you have "auto-target nearest enemy" (or whatever exactly it's called), enabled, and does it make a difference? (In fact, I'd suggest that that setting is there for just that purpose.)


Again, it is caused by a healer placing a bubble on someone which then causes the person who got bubbled to target the healer who bubbled them if they do not have something already targeted. It could only make another healer target the bubbling healer which has no benefit at all if the Sage/Sorc casting bubble is at full health.

Edited by Sareeph
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