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Sucks to be Squelched


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No, you're really not. This thread has nothing to do with gold sellers. Its about people abusing the Report Spam feature in order to squelch other players simply for being in a certain guild.
Yes but the original thread said that squelching happens because of Bioware's choice of how to combat ingame fleet chat spam by gold sellers.


Once again because of china credit farmers the community can’t have nice things. The reason I say this is because Bio Wares solution to the General chat spam of “CHINA CHINA #1 YOU BUY CREDITS!” was to initiate an automated squelching system where if any player is reported (regardless of if they ever type in any chat channel) by different people approximately 10 times they are automatically squelched for a 24 hour period.


The reporting system and the amount of reports required for a squelch were implemented to shut up gold sellers, according to the original post.




I'm well aware of the main issue original post (OP) is raising, that's why I clicked on a topic with "squelched" in the title. I expected it was going to be about abuses and false reporting. I did not expect the OP to say, "China #1."


Sucks to be Squelched

The automatic squelching system in SWTOR is being abused by Trolls and all of Harbinger is paying the price.


Imagine this power in the hands of an MMO’s troll community. I don’t like what you’re saying…Squelched. Did you just stealth cap grass on me...Squelched.


I hope you are all prepared to pay the troll toll, because it’s coming to a planet near you.


Abusing reporting systems is a very popular way to shut people up online. This is a known fact.

Edited by Falensawino
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Yes but the original thread said that squelching happens because of Bioware's choice of how to combat ingame fleet chat spam by gold sellers.




The reporting system and the amount of reports required for a squelch were implemented to shut up gold sellers, according to the original post.




I'm well aware of the main issue original post (OP) is raising, that's why I clicked on a topic with "squelched" in the title. I expected it was going to be about abuses and false reporting. I did not expect the OP to say, "China #1."




Abusing reporting systems is a very popular way to shut people up online. This is a known fact.

true dat
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Abusing reporting systems is a very popular way to shut people up online. This is a known fact.


So is swatting, but nobody looking to be taken seriously proposes solving that problem by dismantling our police forces. We go after the jerks who call them in and publicly make examples of them.

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So is swatting, but nobody looking to be taken seriously proposes solving that problem by dismantling our police forces. We go after the jerks who call them in and publicly make examples of them.


What even? Nobody suggested ending the squelshing system, rather go ''after the jerks'' who abuse it. It has been acknowledged that it is a good mechanism to fight gold sellers and spammers, but these people have mental issues and need to be taken care of asap.

Edited by richiesilva
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  • 2 weeks later...
And yet again the harassment continues without so much as an acknowledgment from BioFail. 6th Squelch without typing outside of an ops grp chat. The solution to the credit spammers isn't working, they are thriving, and the system is only being used to abuse normal players.
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Been squelched again, for not doing a single thing. Was not using chat at all and suddenly I'm squelched and cannot communicate in the game. Makes me really want to conitnue wasting my money on this game. Great system BioWare, get a clue and do something about this horrible and easily exploitable abuse of the report spam filter.
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I have never been squelched, makes me wonder what you guys actually do to get squelched.


Doing nothing might be alot in some persons eyes, I mean what is a few chatlines to get someones attention :tran_wink:


Perhaps it is broken perhaps not, but the best thing to do is simply not repeat any line within a certain period of time.

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Been squelched again, for not doing a single thing. Was not using chat at all and suddenly I'm squelched and cannot communicate in the game. Makes me really want to conitnue wasting my money on this game. Great system BioWare, get a clue and do something about this horrible and easily exploitable abuse of the report spam filter.

This sounds ... unlikely.

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I have never been squelched, makes me wonder what you guys actually do to get squelched.


Doing nothing might be alot in some persons eyes, I mean what is a few chatlines to get someones attention :tran_wink:


Perhaps it is broken perhaps not, but the best thing to do is simply not repeat any line within a certain period of time.


^^ Agree.


Never been squelched.


That said.... something might be borked in the server side code.


Complaining about squelching here in general forum is not going to get anything fixed. People need to open a ticket, and give specifics such that the issue can be properly evaluated and fixed. Use your bug report feature people, and be accurate and honest when you do.

Edited by Andryah
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Kinda surprise it hasn't happen to me yet, given how many people tell me they report me for one reason or another.


Your a dps on a node and do no damage, but no one ever came to the node you where guarding, reporteed for doing to littler damage.


You question the ops leader reported, yet end up in the next round with the same goofball..


Could go on but yeah people report each other for silly reasons.

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^^ Agree.


Never been squelched.


That said.... something might be borked in the server side code.


Complaining about squelching here in general forum is not going to get anything fixed. People need to open a ticket, and give specifics such that the issue can be properly evaluated and fixed. Use your bug report feature people, and be accurate and honest when you do.

I have been putting tickets here for the last week as to what we do to get squelched this is not about creating a hunt for anyone but there is a guild that is trolling and harrasing mine and mass spam reports us pls due not mention any players by name

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I have never been squelched, makes me wonder what you guys actually do to get squelched.


Doing nothing might be alot in some persons eyes, I mean what is a few chatlines to get someones attention :tran_wink:


Perhaps it is broken perhaps not, but the best thing to do is simply not repeat any line within a certain period of time.

I have been squelched while raiding while not doing anything if you read muscos post it says you have been deemed likely to spam that means the automated system does not even check msgs it is based on number of reports. There is also no oversight or check on the system

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I have never been squelched, makes me wonder what you guys actually do to get squelched.


Doing nothing might be alot in some persons eyes, I mean what is a few chatlines to get someones attention :tran_wink:


Perhaps it is broken perhaps not, but the best thing to do is simply not repeat any line within a certain period of time.

Ok well if there is a system where internet trolls can have the ability to mute others you do not think they would do it you do not need to use chat I have been squelched 3 times back to back 13 plus in total and harrased afterwards while not being able to respond . I have not repeated or coppy and pasted any line as I said it is based off number of reports and I am fairly sure there is a guild out there not naming anyone that is exploiting this system to hurt the community

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Trolls on the internet angry and exploiting a game to get what they want ...? sounds unlikely bioware having exploits players can use on other players sounds unlikely?


Most trolls are not even angry just jerks and pos


Or having a good time

Edited by Talosred
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I have not repeated or coppy and pasted any line


No, but you just posed 4 posts in a row, two of them responses to the same post, in a fairly quick time period.


Not sure about vBulletin's anti spam solution but I know phpBB's security addon would have shut you down.


edit: I also have to wonder what the subject of your messaages are. I do know that there are keywords that will trigger the silencing.

Edited by dr_mike
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This sounds ... unlikely.


But 100% true. A certain group of players will simply /who our guild name and go down the last mass reporting everyone for spamming. It's one of the biggest issues with the reporting system, that someone can report someone else for spam without that person ever posting in a public chat channel. Our guild leadership in particular is singled out and will get squelched every single day.


The people doing this do so because they feel they own the server we are on, and can't stand to see any guild actually challenge them on the conquest boards each week. They keep our members, especially leadership, squelched to prevent us from doing things like recruiting or forming groups in guild chat for conquest objectives.


They also make endless alts with vulgar and offensive names, and then whisper all the people they have squelched with horribly offensive comments, send them in game mail with graphic ascii pictures or flood their mailboxes with dozens and dozens of mail containing useless junk.


We have a metric ton of evidence, but sadly posting it here, while proving everything we are saying, would make us rule breakers. And while Bioware and EA so far have ignored our countless tickets, phone calls, emails, and dozens of posts in this very thread, if we were to even mention the name of the guild targeting us, their own members would flag those posts to get them removed.

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I thought squelching only silenced you for general chat? Did that change?


Anyway, not surprising BW does nothing about it. I think today is one month I've reported a guy on Jung Ma for email spam, and as of yesterday, he's still on the fleet spamming. Actually, there are two guys that have been doing it *at least* that long on that server (one is more prolific), and BW does nothing. I'm going to cite refusal to police their servers as the reason for cancelling my sub when my 3 months is up.

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I thought squelching only silenced you for general chat? Did that change?


Anyway, not surprising BW does nothing about it. I think today is one month I've reported a guy on Jung Ma for email spam, and as of yesterday, he's still on the fleet spamming. Actually, there are two guys that have been doing it *at least* that long on that server (one is more prolific), and BW does nothing. I'm going to cite refusal to police their servers as the reason for cancelling my sub when my 3 months is up.


All of your character are squelched. You cant say anything in General, PvP, Say, etc.

You can send mails.


PS: Dont say anything nasty about Putin! Da rashans will report you in a minute and you`ll be squelched.

Edited by iankalo
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But 100% true. A certain group of players will simply /who our guild name and go down the last mass reporting everyone for spamming. It's one of the biggest issues with the reporting system, that someone can report someone else for spam without that person ever posting in a public chat channel. Our guild leadership in particular is singled out and will get squelched every single day.

As already noted, spam reports do not cause squelching. Repeatedly posting the same thing over and over and over causes squelching.


So your tale remains ... unlikely.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Let’s talk a little bit about our squelch system that is in the game. This system was implemented quite some time ago as a method for players to not only avoid filling up their /ignore list, but to also help in getting a lot of those pesky Credit Sellers out of chat. This has been very successful for us since its implementation as we have experienced a dramatic drop in this type of chat spam. Please continue to report Credit Sellers and any other spammers you encounter as it is helping!


Lately, we’ve been receiving reports of this system being abused by players. Typically, the squelch abuse is in the form of Guild members targeting individual players or anyone in a rival Guild and deliberately impacting their game play. We take these type of abuses very seriously and as with any exploit, we will be taking appropriate action against anyone who participates. Depending on the severity of the abuse, action includes everything from warnings and suspension time to account closure. Please note, if this action is taken by a Guild, we will be particularly tough on Guild Masters and Guild Officers who coordinate, participate, or simply do not stop their Guild members from abusing the squelch system.


If you have been on the receiving end, what you must not do is retaliate! If you do, you have added yourself to the list of participants and you are putting your account at risk. If someone, or a group of users, has used squelch in an abusive way against you please file a detailed report with Customer Support. They will investigate and take the necessary action(s).


With all of this in mind, we are constantly looking at ways to improve this functionality. In the meantime, please use it wisely against spammers and advertisers/credit sellers, but please don’t ruin the game play of legitimate players.



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