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Slicing nodes broken, giving way too many credits since 4.1


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This really isn't a bug (something that doesn't work) or an exploit (something wonky that actual players can take unfair advantage of). It might well be a bad design decision.


I'd go back and expand on my suggestions from earlier:


1) more node spawn locations, spawning more randomly in location and timing, and never with a PC or companion within X distance -- this would make it harder for the bots to be in the right place at the right time to instant-gather.


2) place more of the nodes in places where mobs will agro, flagging the bots for combat and complicating their timing and movement.


3) change the contents of slicing nodes to no more than one credit box, with the rest of the "payout" in sliced tech parts, schematics, and crew skill mission unlocks.


4) engage in a far more robust effort to target the actual botters, instead of making things harder for real normal players.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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This really isn't a bug (something that doesn't work) or an exploit (something wonky that actual players can take unfair advantage of). It might well be a bad design decision.


I'd go back and expand on my suggestions from earlier:


1) more node spawn locations, spawning more randomly in location and timing, and never with a PC or companion within X distance -- this would make it harder for the bots to be in the right place at the right time to instant-gather.


2) place more of the nodes in places where mobs will agro, flagging the bots for combat and complicating their timing and movement.


3) change the contents of slicing nodes to no more than one credit box, with the rest of the "payout" in sliced tech parts, schematics, and crew skill mission unlocks.


4) engage in a far more robust effort to target the actual botters, instead of making things harder for real normal players.


Reasonable, targeted, and measured responses, all. Which makes it vanishingly unlikely BW will do them individually or collectively, without overreacting first.

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When I first read this thread I thought I'd give it a try because who doesn't like easy money? Well This is my experience: I spent roughly an hour on Yavin 4 at 4am and there were around 12 people in that instance. I made about 800K which is about the same as I would get in the same time running heroics solo, vendoring everything including excess legacy armour (still trying to complete some sets) and selling mounts/decos on the GTN. If I weren't using the comp gifts I could sell them to for a lot more. If I had just one more person running the heroics with me I could easily make 1 million (extra bonus and mission money) in an hour if we were quick and didn't end up tripping over each other.


Even at that ungodly hour I was fighting over nodes and trying not to get pulled into combat to speed it up. It was boring and stressful at the same time and I don't think I'll bother again. This is a really crap way way to earn credits and it would have been even worse if there had been just one more slicer in the instance. I suppose if you got extremely lucky and the place was completely empty you could make more but I can't see it being any quieter at any other time of day.


You couldn't make any real money doing this during normal playing hours and who would want to anyway? Heroics are more interesting and are far more reliable but if someone wants to do the most boring thing I can think of to earn money, then I say let them. It still leaves nodes out there for us "normal" slicers to click on when we come across one as a bonus. There are lots of ways to get rich in this game if you want to put the effort in. I honestly don't see the difference between clicking buttons to craft and clicking nodes to harvest. It's all repetitive nonsense that requires no skill. You can do any gathering profession and sell the mats for more than you would get from slicing nodes and it is the exact same thing except you have to take that one tiny extra step and list them on the GTN but that is offset by not having to fight over nodes.


As for botters, I didn't see any and I checked a few people because they kept beating me to nodes. I just checked for achievements and they had them so I couldn't tell beyond that. Regardless, BW should tackle the bot issue separately and leave the nodes as they are for regular slicers to enjoy when they come across one.

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Reasonable, targeted, and measured responses, all. Which makes it vanishingly unlikely BW will do them individually or collectively, without overreacting first.


Especially when a classic Bioware overreaction is being REQUESTED by threads like this. "Bioware plz nerf!". :rolleyes:

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Especially when a classic Bioware overreaction is being REQUESTED by threads like this. "Bioware plz nerf!". :rolleyes:


"Bioware please nerf! Must fix now or game doomed! Someone's getting something in a game that I think is totally unfair, game cannot last if not changed within an hour!"


Sorry if that's a bit mean, but the total over-reaction to things like this was old a year ago when it was about some Ops "exploit", and it's even sadder now when it's about a few 1000 "unfair" credits or some crap. Sure, it's a problem if there are botters farming these, but the solution isn't another kneejerk bandaide, another excessive change in the face of ridiculous outrage.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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"Bioware please nerf! Must fix now or game doomed! Someone's getting something in a game that I think is totally unfair, game cannot last if not changed within an hour!"


Sorry if that's a bit mean, but the total over-reaction to things like this was old a year ago when it was about some Ops "exploit", and it's even sadder now when it's about a few 1000 "unfair" credits or some crap. Sure, it's a problem if there are botters farming these, but the solution isn't another kneejerk bandaide, another excessive change in the face of ridiculous outrage.


I only hope Bioware actually reads your post.

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When I first read this thread I thought I'd give it a try because who doesn't like easy money? Well This is my experience: I spent roughly an hour on Yavin 4 at 4am and there were around 12 people in that instance. I made about 800K which is about the same as I would get in the same time running heroics solo, vendoring everything including excess legacy armour (still trying to complete some sets) and selling mounts/decos on the GTN. If I weren't using the comp gifts I could sell them to for a lot more. If I had just one more person running the heroics with me I could easily make 1 million (extra bonus and mission money) in an hour if we were quick and didn't end up tripping over each other.


Even at that ungodly hour I was fighting over nodes and trying not to get pulled into combat to speed it up. It was boring and stressful at the same time and I don't think I'll bother again. This is a really crap way way to earn credits and it would have been even worse if there had been just one more slicer in the instance. I suppose if you got extremely lucky and the place was completely empty you could make more but I can't see it being any quieter at any other time of day.


You couldn't make any real money doing this during normal playing hours and who would want to anyway? Heroics are more interesting and are far more reliable but if someone wants to do the most boring thing I can think of to earn money, then I say let them. It still leaves nodes out there for us "normal" slicers to click on when we come across one as a bonus. There are lots of ways to get rich in this game if you want to put the effort in. I honestly don't see the difference between clicking buttons to craft and clicking nodes to harvest. It's all repetitive nonsense that requires no skill. You can do any gathering profession and sell the mats for more than you would get from slicing nodes and it is the exact same thing except you have to take that one tiny extra step and list them on the GTN but that is offset by not having to fight over nodes.


As for botters, I didn't see any and I checked a few people because they kept beating me to nodes. I just checked for achievements and they had them so I couldn't tell beyond that. Regardless, BW should tackle the bot issue separately and leave the nodes as they are for regular slicers to enjoy when they come across one.


You said it better then I could have. If you were alone you could make good money but your never alone. I also came up with similar results sometime lower when I tried to make these millions of credits. I actual made more with bio, selling the material need to get Loki and they were easier to gather. Fact is there a ton of ways to make easy credits in this game and the most profitable is the GTN (mainly reselling cartel items) which isn't going away.So I wish people would stop screaming for a nerf as they always go way overboard and will make the skill complete useless.

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i have an idea based on what they do for harvesting nodes in STO... they have a mini-game tied into the harvesting procedure where you have to match a waveform within an allotted time limit, this waveform is randomly selected, forcing human interaction... now ours is slicing, make some mini-game that would be relevant to slicing a node, like entering a displayed code number in an allotted time limit, with the number being randomly selected when you click on the node...

don't change the contents change the method of obtaining them to require human interaction... now on STO the Real Money Traders are still there but they're reduced to asking to buy credits off of players to sell to other players, to offset their farming loss since farming with bots won't work... really changing the contents won't change anything since they'll find other means like they did in STO, all you do by changing the contents is punish the legitimate players...

Edited by Elly_Dawn
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wow, still not fixed. why does it take weeks to fix economy breaking exploits in this game?


you do realize this costs you cartel coin sales because people just buy from the exploiters since they produce credits so much cheaper right?


meanwhile this makes rare items much more expensive than they should be on the gtn.

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Maybe in their data or in their opinion it's not the game-breaking, shut-down-the-servers issue that you see it as.


you're absolutely right. probably the same guys who looked at the data of people exploiting comm crystals bugs and making billions of credits a day for 6 weeks and watched credit spammers go down to 50 cents per million and which cost the company hundreds of thousands worth of cartel coin sales.


all they need to do to temporarily fix it is make this stuff give mats instead of credits.

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The more people post freaked-out hyperbole about these "cheats" and "exploits" and "game-destroying" whatever... the less I give even a single damn.


Every time Bioware listens to the overblown, melodramatic nonsense about this or that thing that's going to "ruin" SWTOR, we end up with a complete over-reaction that's far worse for 95% of the players than the actual problem ever was.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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every day the credit spammers lower their price. the currency is being devalued day by day.


credit spammers prices are dropping so fast that soon there won't be much point to buying cartel coins since cartel coins will cost much more by comparison


because of those nodes giving credits and huge amounts of it those bots are doing the following 24 hours a day


teleport 14k, teleport 15k, teleport 15k teleport 13k, teleport 16k, teleport 12k, teleport 15k

teleport 15k, teleport 15k, teleport 14k teleport 13k, teleport 16k, teleport 11k, teleport 9k

teleport 15k, teleport 11k, teleport 15k teleport 14k, teleport 16k, teleport 15k, teleport 15k

teleport 15k, teleport 15k, teleport 15k teleport 13k, teleport 16k, teleport 12k, teleport 15k

teleport 15k, teleport 13k, teleport 15k teleport 12k, teleport 16k, teleport 14k, teleport 11k

teleport 15k, teleport 15k, teleport 15k teleport 13k, teleport 16k, teleport 12k, teleport 15k


plus there might be other exploits going on, why do they take so long to fix exploits???

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If they haven't eliminated whatever it is that allows teleports (if indeed that's actually happening), then what makes you think they'll ever be able to?


teleporting can't be stopped in 3d games, it can only be stopped in 2d games. but the nodes can be fixed. nothing should give pure credits like that which can be exploited by teleporting. if instead it gave items or resources or something then it would limit the damage greatly because the more they do it the lower the value of the item because of increased supply and they would eventually stop doing it.

Edited by Mezarkan
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teleporting can't be stopped in 3d games, it can only be stopped in 2d games. but the nodes can be fixed. nothing should give pure credits like that which can be exploited by teleporting. if instead it gave items or resources or something then it would limit the damage greatly because the more they do it the lower the value of the item because of increased supply and they would eventually stop doing it.


So if a character is at X,Y... and then is at X+100, Y+129 in under one second... the game can't red-flag that as suspicious?



Either way, I did post several suggestions earlier in one of these many threads on the topic.




There has been a lot of talk lately about the bots slicing on Yavin 4 and Zakuul. Some of the suggested "fixes" from players have been draconian overreaction, to say the least.


Instead, here are my suggested steps for making sure this isn't a problem:


1) more node spawn locations, spawning more randomly in location and timing, and never with a PC or companion within X distance -- this would make it harder for the bots to be in the right place at the right time to instant-gather.


2) place more of the nodes in locations where mobs will agro, flagging the bots for combat and complicating their timing and movement.


3) change the contents of slicing nodes to no more than one credit box, with the rest of the "payout" in sliced tech parts, schematics, and crew skill mission unlocks.


4) engage in a far more robust effort to target the actual botters, instead of making things harder for real normal players.



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you're absolutely right. probably the same guys who looked at the data of people exploiting comm crystals bugs and making billions of credits a day for 6 weeks and watched credit spammers go down to 50 cents per million and which cost the company hundreds of thousands worth of cartel coin sales.


all they need to do to temporarily fix it is make this stuff give mats instead of credits.


they still havent fixed the exploit of death from above doing too much damage. that one is just as important as your "exploit"

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