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what's with the intentional laggers?


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I've been told in whispered tones that a lot of people use an exploit which I shall not repeat here but which involves causing yourself to lag on purpose. And that this has the effect of making your ship look like its in 2 places at once.


I've seen it myself. Is HQ aware of this? Are they ever going to stop people from cheating?

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...causing yourself to lag on purpose. And that this has the effect of making your ship look like its in 2 places at once.


I've seen it myself. Is HQ aware of this? Are they ever going to stop people from cheating?


They are aware. As far as I know, because of how the exploit works between your client and their servers, it makes it hard for them to stop it in general. If I see someone doing it, it's usually pretty easy to tell if it's real lag or exploiting. If they finish with few to no kills and single-digit accuracy, it's honest lag (or they really suck). If you see them hopping all over the place and they've got a decent number of kills and 30%+ accuracy, they're probably exploiting.


I usually only report when it is glaringly obvious. And I usually just write up what I saw with the time of the match and the alleged exploiter's name. But if you can get video of anyone using the expoit in a match, you can report them to the GMs with a link to the video and get a better response.

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It's not a very high priority, because the laggers are putting themselves at a disadvantage against skilled players.


If the server doesn't have current information from your client it assumes that you're going in a straight line at a constant speed.


Once you know that, if you're good at mental geometry you can fire shots at a lagger that are basically impossible for them to avoid if you lined things up right.


If they lag for really long periods you can even pull fun tricks like landing torpedoes on them that will do damage before the lagger even gets a lock warning tone.


The server has valid information, the non-lagging player has slightly old information, the lagger has very out of date information. Being behind the curve on data accuracy and transfer is not an overall advantage in GSF.

Edited by Ramalina
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It's not new, it's been around for a long time. If I have someone targeted and they pull this I just peel off and target someone else. It's a useless trick really, I've never seen someone dominant use it, it's usually people that suck at GSF that try it to survive longer. I've never ever seen someone with a score of like 20-11-0 with this, usually it'll be like 3-4-2 or something, far from dominant and it's not game changing. They can't hit anything when doing this so pretty much they fly normal trying to rack up kills and when they feel focused they'll pop this exploit. In the long run it actually hurts your piloting abilities because you learn to rely on this as a crutch instead of actually learning survival techniques & evasive flying. So you can't kill or be killed, you're just annoying. Move on to next target BUT when you do see this exploiter not using this make sure to destroy them without mercy. Exploiters do not deserve mercy or remorse, only death.
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Is that exploit new? Never seen it. How do you know it's an exploit and not just weird lag?


As havokhead said: it isn't new. People have been doing it since beta. It's obvious because the offenders only lag/hop/skip when under fire; leave them alone and they'll resume flying normally. It's irritating, but ineffective. I've never seen anyone dominate playing like this. You're literally taking yourself out of the game while lagging; you have no offensive capability at all.

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Oh, that one. I was confused because of the "being in two locations at the same time" thing.


Of all the laggy people I've seen I reported one, because he seemingly was switching between normal and laggy depending on situation.

Most people really just lag. Didn't see anyone lagging on my main server for over a year, but when I play on Harbinger it's more common - I think it's just a side effect of AsPac/EU players flying there with high latency.

Edited by Danalon
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I've been told in whispered tones that a lot of people use an exploit which I shall not repeat here but which involves causing yourself to lag on purpose. And that this has the effect of making your ship look like its in 2 places at once.


I've seen it myself. Is HQ aware of this? Are they ever going to stop people from cheating?


So that's what it is ! Have seen it myself 3 times so far. The first time I reported the player as a possible exploiter, flying a bomber and teleporting all over the place.

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If they finish with few to no kills and single-digit accuracy, it's honest lag (or they really suck). If you see them hopping all over the place and they've got a decent number of kills and 30%+ accuracy, they're probably exploiting.


Not true, I've come out of a match with 15 kills and like 3 deaths before and I had 3000ms ping that whole match.


Granted, the pilots on the sats were easy targets for protorps.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Ok. I expected this thread to be about another phenomenon.


Has anyone else experienced this:


Your ping is fine. Your flying great. Smooth sailing, dogfighting, have'n fun.

Except when certain players get within about 4 or 5k meters of you. then you lag out, everything goes choppy, and you go from full shields and health to floating debris within seconds. Anyone else? I'm talking about blowing up, and THEN hearing the sound of the missle lock and blcs that did you in.


Wondering if it's an issue on my end, or if it's another lag based exploit that people are using. Does anyone know what I'm talking about here? My lag is usually just fine - this only happens when near certain players.

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Wondering if it's an issue on my end, or if it's another lag based exploit that people are using. Does anyone know what I'm talking about here? My lag is usually just fine - this only happens when near certain players.

I find it hard to believe that some GSF player out there has the capability to directly influence your internet connection and/or your ping in the game just by being in proximity to you, like Remote Slicing in real life.


There are many times when playing SWTOR and GSF specifically when lag will strike seemingly out of nowhere. Back around the 3.0 patch, something in that patch caused me to experience random severe lag spikes every five to ten minutes. I couldn't complete a GSF match without eventually lagging out. That lasted for about two patches and then everything for the most part has been fine. Bioware breaks things all the time, and GSF has suffered many instances of crippling bugs being introduced then quietly removed.


Many players experience a different sort of lag when a game features many bombers all dropping their bomber junk. I don't know if it is a display issue with being unable to keep up rendering it all, or an issue with the server reporting the position of all the little mines, drones, etc, but lots of players (me included) get slideshow-like framerates when that arises which makes playing very difficult.


People playing on geographically distant servers have real issues, too. When someone from the east coast, like me, is playing on Harbinger (west coast) vs. people from Australia or Europe, there are going to be issues where the game is late in reporting or showing when a railgun hits, whether I hit DF in time to stop a missile from landing, etc. It can seem like you got shot through a rock if the game isn't giving you accurate information on when events are occurring.


SWTOR is not a precision instrument with razor-sharp calibration, finely tuned and humming steadily with great efficiency. It is sixteen hamsters on rusty wheels connected by patched up rubber tubing to a motor that needs some grease and has the distributor cap held in place by bubblegum.


Adjust your expectations accordingly.



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