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How The Old Republic can compete and beat Guild Wars 2


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Original GW was a success and it's PVP highly competitive.

The sequel will do fine.


Indeed, the first GW was basically a PVP game, with ToR style story quests (with crappier voice acting) added as an afterthought. Called them missions, too. Or at least, that was my impression. Yes, I've finished the PVE game, it's a fun game (except factions ohgod), but as far as story goes, it can't match ToR ever.


As for the PVP part... It was glorious!


ToR is ATM pretty much the other way around. The story is awesome, the pvp not so much.

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Indeed, the first GW was basically a PVP game, with ToR style story quests (with crappier voice acting) added as an afterthought. Called them missions, too. Or at least, that was my impression. Yes, I've finished the PVE game, it's a fun game (except factions ohgod), but as far as story goes, it can't match ToR ever.


As for the PVP part... It was glorious!


ToR is ATM pretty much the other way around. The story is awesome, the pvp not so much.


We're not comparing SWTOR to the first GW, we're talking about GW2, which is absolutely nothing like the first.

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GW2 is trying to be a competitive MMO....LOL.... it will kill itself really. Its not like the orginal GWs was all that great either, idoubt it will bring in new people.


Exactly what is the point of your post? Why won't it be competitive? Why will it kill itself? Why wasn't the original great? I know internet anonymity allows you to say anything you want without any backup facts etc, but if you want people to take you seriously, you really need to justify your waffle.


You doubt it will bring in new people? That's an amazingly stupid comment to make! I can pretty much bet, at least one person completely new to gaming will buy GW2, which makes your comment so fantastically naive.


Finally, 'LOL' is a great indicator of maturity level..

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That wasn't my point. Yeah, you have buttons to press, but you aren't locked into healing the tank, or even being the tank. You have different skill loadouts based on equipment, but no weapon forces you into a role. You can effectively tank no matter what your loadout, because you're keeping yourself alive, not another player.


I misunderstood what you meant by "hotkey archetype", what you're talking about sounds more like a change on the trinity. All I was saying is other than the active dodging, GW2 at its heart is still a hotkey MMO. Which isn't a bad thing, because usually when an RPG isn't hotkey, it's a hack n' slash.


Hotkey attacks with action elements sounds good to me.

Edited by Jaku
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I misunderstood what you meant by "hotkey archetype", what you're talking about sounds more like a change on the trinity. All I was saying is other than the active dodging, GW2 at its heart is still a hotkey MMO. Which isn't a bad thing, because usually when an RPG isn't hotkey, it's a hack n' slash.


Hotkey attacks with action elements sounds good to me.


Yeah sorry, I wasn't exactly clear on what I meant, looks like you get it though.

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We're not comparing SWTOR to the first GW, we're talking about GW2, which is absolutely nothing like the first.


I know, I just made the comparison to the first game, because people seem to think it was some sort of crappy game that never sold more than 3 copies. It was an awesome game, probably much more tactical than anything we'll see in ToR ever, as far as pvp goes. As for PVE, one time through was fun, but I don't think I'd last a second time.


As for GW2, I'm not completely sure how this whole "switch roles on the fly" is going to play out. Might make pvp a bit annoying, this dude that was shooting you with his bow is suddenly healing himself up, then shooting you again.


I guess we'll see how it plays out. I'll probably get the game eventually anyway, since I hear there's gonna be good world PVP.

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The Elementalist for eg, at any given time has 36 abilities to use.



Your "you only have to learn this and that" argument pretty much falls short right there

Not really since you only sum them up. Its still only 5 abilities at once.


So your argument pretty much fails and is equal to saying Sith warrior has 238 abilities.

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As for GW2, I'm not completely sure how this whole "switch roles on the fly" is going to play out. Might make pvp a bit annoying, this dude that was shooting you with his bow is suddenly healing himself up, then shooting you again.


I guess we'll see how it plays out. I'll probably get the game eventually anyway, since I hear there's gonna be good world PVP.


But thats the thing, that guy thats shooting wont swap out to a magical healer ma-guy, he'll carry on shooting you, but also casting his healing ability, it's not changing roles, it's more along the lines of just changing weapons, as in he can hurt you in a different way.


Try imagine i'm a warrior in a PvP match, i have two loadouts, one using dual wielding swords, the other, using a rifle. If i see you in the distance i'll use my rifle like any sensible person would. If someone got close i could switch my weapon to my swords, it's changing my first 5 abilities two ones specific to using two swords, but my other 5 abilities ( my utilities) will stay the same, one of the utilities include my self heal. I didn't know how to explain it so I tried making a scenario. Does that help though, in that it's not changing classes, it's just changing the way you do things.

Edited by Daxramas
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you aren't locked into a certain role by what class you pick, that's why it's a better system.


for you.



btw... it's hardly a revolutionary system

you know which game does the same?




(yeah, the 'failed' final fantasy mmo)

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for you.



btw... it's hardly a revolutionary system

you know which game does the same?




(yeah, the 'failed' final fantasy mmo)


Can you explain FFXIV did it? I can recall it let's you change classes. But that's not what GW2 is doing.

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for you.



btw... it's hardly a revolutionary system

you know which game does the same?




(yeah, the 'failed' final fantasy mmo)


Yeah, exactly. I'm not saying one game is objectively better than the other. SWTOR is fun, I love this game, but I'd like something new, which GW2 would give me. It comes down to opinion, which is nothing to get sore about. Also, FF14 was still locked into archetypes, you could switch class at will, but you were locked into that class' role, and had to level it up again on top of that. It's completely different, more like WoW but without having to role a new character to play a different class.

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Can you explain FFXIV did it? I can recall it let's you change classes. But that's not what GW2 is doing.


well yeah you change (changed? I haven't played in 8 months) 'class' by picking up a different weapon. but just because the 'class' officially changes, and GW2 has no 'class' doesn't make it a different system by any means. it's still the same deal. people will not actually be good at anything because they can just do everything. part of why the good healers/tanks are good is because they play that way the whole time and really, really, really know how to play their class


btw, afaik they changed the system drastically, so I'm not too sure you actually still have to level all classes up. even if you do, it's hardly a huge difference. I never understood what the difference supposedly is between rolling alts or just doing it all in one character.


fine, some of you think switching roles easily is awesome, I got that when I heard so many people here whining about dual spec not possible, but that does not mean you will ever convince me that is the better system.


people have pointed out enough reasons why both games will be around. that does .not. make one game better than the other, though. at all.

Edited by amnie
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But thats the thing, that guy thats shooting wont swap out to a magical healer ma-guy, he'll carry on shooting you, but also casting his healing ability, it's not changing roles, it's more along the lines of just changing weapons, as in he can hurt you in a different way.


Try imagine i'm a warrior in a PvP match, i have two loadouts, one using dual wielding swords, the other, using a rifle. If i see you in the distance i'll use my rifle like any sensible person would. If someone got close i could switch my weapon to my swords, it's changing my first 5 abilities two ones specific to using two swords, but my other 5 abilities ( my utilities) will stay the same, one of the utilities include my self heal. I didn't know how to explain it so I tried making a scenario. Does that help though, in that it's not changing classes, it's just changing the way you do things.


I, personally, found it very fun trying to cope with my class disadvantages while exploiting every possible class advantage I could get to get another class killed. If we're just jacks of all trades, I'm afraid it'll get bland very fast, since everyone will just be doing the same thing in the end. Couple of shots from range, then when melee switch to melee, throw in a heal or two when it's off cooldown, etc.

Edited by Truga
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Not really since you only sum them up. Its still only 5 abilities at once.


So your argument pretty much fails and is equal to saying Sith warrior has 238 abilities.


Have you even seen a screenshot of GW2? There are 10 skills on the screen at once. Also, I don't really think pressing one button to instantly swap weapons/attunements creates the separation between skills that you are so stuck on.

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I, personally, found much it very fun trying to cope with my class disadvantages while exploiting every possible class advantage I could get to get another class killed. If we're just jacks of all trades, I'm afraid it'll get bland very fast, since everyone will just be doing the same thing in the end. Couple of shots from range, then when melee switch to melee, throw in a heal or two when it's off cooldown, etc.


The different classes arent doing the same thing at all. They all have a unique way on doing things and have their own twists.


I couldn't find the pvp video i was looking for but I could quickly find this one.


Hopefully that can help with what I'm trying to prove =)

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Not really since you only sum them up. Its still only 5 abilities at once.


So your argument pretty much fails and is equal to saying Sith warrior has 238 abilities.




That elementalist is constantly changing atunements, yes, they have 36 abilities avaiable, and no sith warrior doesnt have that

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fine, some of you think switching roles easily is awesome, I got that when I heard so many people here whining about dual spec not possible, but that does not mean you will ever convince me that is the better system.


people have pointed out enough reasons why both games will be around. that does .not. make one game better than the other, though. at all.


But it's simply not changing roles. You're already a damage dealer, a healer and a controller. You're not changing from one to the other.


And to that I don't think you understand what this thread was about from the start, this isn't trying to prove which is better, this is just supplying information on the game and to see the innovation that the two games are doing.

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And no one's saying one's better than the other.


oh I'm absolutely positive people .are. saying one game is better than the other. no 'I like game X better' but 'game Y will fail because of Z'


it's stupid, no matter if people compare TOR to WoW or GW2 or Skyrim or D3 or Hello Kitty Online.


not only that, people aren't reasonable either. and it's tiresome. (yes I know I don't have to read and engage in these topics. maybe I'm a masochist)

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oh I'm absolutely positive people .are. saying one game is better than the other. no 'I like game X better' but 'game Y will fail because of Z'


it's stupid, no matter if people compare TOR to WoW or GW2 or Skyrim or D3 or Hello Kitty Online.


not only that, people aren't reasonable either. and it's tiresome. (yes I know I don't have to read and engage in these topics. maybe I'm a masochist)


Yeah but those are the posts you have to ignore, because they don't add **** to the discussion.

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GW 2 has a major problem, it has no monthly fee. Because of this it will not work, Im afraid.


Either you will not stand a chance vs. others except you pay for items or the game will be overrun by children, like BF3 currently is or Diablo 2 was etc.



Also I doubt that all the "dynamic world" stuff will really work. If a player runs through the world and there is nobody else, then how should he group? Did you all forget how Warhammer was?


Yes at the first days you could do all those dynamic quest´s there, but after? You couldnt, because you never had enough people. It does not help to have such a system, it will always only work with other players around and at the end of the first month of War, nobody did even bother to do these dynamic events anymore.



How will G2 adress these problems? Do people really think that the guys who get payed for making such games are dumb? If it would be so easy to have an open world, where millions of people participate and you never feel alone but always can easily group to do your personal lvl content, which also is always different and something you cant prepare for then they would implement such features.


Every MMO be it Rift, AoC, War or GW 2 does or did promiss a lot but none of these games worked well. To not have a spec is also a big problem, if I can be everyone all the time - then why bother playing at all.


An RPG needs a class system, talents to choose from and all this. It will not work if you pick a char like at BF 3 for instance.


GW1 was/is one of the most successful games out there with over 6.5 million sales (august 2010), and after 6 years still running and getting content updates from time to time despite the fact they are putting all their effort in gw2

GW1 has the best pvp system out there.


The game is still making money through micros, selling only cosmetic stuff, so no 100%xp buffs and uber weapons and stuff, just cosmetic crap, nothing game breaking.

It gets enough money in to keep the servers up and finance 5 years of gw2 development and still pay all employees.


besides google gw2 first before you post ...


Dynamic quest in gw2 scale, depending on the how many players participate, you can do it alone and you can do it with 5 players, 10, or 30 , it will still be the same challenge

as it scales in mob level, mob count, mob skills etc...



swtor fails at everyting, except the voiced story, and if it wasnt starwars, the strongest license you can get for a game, bioware could already shut down their servers.


what do you get for 15 bucks per months?

unbalanced, unpolished, rushed game, with old outdated but still cpu destroying graphic,

outdated game mechanics, copy paste, mirrored classes + same ability icons used over 3 classes for different skills, kill 60 mob quests, loot stealing, static worlds, empty worlds, pretty much non existant pvp ( because its so messed up in terms of everything ),



static combat + holy trinity in the STAR WARS galaxy, you kidding me right??

Jedi holding a lightsaber but not using it, sitting arround and healing bars up.


and stuff like typing this :" lf Healer/Tank xyz FP !!"

for hours, just to get a pseudo Jedi...


star wars needs innovation and dynamic new combat system, like gw2, tera ...



thats why gw2 will be a success... even if they shut down the servers after half a year...

atleast they tried something different, thinking out of the box...

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So many of you are completely ignorant to what GW2 is actually doing, yet you continue to bash.


SWTOR is a good game, but it will end up like warhammer, aion, and rift because at the end of the day WoW is a much more established mmo, with more content across the board.


GW2 will survive. I am not a fanboy, but i know what is true. If they hold up even half of their promises, it will atleast be a decent success. The game is an Action rpg, where you roll and dash and think on your feet, switching your weapons for a new skill set on the fly as needed.

The game will focus on PvP, with a open world PvE system. At higher levels we don't know much about End game raiding, so dont talk about it. nobody knows. We do know that there will be outdoor epic events such as dragon attacks, just as an example. Also there are dungeons, obviously.

Some of you have said the pvp wont be balanced, for some odd reason. The game is not out. nobody knows. We do know that Anet is focusing hard on making sure that GW2 is viable for competetive gaming, and the Esports word has even been thrown around a few times.


The holy trinity is gone. NO ONE in your group will be a tank, healer, or dps. The only heals will be minor. You can fill your group with what ever the hell you want, so you don't have to sit in trade looking for a specific role. In combat you do what is necessary, utilizing your support and control abilities, instead of being protected by a knight and healed by a priest.


That is a little information on GW2. I need not speak of SWTOR, as we already know what the game has to offer.

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Yeah but those are the posts you have to ignore, because they don't add **** to the discussion.


after 23 pages I don't actually expect anyone to 'add' something to the discussion. I don't care about WoW or GW2 (though I will probably gift it to my sister as a birthday present.. IF they stick to the current release plans... ), never was a huge Diablo fan either ... love Skyrim and play it 'in-between' on my third char now while still exploring the side-missions on my first, and Hello Kitty Online... well.. uh.... ;)


I'm still amazed by the amount of people using this forum to tell people something about their 'real' favorite game. I really fail to see the point in coming here just to tell people you're only playing to pass the time until GW2 comes out. this annoyed me immensely in LotRo, when people constantly talked about waiting for SW:ToR in global, even though I did the same...

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GW1 was/is one of the most successful games out there with over 6.5 million sales (august 2010), and after 6 years still running and getting content updates from time to time despite the fact they are putting all their effort in gw2

GW1 has the best pvp system out there.


Well, to be fair, if we went by total box sales (including expansions) most MMO's would be "one of the most successful games" out there.


Also, GW1 having one of the best pvp systems is pretty subjective. With that said, I did enjoy GW1 during the time I played it.

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So many of you are completely ignorant to what GW2 is actually doing, yet you continue to bash.


SWTOR is a good game, but it will end up like warhammer, aion, and rift because at the end of the day WoW is a much more established mmo, with more content across the board.


GW2 will survive. I am not a fanboy, but i know what is true. If they hold up even half of their promises, it will atleast be a decent success. The game is an Action rpg, where you roll and dash and think on your feet, switching your weapons for a new skill set on the fly as needed.

The game will focus on PvP, with a open world PvE system. At higher levels we don't know much about End game raiding, so dont talk about it. nobody knows. We do know that there will be outdoor epic events such as dragon attacks, just as an example. Also there are dungeons, obviously.

Some of you have said the pvp wont be balanced, for some odd reason. The game is not out. nobody knows. We do know that Anet is focusing hard on making sure that GW2 is viable for competetive gaming, and the Esports word has even been thrown around a few times.


The holy trinity is gone. NO ONE in your group will be a tank, healer, or dps. The only heals will be minor. You can fill your group with what ever the hell you want, so you don't have to sit in trade looking for a specific role. In combat you do what is necessary, utilizing your support and control abilities, instead of being protected by a knight and healed by a priest.


That is a little information on GW2. I need not speak of SWTOR, as we already know what the game has to offer.


QFT x1000

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