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How The Old Republic can compete and beat Guild Wars 2


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Guild wars is fantasy still and most people are bored of been an elf.


Star wars has the advantage of been star wars and not high fantasy.


Cause shooting lightning from your fingertips isn't fantasy at all.................

Edited by DjDigiD
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Comparing Guild Wars to Star Wars is as Stupid as comparing Star Wars to WoW. The only thing they have in common is that they are MMO's.


There are folks out there that will never play Star Wars, because they do not like the IP or they do not like sci-fi/fantasy.


There are folks that will never play Guild Wars or WoW because they do not enjoy medieval/fantasy.


Just those factors alone make comparing the games akin to comparing apples and oranges. Apples and Oranges are still fruit, but they have nothing else in common.

Edited by Baizak
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Guild Wars 2 is FREE to play. Other than buying it.. not even in the same group. What you HAVE to start to wonder or worry about is how NCSoft is going to make MONEY! Everything is not getting better because they went free to play. Does anyone have a clue as to how much just one server cost to run?


Anayway GW2 is not out and to say what it will be or nor is silly.


Greed is the only reason companies charge monthly fees for MMOs. This is a fact. Everquest and UO did it because in the 90s server/bandwidth costs were very high and since people excepted it everyone has done so since.


Server costs and bandwidth are not even published in many companies statements and if they are it is part of a group of costs or as a side note. As it is not a large sum incurred.

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SWTOR is like WoW as Burger King is like McDonald's. Is Burger King better?


Like fastfood, MMO's share everything that make it an MMO. Anyway, I guess I say that to point out GW2 will be like every other MMO. Everyone says they are innovative like it's the McRib.

Edited by knell
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by looking at GW2 agenda and following it a bit, I think GW2 is in much

grater danger to fail and dissapoint than SWTOR ever could be ...


many people say, swtor is relighing to much on oldscool or outdated

mechanics and concepts ... but I am afraid GW2 is througing to much

over bord wich is needed to provided an stable frame for MMO gameplay


I dont trust those 'dynamic-content-quest' thing, at the end theres maybe

only grind? ... and will you monitoring the mountens in GW2 all day long

and as soon as smoke appears like an giant quest-giver-mark you will

gather your friends and go to accept this daily quest like in other MMO

as well ... ?


I am not sold



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Guild Wars has eliminated the holy trinity system

  • SWTOR can not do this without rehauling their game. However, they can take the rift approach. SWTOR could allow multiple builds of characters. Another solution, is to allow players alts to become members of their crew, allowing players to easily change out characters using a quick logout-login process. Sure, DHT is still needed, but at least now players can more easily swap out builds for others.
  • SWTOR could also implement new ability trees that blend and meld the trinity. Class options in SWTOR are limited.


Guild Wars will not have traditional quests, instead quests will be stumbled upon in the open world and spawn dynamic content based on variables.

[*]This is a hard one for SWTOR to overcome, but not out of the realm of possible. SWTOR could use this time to develop a third or fourth faction in their mythos with one of them being non-playable. This extra faction could be “random invasions” that happen in areas on the planet, in zones and be varied very akin to Rift’s rifts. These variable encounters could be zone specific and allow for additional quest threads. This would be a great 6 month mark introduction and encourage people to replay earlier zones. The threat level could be triggered by an equation that calculates number of people in the zone. And it could come with penalities. Perhaps increasing the difficulty of zone monsters if it is failed or providing a boost to rewards if successful. These will last until the next invasion is triggered. (possibly by a number of reoccurring quests being performed). In order to counteract Guild Wars (no need for exclamation mark quest guy) these quests can be automatically provided to players ni the area with everyone receiving the same rewards or penalties.




I think doing away with the holy trinity is a bad idea. Why? It gives people some sort of organization. The holy trinity has been around forever because it works. Everyone has a specific job to perform and that job is important to keep the team alive. If you do away with roles then you'll just have a bunch of people running around all willy nilly and then they'll wonder why their party wiped.


However, I do like the idea of a non-player faction to fight against. Having the random beastmen attacks on Aht Urghan was one of my favorite things to do in FFXI. There's nothing like defending a deloved city from being overrun by mobs. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing that implemented into the game.

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Honestly they only way this game (SWTOR) will compete with the next round of MMOs on the way (GW2, Firefall, ArchAge, Tera) is to basically embrace what it does well.


This is a PvE game.


Its not going to keep the 'hardcore' pvpers, especially the ones from WoW that make up the bulk of the player base. The combat system isnt responsive enough and there arent enough pvp-based objective in the game to shoot for.


The funny thing is GW2 is going to be aa good game, but the WoW crowd isnt going to like that game either, since its actually not a WoW clone. (Just like GW1 was a good pvp game if you actually played it but tons of WoW players constantly dismiss it)


So basically they need to make a robust pve endgame and TOR will be fine. There are enough SW fans to keep the game going.


But honestly, this game isnt going to keep the pvp crowd. They'll sticck around a few months until the new shinies (GW2, Tera the action MMO and firefall the TPS MMO) drop.

Edited by oflow
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Someone fill me in on what exactly the "dynamic quest content" Guild Wars is pushing is. The description I read about 6 months ago described a situation where say goblins would be preparing to attack a town, and if you didn't stop them they would conquer, if you do stop them you push them back to their base. This kind of content is fun, but is really just the same old MMO trick with a new hat on it (not that SWTOR isn't the same thing, but I digress). Please correct me if I'm missing something, but it really just sounds like Warhammer's public quests meet Rifts invasions, you're still going to be killing 30 goblins and destroying 5 goblin supply crates to stop the upcoming attack. Definitely nothing as revolutionary as people seem to think it will be.
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I've been following the development of GW2 for a couple of years, now, and having played SWTOR, I'm even more excited at the prospect of GW2's release.


Oh, and many of the comments made here about GW2 are fundamentally incorrect (i.e., it's like GW1, it's not an MMO, dropping the holy trinity is a mistake, etc., etc., ad nauseum).


People are gonna believe what they want and follow their own agendas, but mark my word, somebody's gonna be eatin' some crow in a few months, and I'm betting it won't be me.

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I've been following the development of GW2 for a couple of years, now, and having played SWTOR, I'm even more excited at the prospect of GW2's release.


Oh, and many of the comments made here about GW2 are fundamentally incorrect (i.e., it's like GW1, it's not an MMO, dropping the holy trinity is a mistake, etc., etc., ad nauseum).


People are gonna believe what they want and follow their own agendas, but mark my word, somebody's gonna be eatin' some crow in a few months, and I'm betting it won't be me.

The idea behind it is that you find the goblins attacking the village. You can choose to help the town. If you fail it opens up another event, say now the goblins are running hte town and torturing citizens or you save the town and but the goblins have already run off with the treasure they seek. Branches break out based on these decisions. At no point in the game are you collecting "this number" or killing "this number". The number fluctuated depending on the level and hte number of people in the area.

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There really isn't any competing since GW2 is B2p.


Besides, endgame in guild wars 2 is going to suck. Arena net releases content patches maybe once or twice a YEAR! :cool:


Thats because GW is a pvp game. If you actually play with a guild and pvp its very fun. End game is pve not pvp. PvPers dont care about endgame they dont even do hardcore pve for themost part.


Also, GW2 is actually totally different than GW1. TOR is more like GW1 than GW2 will be.

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i wonder how many content patches gw2 is going to have after release? ive never played gw but is it micro transitions. i cant see how there going to make money to keep the game running im sure it wont be off the initial box sales.............


Again, do at least a little research, the first guild wars was buy to play with micro transactions yes, so will GW2. What people need to understand is, yes, that does generate enough money to run the game perfectly fine, even with their item store only selling cosmetics as well as say, character slots. Nothing breaking the game. ArenaNet have already shown with their previous title that they fully commit to their game and not just drop it and milk as much money as possible like other companies have done.

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TOR already beat GW2


GW2 releasing will only create a bigger gap with TOR in the lead


GW2 is B2P for a reason so time people accept that game for what it is


TORs not perfect, not by a country mile,but its still better then anything GW2 will ever offer up

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Again, B2P is not F2P. GW2 is AAA MMO. Though I think they would do well to go ahead and go with a Subscription model in the US. It is very hard to change the mind of the consumer. Most consumers believe "How can it be better if it doesnt have a subscription fee? Wow and SWTOR have a sub fee, how can a B2P be better?"
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If not for the lack of end game pve, I would be completely confident in GW2. People who play the demo are typically blown away, not impressed, but blown away. Take someone like Totalbiscuit for example, (who has been saying some very nice things about SWTOR lately btw), after playing the demo, he believes GW2 WILL be the mmo he'll play.


Don't get me wrong, I don't follow what anyone says as absolute, but I typically agree with him.


So ya, end game PVE is very important to me. So without that, GW2 may fail me, despite the fact that I think it will be superior to SWTOR in most ways (of course not story though).

Edited by Khechari
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google guild wars 2 dragon fight, the actual epic fight, not the midboss. I've playd that, most amazing combat ever and very realistic to how dragons are presented in novels, huge hulking beasts that take tons of tactics to take down.


The only 2 dragons we've seen from GW2 thus far are The Shatterer and the one shown in the video. Both are Mid-Level dragon fights. ArenaNet has said of both of them, that they are some of the SMALLER dragons in GW2.

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Guild wars 2 has this game beat, hands down. It is ACTUALLY doing something to change the genre and put in new features, unlike bore wars: The boring republic here.


They said the same about AoC, RIFT, DDO, Aion, LotR and DCUO. They would all beat WoW, or at least be a serious competitor. Yet they all failed once they launched. Heck, AoC, DDO and DCUO all tried to change the genre as well, but they all failed as people didn't like the changes. They wanted those games to be more like WoW.


Innovation does not equate being better. And hype before launch or even an open-ish beta does not mean it will be a good game either. The past proves this. How about you all just effing wait until GW2 has been properly tested? As in, when at least 30,000+ random players have played it for a week or more? THEN we can talk about if it's better or not.

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And like others pointed out, healing was one of the strong points of Guild Wars 1. I criticized and lost much of my excitement when they announced the end of the dedicated healers, because i understand that that is also the death of team-play based content. Everything will just be one big zerg with potion spamming... sound familiar? Yes, because its been done before by other games.


You must have never played a moba. (League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, DoTa, etc.) there aren't any "dedicated" healers in those games but there are support characters that can throw out heals and silences and debuff groups of enemies. If anet does it right and makes specs in the game more support-ish and other specs more damage and others more control, they can really make something great. LoL is pretty even aslong as it's smart players vs smart players, if you feed any champ they are gonna be greatly overpowered, if you play smart and team fight after mid game then you will come out ahead.


TL;DR - MOBAs are perfectly fine without healers in a competition enviroment. **** the prize pools for LoL tournaments are larger than SC2, WoW and any FPS combined. GW2 will be worth the buy, maybe not to play for 7 years like I have wow, but just the same as SWTOR has it's value.

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