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How The Old Republic can compete and beat Guild Wars 2


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I just don't think that GW2 is going to compete much with TOR/WoW. I never met anyone who quit WoW to play GW, and I can't imagine why GW2 would be any different. There's no subscription fee for GW....it's very easy to play both if that's what you want to do.
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I just don't think that GW2 is going to compete much with TOR/WoW. I never met anyone who quit WoW to play GW, and I can't imagine why GW2 would be any different. There's no subscription fee for GW....it's very easy to play both if that's what you want to do.


Think guild wars 1 was developped with a team of 4 ppl, still managed incredible success for what the game is, it was never a competition for WoW because it wasnt an MMO, which GW2 is

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Guild Wars 2 will fail


Guild Wars 2 looks like a 15$ Xbox 360 Arcade Game


Guild Wars 2 has removed the weapons skills of the thief from 4 to one because the players was confused! LOLOLOLOL!


Guild Wars 2 has Anime-Kiddo Graphics.


Guild Wars 2 has no monthly fee and the result is a bad community.


Guild Wars 2 is casual.

Edited by BjoernR
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Removing the Holy Trinity is the big thing people have been talking about and having seen a lot of footage I have to say this is probably going to wipe the floor with most MMOs.


Not really. As soon as it launches and the masses start to play it... they are going to overwhelm it with complaints about why did they do away with the "holy trinity". Why? because deep down, most people say they want paradigm shifting change, but they really don't.


I know people that are chomping at the bit for GW2 release. I wish them well in their adventures. For me, I will not play an NCsoft game. Period. End of story. NCsoft has a different view of what represents an MMO, and I disagree with it.

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Looks like a boring korean take at medieval fantasy WHICH IS GETTING OLD! Need moar sci-fi...personally it looks like RIFT and mixed with some other MMOs, if its anything like GW1 in combat its gonna be bleh for me, most trolls talked about how SWTOR is so single player...you want a single player game...talk about GW1



GW2 just looks like some japanese RPG...which I hate with a furious passion.

Edited by Bobinator
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I've been following GW2 for the last year and half very closely.


The game is doing what I believe most American MMO gamers really want now day.


Eliminate the grind, focus the game on group pvp. Great graphics and no sub fee.


I've ground through enough mmo's now to be truly bored with these grinding mechanics all revolving around gear.


Take League of Legends for instance. The most popluar game in the world, very small grind, pvp focused, big money tournaments. Winnning Combo.


If GW2 replicates this we will have a winner that you can pick up or put down and not fall behind 2 months of gear grinding.


all I really want is a super tight pvp mmo. GW2 appears to be delivering so far.

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Rephrase -


How can GW2 compete with SWTOR?. Most of you have not even played GW2 yet those rose coloured goggles paint a picture of it being the best MMO to grace the industry.


At this stage this is no release date and CB was recently announced, it will need to be something special to pull players from the other MMO's (Eve, Swtor, WoW, Rift etc).


That said, there is no reason they cannot co-exist.

Edited by Gravetongue
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Not really. As soon as it launches and the masses start to play it... they are going to overwhelm it with complaints about why did they do away with the "holy trinity". Why? because deep down, most people say they want paradigm shifting change, but they really don't.


I know people that are chomping at the bit for GW2 release. I wish them well in their adventures. For me, I will not play an NCsoft game. Period. End of story. NCsoft has a different view of what represents an MMO, and I disagree with it.


yea, I hate NCsoft to, good thing they are not making the game

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You cant say they wont keep it up well without montly fee because they gonna make expensions every 6-8 months.. so if they sell these for 60$ its gonna be same money.. like 15$*6


They say that, this system keep them alive and they wanna make good expansions so ppl keep buying..

İf you dont want to buy, you wont.. its a win win

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So the holy trinity is still in the game (tank/Healer/Dps) but you can choose to be whichever you want to be at any point during a fight?


A healer dies, so someone else just starts healing instead?


No, it's nothing like that, there are literally no single target "heal ally for X hp" spells period. There are no threat skills, there are no taunt skills. What happens is all classes get a healing skill that can actually keep you alive provided you aren't taking too much damage. All classes can dps, support, control, etc enemies, often within the same battle with the click of a button to swap weapon sets/attunements.


NPCs will target the nearest enemy that is generating the most damage, which often will not be the beefy warrior in heavy armor. So how do you keep your squishy casters from being pummeled? You use movement restricting skills and physically body block the enemy with your "tanks". Many classes also have support skills such as a wall that reflects ranged attacks to protect allies with. There is limited AoE healing, but the heal given will be weak compared to the self heal(think the marauder group healing skill that gives everybody 1% hp every second or so).


If the NPCs do manage to hit your squishy casters or dps, they will have a ton of defensive skills and can switch their skill sets on the fly to become more defensive. In addition, all classes have the ability to dodge, which completely negates the attack if done at the right time(but costs energy so you can't dodge forever).


Let's say your group is fighting another group with melee/ranged/caster etc. Their melee dps tries to go after your squishy ranged characters. Your group has several options ranging from physically blocking the enemy, to using skills that slow/immobilize them, to using area movement denial abilities, to having your ranged instantly switch to a melee or a defensive skill set. Now let's say the enemy melee couldn't get past your melee players and their ranged dps decides to go after your ranged instead. Now your warriors can physically block the ranged attacks directed at their teammates. Almost all ranged attacks will be projectiles, and projectiles all have collision detection(enemy only, friendly projectiles will phase through friendly players, same with model collision). What this means positioning and movement is super important. The difference between your squishy casters dying and surviving can come down to how much attention your warrior is paying and whether he moved in time to physically block enemy attacks or not.


Just like in the video you have no idea how the game interacts with the player. Break it down into parts and you will see you are playing a hotkey MMO.


And the thing you call skillbased with spell rotations we already have that in PVE raiding in WoW.




GW2 is a lot like an FPS game. You ever play a battlefield game? Or better yet Skyrim? You can't have to target anything with most skills. If you press "swing sword" button, your character will swing the sword, even if there are no targets. If you press fireball, your character will cast a fireball.


Think Skyrim, but instead of having only two skills at a time, you have 10. Yes, you will be pressing hotkeys, but there are no rotations. Instead, you will use whatever skill you think is the most useful at the time. In battlefield 3 did you stick to a rotation? GW2 is aiming to be like that, an action game instead of a button macro rotation game you can program a bot to play.

Edited by IJoinedForDental
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Guild Wars will have autogrouping


  • If Rift can do this, SWTOR should be able to. The #1 complaint now is people saying that they are not able to easily quest. Sure, I know this argument is lame. But most people are afraid to click on someone and rlight click invite for fear of rejection. Which is why Rift rocks. When you go into a zone, you have an option to join the public party and do the rift quests others are doing. This would be nice even now for heroic quests.




Who in this game is having issues questing? How is this the #1 complaint? Personally if I was in an area and was autogrouped with someone because they cant find ONE or TWO people to do the elite quests in this game I would be royally pissed off.


It would be different if the quests were massive quests but seriously, you only need a few people to do the hardest world quests in this game.


If Bioware wants to complete what they need to do is learn how to COMMUNICATE, the game is good...the way they are dealing with their customers is HORRIBLE.

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I just find it funny that people have convinced themselves that NCSOFT is going to produce a better game than BIOWARE.


I personally think there are thousands of MMO players out there who think that every new game is going to be their perfect match, so they continually overhype everything in their heads. Then, when it comes out and isn't what they thought it was going to be, they nerdrage all over the forums until a new game comes out that will be their new bff.


It's a lot like people who are waiting for the perfect female to fall in their lap.

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GW2 will not compete with SWTOR because:


GW2 is a PVP focused game.


And that's a good thing because there won't be so much pve scrubs and carebears around, for fear of getting their asses kicked.


That's just not true. GW2 is a very much PvE focused game, it isn't GW1 people....


The day a F2P MMO beats a sub MMO is the day i stop playing video games. (And i'm not talking about which one ends up having more players, i'm talking about content quality.)


I guess it's a good thing that GW2 isn't F2P then.:rolleyes:


Or do you believe other games without a subscription such as Starcraft, Battlefield, etc are all crappy games because they have no monthly sub cost?


I just find it funny that people have convinced themselves that NCSOFT is going to produce a better game than BIOWARE.


I personally think there are thousands of MMO players out there who think that every new game is going to be their perfect match, so they continually overhype everything in their heads. Then, when it comes out and isn't what they thought it was going to be, they nerdrage all over the forums until a new game comes out that will be their new bff.


It's a lot like people who are waiting for the perfect female to fall in their lap.


NCSoft isn't the developers, they're the publisher, the bioware equivalent of NCSoft is EA.


Pretty much shows how little you know about this subject.

Edited by IJoinedForDental
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Guild wars is fantasy still and most people are bored of been an elf.


Star wars has the advantage of been star wars and not high fantasy.


I guess that means that High Elf bounty hunters aren't going to make it into the game... dammit!

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NCSoft isn't the developers, they're the publisher, the bioware equivalent of NCSoft is EA.


Pretty much shows how little you know about this subject.


Oh right, ArenaNet is the developer, with their all of 1 game that they've produced. Tell me how that changes things.


The game will come out and you'll be hugely disappointed again.

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i can almost 100% positively predict in the first 2 weeks of GW2 release, there forums will be full of doom and gloom threads, threads like


"this class is broken"


"this game wont last a year"


"GW dev's dont listen to the customer"


it wount matter if the game is any good or not. WoW fanboy/girls will troll there forums, just like they have every other MMO that has been released in the last 7 years. i almost want to get a copy just so i can check and see if my prediction is right, but i'm not so sad to buy a game i have no intrest in playing. unlike WoW fans

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