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Favorite planetary storylines?


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So I was wondering that what are your favorite planetary storylines in-game :)? What`s the best and what`s the worst in your opinion? What surprised you in them? What was most enjoyable? :)

My personal favorites are Imperial side Alderaan (Personal favorite, just love those Alderaanian politics

and when both Empire and Republic are probably unbeknowst to other, backing different family members of House Panteer)

, Imperial Taris (very interesting since you really see how the Empire is willing to destroy one planet just to spite the Republic), Belsavis (simply because the Dread Masters and Es-Kha), Imperial Voss

(This one surprised me a lot, especially when you learn that Voss have come from the Gormaks. It also has some really nice diplomatic scenes and you also get to see one character whom we meet later again during Ilum storyline)

and Imperial Corellia (just awesome, you get to bring the Corellia under Empire`s control, if only for a brief time) So yeah, these are my favorites :)

Edited by Rebamcfan
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So I was wondering that what are your favorite planetary storylines in-game :)? What`s the best and what`s the worst in your opinion? What surprised you in them? What was most enjoyable? :)

My personal favorites are Imperial side Alderaan (Personal favorite, just love those Alderaanian politics and when both Empire and Republic are probably unbeknowst to other, backing different family members of House Panteer), Imperial Taris (very interesting since you really see how the Empire is willing to destroy one planet just to spite the Republic), Belsavis (simply because the Dread Masters and Es-Kha), Imperial Voss (This one surprised me a lot, especially when you learn that Voss have come from the Gormaks. It also has some really nice diplomatic scenes and you also get to see one character whom we meet later again during Ilum storyline) and Imperial Corellia (just awesome, you get to bring the Corellia under Empire`s control, if only for a brief time) So yeah, these are my favorites :)


My favorite would probably be Hutta. I know... I know... "ugh... my god... someone likes Hutta???" I may be a bit over taken by nostalgia since it was my first planet arc I ever done when I first started the game. but I like how it shows how much of a slime ball world it is, and since my first character was a BH, it truly felt like I was at the bottom of the barrel here. You're not hunting targets on the Coruscant underworld, or the tropical chaotic paradise of Nar Shaddaa, your in some low time area in a small gang war.


I also loved how you help just simple townsfolk everyday bottom of the barrel citizens, ones who barely live on scrapes and are basically slaves. You're not helping a duke on Alderaan, you just help some someone trying to care for there family or for there spouse, nothing to over dramatic and crazy. Later on as I go through the game I noticed you only do high paying jobs and you gain such a prestigious title where it seems only you can outlive the odds, deal with major crime lords, top generals of the republic and empire, etc. etc., you never quite help someone small just because unlike this planet. I just kind of wished as you progressed late into the game, there would just be small tasks from simple citizens or the commonwealth, not all these top secret impossibru missions, dealing with weapons of mass destruction, slave trading, preventing the death of a entire alien race.


Worst by far for me is Coreilla, I hate how the planetary republic ending basically undoes everything the empire storyline did. For most worlds things were kept in a sort of balance, your character help changed the tide, but not enough for a complete victory like Coreilla for the republic. I mean defeating the entire 1/10th of the empires army and a complete loss for the empire??? seriously?!?!?!

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I've always had a special place in my heart for Tatooine. The main storyline is so wonderfully creepy the first time you play through it. I loved the whole thing with the Rakata archaeotech turning people into zombies, and the old messages from the doomed Czerka facility. The contrast with the bright and sunny visuals of the zones is pretty cool.


I also like Imperial Balmorra, methodically crushing the local resistance.

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Hm, I'll be first rep then :)

I liked Alderaan because I love the planet and it's funny to watch House Panteer pledge to both sides :) Voss is great too, learning the ways of a one-of-a-kind species and seeing visions of your own future. Corellia is great because we show the Empire who's real boss while they fight each other. Oh and Dromund Kaas. I know that's not a planetary storyline for reps but it feels good to strike at the heart of the Empire.

What I didnt like: Tatooine, Makeb (the only good part is when you cut Toborro in half), Hoth (seriously what were we doing there besides freezing?), Quesh (cant even remember)

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Best would be Corellia and Makeb (Does it count if it's the main quest, but still the planetary one?), Corellia was really the first time in the game you felt like you were in a galactic war...Well, for non-PvPers. And the Makeb story for me was just really good on both sides, I loved the characters you were introduced to and I just love the landscape of makeb. Though I will say...FACK THE ARCHON BOSS FIGHT!



...Alderaan....Alderaan...ALDERAAAAAN! You may fire when god damn ready!

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OP: Needs more SPOILER TAGS!


My favourite class/planet combination is the JC on Tython. Not so much the Gnarls (I loathe the Gnarls) as the rest of the story, especially the climax at the Forge. Special mention also for the baby Flesh Raider. And you *must* go see Master Tillin on a non-human character, for the line "Who knows why humans do anything."


Planetary story arcs: either side on Voss, for the Yellow Fog quest, so the SI gets a special mention for having a separate Yellow Fog quest as part of the class story.

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OP: Needs more SPOILER TAGS!


My favourite class/planet combination is the JC on Tython. Not so much the Gnarls (I loathe the Gnarls) as the rest of the story, especially the climax at the Forge. Special mention also for the baby Flesh Raider. And you *must* go see Master Tillin on a non-human character, for the line "Who knows why humans do anything."


Planetary story arcs: either side on Voss, for the Yellow Fog quest, so the SI gets a special mention for having a separate Yellow Fog quest as part of the class story.

SteveTheCynic, better now? Just interested :)

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The classic planetary arcs were all a bit weak and episodic. Go to random military base A and solve their issue, go to random military base B and solve their issue, go to random military base C... Not a lot of deviation from that once you get past the starter planets.


To answer your question, though, I'd say Voss. Dealing with a consistent third party actually made the planet stand out from the others. It even tied in with the class missions a bit.


I'm excluding the starter worlds, though, as they tended to have way better focus than the rest of the levelling planets. Ditto for the post-50 planets.

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Worst by far for me is Coreilla, I hate how the planetary republic ending basically undoes everything the empire storyline did. For most worlds things were kept in a sort of balance, your character help changed the tide, but not enough for a complete victory like Coreilla for the republic. I mean defeating the entire 1/10th of the empires army and a complete loss for the empire??? seriously?!?!?!


Yeah, but Imperial Taris already undoes Republic Taris, and Republic Balmorra more or less undoes Imperial Balmorra. More to the point, the Sith Warrior and the Sith Inquisitor are screwing with their respective rivals on Corellia and thus hindering the Empire even if they end up helping it in the planetary questline.

We may not all agree with the Empire getting utterly screwed on Corellia, but that's how the story goes.

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Yeah, but Imperial Taris already undoes Republic Taris, and Republic Balmorra more or less undoes Imperial Balmorra. More to the point, the Sith Warrior and the Sith Inquisitor are screwing with their respective rivals on Corellia and thus hindering the Empire even if they end up helping it in the planetary questline.

We may not all agree with the Empire getting utterly screwed on Corellia, but that's how the story goes.


Sith Warrior does't hinder the Empire, Valwrawn specifically makes sure that you help the Empire while taking down Baras, though the warrior can choose to hinder it if they please. The Sith Inquisitor on the other hand is forced to waste imperial resources on fighting Thanaton.

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Worst by far for me is Coreilla, I hate how the planetary republic ending basically undoes everything the empire storyline did. For most worlds things were kept in a sort of balance, your character help changed the tide, but not enough for a complete victory like Coreilla for the republic. I mean defeating the entire 1/10th of the empires army and a complete loss for the empire??? seriously?!?!?!


The Republic has to win in the end, so Corellia being a major defeat for the Empire shouldn't have been a surprise. If not Corellia, the Empire would have been curbstomped on some other planet.


Besides being the good guys to the Empire's villains, the Republic has been around for thousands of years by the time the first Star Wars movie kicks off. The Sith Empire can't destroy the Republic without deviating sharply from film canon. That guarantees that the Emperor's plans will fail in the end.


Playing Empire characters is sort of like playing an Orc or a Ringwraith in a Lord of the Rings MMO. You have to realize you're the bad guys, and you aren't going to win in the end. The fun comes from getting to play the villain in the story, not from your faction being the one that ultimately triumphs in the story.

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I'm not really sure. In terms of beauty, Dromuund Kaas and Ilum are my favorites so I always look forward to going to those places. But I guess I find the stories of Voss and Taris the most engrossing. Voss is just so weird, and Taris is just so sad.
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