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Free for all loot bug


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Yes, the loot is now personal, including credits, so everyone has to loot each corpse, even with normal group loot settings.

Hope they'll fix this, I rely on free for all to not have to loot corpses all the time when playing with two characters at the same time.

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It's because loot is supposedly tailored to your level. (since level Synch was introduced)

So a level 65 is getting mostly level 61 loot, but if level synched with a level 40 (for instance) the level 40 will be getting level ~35-40-ish loot.


Doesn't seem to be necessary for 2 or more characters at the same level not to be able to share loot, - especially if it's onlt credits, but it was probably too difficult to code. ( or wasn't tested / or deemed necessary).

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It's because loot is supposedly tailored to your level. (since level Synch was introduced)

So a level 65 is getting mostly level 61 loot, but if level synched with a level 40 (for instance) the level 40 will be getting level ~35-40-ish loot.


Doesn't seem to be necessary for 2 or more characters at the same level not to be able to share loot, - especially if it's onlt credits, but it was probably too difficult to code. ( or wasn't tested / or deemed necessary).


Yup, everybody gets their own individual loot table. Introducing logic to decide if that is suitable should two players of similar level party up just adds needless complication and introduces a significant opportunity for bugs.


Personally I think there are enough bugs in the game without introducing more ;)

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I like it and hope it stays.

I rarely ever do groups, but the other day got talking to a guy, he helped me out on a question and after a while asked if I would help him complete a Tac flashpoint. Having the gear divided like this was a big help. So much so I am much more likely to do Tac flashpoints again within a group than solo as I normally do.

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Funny how multiple complaints about this system come from people trying to play 2+ characters at once... :rolleyes:


I was running on a team of 4 65's with all 4 of us having to pick loot from each corpse separately. very annoying. we werent dual boxing or anything like that.the first person to loot would area loot all of their corpses at once, the other 3 had to go from body to body. Very time consuming and redundant.

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I was running on a team of 4 65's with all 4 of us having to pick loot from each corpse separately. very annoying. we werent dual boxing or anything like that.the first person to loot would area loot all of their corpses at once, the other 3 had to go from body to body. Very time consuming and redundant.


That is annoying, and kinda broken.


I was just very amused by the fact that multiple immediate complaints were from multi-boxers...

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They probably made the change mainly because of level sync like someone pointed out earlier and like they said if you have a 65 and a 40 grouped they drop gear for each character based on level.


Another benefit that I see from this is no more loot ninjas or people needing on gear they don't actually need or just needing so they can just turn around and sell it on the GTN or to a vendor instead of someone losing out on gear because of it.

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It's because loot is supposedly tailored to your level. (since level Synch was introduced)

So a level 65 is getting mostly level 61 loot, but if level synched with a level 40 (for instance) the level 40 will be getting level ~35-40-ish loot.


Doesn't seem to be necessary for 2 or more characters at the same level not to be able to share loot, - especially if it's onlt credits, but it was probably too difficult to code. ( or wasn't tested / or deemed necessary).

Unfortunately this type of looting also applies when grouping with other lvl 65 players for H2. Its strange that similar looting systems work in other games and also we didnt have this bug before the first patch after KOTFE. Its not a feature, its a bug. Because only looting credits from several mobs, one at a time, doesnt require "sychronization" of any sorts. Thats just lazy programming.

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I was running on a team of 4 65's with all 4 of us having to pick loot from each corpse separately. very annoying. we werent dual boxing or anything like that.the first person to loot would area loot all of their corpses at once, the other 3 had to go from body to body. Very time consuming and redundant.


THIS is the headache. Usually a melee player gets the first area loot, then every one else is forced to loot each body separately or miss out. I don't mind everyone having to loot once, but having to loot 3 or 4 times and going to each corpse really slows things down. Make it so everyone can area-loot, or just have it where when the first player loots it divides out who gets what and distributes it.

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How could it be working as intended?


If you select free for all, and loot is still required to be looted individually, that negates a free for all doesn't it?


OPS SM and HM FP have gear speicfy for each person, + the FFA loot. it has been like this since 4.0 it not bug. which actual good thing, though if you tank/dps class you might get the gear you dont need and vis versa

Edited by Kyuuu
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