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Constructive Criticism on the New Packs & Chance Cubes


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OK, so clearly the new cartel packs suck major you know what. BUT lets make this constructive. How can Bioware fix this? Well for one they could begin with freezing the packs on the market currently, and refunding cartel coins to anyone who bought the packs. This really wont have a huge impact on in game economy and costs Bioware and EA $0 to make a whole long list of people happy, and make them want to spend more money in the future, which is what we all want for the game so that it can continue to grow.


Now onto how we fix the Cartel Packs and the Chance Cubes.


All in all, the chance cube itself is not a terrible idea, there implementation however is. The idea behind the chance cube is to provide opportunity to get some of those long past cartel pack items. Though, the Bronze/Silver/Gold Packs were always better at this, the Chance Cube can be a neat little addition here and there if done properly.


If the goal is to reduce the number of assets needed to be created to fill the Cartel Packs because you guys fired half your development team and can no longer support the content stream, well then youre business people and Producers are dumb, and its no wonder your game is failing... But with that aside, if we remove the bronze teir from the packs, we are left with Silver and Gold items that are new, a companion gift, and a jawa scrap. For those of you who are behind on the times lets review the system:



  • 2 items from the pack (Mounts, Decorations, etc)
  • 1 rank 5 or 6 Companion Gift
  • 1 Scrap

When you open the new Anarchist Pack in 4.1 you will receive the following:

  • 2 items- either a new item from the pack (Mounts, Decorations, etc) or a Grand Chance Cube (more on this in a second)
  • 1 rank 5 or 6 Companion Gift
  • 1 Scrap


Here is the problem, the frequency of the Chance cubes are going to be through the roof. Which is why people are so upset. So how can we fix this, well we could change it to:

  • 1 New Item from the pack.
  • A chance at another new item, or a chance cube.
  • A companion gift
  • Jawa Scrap
    [EDIT] A good point was brought up by another player - you could also slot a cartel certificate, or a 50% chance at a cartel certificate here, in addition to the above, or in replacement of the chance at a chance cube. I would be ok with getting a certificate or a cube. in slot 2 described above. Great idea!


Removing the chance to get double chance cubes would be priority number one for me, because getting that is probably the worst thing ever. Rule one of game design: Don't punish your players when they are supposed to be rewarded. We the players paid you money, so you should reward us. Getting double chance cubes may seem rewarding in your mind, but really its punishing, because people buy the new packs to get new items, not old ones. This is why chance cubes feel so punishing.


If players at least got 1 new item they would be happy. Now, sure, the frequency of silver teir items is going to go up in the new packs, who cares? I dont. And yes it will devalue them on the GTN. Still don't care, its vanity items anyways and the Gold Teir is where the money always has been in the long run and is what people that are collectors go for most.


What does this cost Bioware: Probably a few hours of development and QA time. A day at most. What is the return on investment for these changes:


1. Admitting your mistakes builds trust in your player base. We are all human and at the end of the day owning up to your own money hungry cash grab would probably be a wise thing.

2. Sales. Look at the number people posting about how upset they are about the new packs. The number people not buying. I don't even need access to your metrics to understand that your ARPU for these packs are significatly down due to the fact so many people are not monitizing based on the feedback on these forums, reddit, in game chat, etc.


Listening to your community at the end of the day should always be rule one. Yes, we aren't all game designers, even though some of us are... In the end you are punishing your players for giving you money. Is that really the message you want to be sending. Do you think that will build a lasting loyal player base that doesn't churn? I think not.


It's time to either fire you're monetization team, or have them actually do some research on current market trends. Send the to GDC. Do your diligence and make sure at the end of the day the changes that you make to save development cycles reducing cost to increase profit doesn't make the players feel punished at the end of the day. Because, in the end we are the ones that pay your bills. If you punish us, we will not come back, we will not monetize, and you all will not have jobs.

Edited by DustyDemonNinja
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I watched my wife open a pack yesterday and she got two cubes which contained a old grey and green dye pack and a rug she has 5 of already. So she didn't buy anymore packs and I wont either because I buy packs for new stuff and have no interest in old items. Edited by BlackEyeArtistry
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I watched my wife open a pack yesterday and she got two cubes which contained a old grey and green dye pack and a rug she has 5 of already. So she didn't buy anymore packs and I wont either because I buy packs for new stuff and have no interest in old items.


Ouch, at least you weren't one of the folks who opened multiple Hypercrates. I read a post that one guy spent $500 and didnt even get the new saber... Blew my mind.

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Ouch, at least you weren't one of the folks who opened multiple Hypercrates. I read a post that one guy spent $500 and didnt even get the new saber... Blew my mind.


I went into this one with about $300.00 which is fine as I budgeted for it but had the same issue. Zero lightsabers.


There is no reason for the drop rate to be so unreasonable as to put items out of reach for the average consumer that is willing to spend $100.00 on a blue moon to go after an item or set they desire. This train however has jumped the tracks. I will no longer participate in the manner I have been since launch ($150-$300 for each new pack release)


I will now purchase my select items on the GTN and forget about being a collector.

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I went into this one with about $300.00 which is fine as I budgeted for it but had the same issue. Zero lightsabers.


There is no reason for the drop rate to be so unreasonable as to put items out of reach for the average consumer that is willing to spend $100.00 on a blue moon to go after an item or set they desire. This train however has jumped the tracks. I will no longer participate in the manner I have been since launch ($150-$300 for each new pack release)


I will now purchase my select items on the GTN and forget about being a collector.


Ouch! Ya that really sucks. I dont know who in there right mind thought this would be ok, but it will only be a detriment to the community and the game, and they really need to address it.

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If you have nothing constructive to add to the conversation please leave.


No, pointing out your lies is adding to the conversation, since it provides context of how your views should be taken. Some ******* who makes up tales to try and get a refund because he didnt get his lightsaber.


For the few people reading this thread who arent irrational whiners.


The old alliance pack had about 10 - 15ish bronze items, which flooded the market and gave out dupes in cases. A cube is way better for anyone without a full collection, and way better for anyone looking to buy something new, as the value of the items from the cubes exceed the value of the hypothetical bronze you would have gotten in the pack instead. How much were those outlander observer armors going for? So you can still sell your cube contents and get a rancor, saber, what have you much easier than you could if you had gotten the Anarchist pack equivalent of a czerka sled.


The only people really negatively impacted are the hoarders - those who actually somehow have everything, and simply need those 15 new bronze items. With the total new items reduced by 15, their lives have lost meaning, and joy. And honestly, if they really have pumped that much cash into the game, were I Bioware, I'd also asusme they are so hooked their money is guaranteed, and still focus on the new player and the casuals. That PBJ emote is new to them, and if not, they can sell it for a few million and get something that is.

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No, pointing out your lies is adding to the conversation, since it provides context of how your views should be taken. Some ******* who makes up tales to try and get a refund because he didnt get his lightsaber.


The only people really negatively impacted are the hoarders - those who actually somehow have everything, and simply need those 15 new bronze items. With the total new items reduced by 15, their lives have lost meaning, and joy. And honestly, if they really have pumped that much cash into the game, were I Bioware, I'd also asusme they are so hooked their money is guaranteed, and still focus on the new player and the casuals. That PBJ emote is new to them, and if not, they can sell it for a few million and get something that is.


I would argue that the several people that have only bought one or two packs that are equally as disgusted as I am would disagree with you as well. Im not sure what delusional world you live on, but adding you to my ignore list will be oh so satisfying. You are a troll and you do nothing to actually contribute to conversations on these forums.

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I can't take credit for this idea but am posting it here as a suggestion that I think needs major consideration of.

Put a machine on Fleet where a player can insert an unopened Chance Cube for a chance to actually get a new item from the released pack (rather then /random old items inside the Cube)?


If you want something old, then open the chance cube. Makes new players happy.

If you want something new, then trade it in to guarantee a new item. Makes seasoned players happy.


I think it's brilliant. What do you all think?

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I can't take credit for this idea but am posting it here as a suggestion that I think needs major consideration of.



If you want something old, then open the chance cube. Makes new players happy.

If you want something new, then trade it in to guarantee a new item. Makes seasoned players happy.


I think it's brilliant. What do you all think?


That is an interesting solution, or trade it in for a "Fixed Chance Cube" that only pulled from the latest pack or something... That might impact the game too much by flooding silver teir items into the game more. But an idea none the less.


The real problem is that they are removing the most common reward and replacing it with old crap. Its like if you went to buy a pack of Magic:The Gathering cards of the newest set, and 90% of the cards in the pack were not even from the new set but where from the last set printed... It just doesn't make business sense.


Now, MTG does reprint cards in the new sets, but they usually have new art, and it is like maybe 5-10 cards out of a 200 card set, so you're looking at a around a 5% chance of getting a re-skinned version of an old card, or even in some cases just a reprint all together. If Chance cubes followed that same principle I dont think anyone would be upset like they are now.

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I honestly don't mind the chance at old stuff. I know there are other packs and Embargos that have been done in the past, which I'm alright with, as well. The chance cubes really don't bother me. I've been playing this game and been a sub since launch. I've seen most of this stuff, but there are rare items or outfits that I never got, because either they didn't drop or it was just too expensive to get them afterwards.


Here are my concerns:

- more than one chance cube out of a pack

- no Cartel Certificates

- no longer able to buy old packs once new packs in the same shipment release

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I honestly don't mind the chance at old stuff. I know there are other packs and Embargos that have been done in the past, which I'm alright with, as well. The chance cubes really don't bother me. I've been playing this game and been a sub since launch. I've seen most of this stuff, but there are rare items or outfits that I never got, because either they didn't drop or it was just too expensive to get them afterwards.


Here are my concerns:

- more than one chance cube out of a pack

- no Cartel Certificates

- no longer able to buy old packs once new packs in the same shipment release


Ya, the chance cubes are a neat idea in and of themselves, just terribly implemented.

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No, pointing out your lies is adding to the conversation, since it provides context of how your views should be taken. Some ******* who makes up tales to try and get a refund because he didnt get his lightsaber.


For the few people reading this thread who arent irrational whiners.


The old alliance pack had about 10 - 15ish bronze items, which flooded the market and gave out dupes in cases. A cube is way better for anyone without a full collection, and way better for anyone looking to buy something new, as the value of the items from the cubes exceed the value of the hypothetical bronze you would have gotten in the pack instead. How much were those outlander observer armors going for? So you can still sell your cube contents and get a rancor, saber, what have you much easier than you could if you had gotten the Anarchist pack equivalent of a czerka sled.


The only people really negatively impacted are the hoarders - those who actually somehow have everything, and simply need those 15 new bronze items. With the total new items reduced by 15, their lives have lost meaning, and joy. And honestly, if they really have pumped that much cash into the game, were I Bioware, I'd also asusme they are so hooked their money is guaranteed, and still focus on the new player and the casuals. That PBJ emote is new to them, and if not, they can sell it for a few million and get something that is.


He wouldn't make enough credits selling those items to even make a dint in the cost the sabers are going for. Shadowlands the single saber is going for a staggering 100mil last time I checked, the duals 50mil. You really think there's enough loot in those crates to make up 100mil?

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When I buy a new pack, I want new stuff. Before when I bought a pack, even the bronze stuff was new. Now I get a chance cube, which gives me nothing new pretty much.


I don't see why the bronze/silver/gold armor/deco/weapon packs aren't up anymore. They were a great solution; and something I spent money on at that. Bottom line is, I'm not buying another pack as long as the stupid chance cubes are in it.


UNLESS they are, as previously suggested in this thread, tradeable for a guaranteed new item. I'd be fine with that.

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I would argue that the several people that have only bought one or two packs that are equally as disgusted as I am would disagree with you as well. Im not sure what delusional world you live on, but adding you to my ignore list will be oh so satisfying. You are a troll and you do nothing to actually contribute to conversations on these forums.


Lol this is rich. The poster does plenty to contribute to the forums, like pointing out the nonsense argument you've been trying to make all along. Rather than defend yourself with facts, figures or even any sort of anecdotal evidence you call him a troll ... how truly weak and pathetic.


Your entire first post is nothing but delusional nonsense made up because you got anti you didn't get what you wanted. Had you got a lightsaber would you be prattling on about this nonsense? No, because you would have got a lightsaber and would feel rewarded for the crate you brought.


You wouldn't care that others didn't get a saber and that there are cubes in the pack ( that have NOTHING to do with you or anyone else not getting a saber, that is the drop rate on the saber itself at fault ), you wouldn't be crying about refunds etc.


Face it, you gambled and lost and all these sad, pathetic attempts at "constructive" criticism are based on your own saltyness at not getting what you wanted.


Seems to me many people like the packs ... they are selling like hotcakes on the GTN for example and there are tons of people in game chatting about the great stuff they got. There is the usual negative people too, fair enough but it's not half as bad in game as it in these few precious thread on the issue from this butthurt minority.

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I can't take credit for this idea but am posting it here as a suggestion that I think needs major consideration of.



If you want something old, then open the chance cube. Makes new players happy.

If you want something new, then trade it in to guarantee a new item. Makes seasoned players happy.


I think it's brilliant. What do you all think?


Yeah guaranteed silver/gold ... that's going to happen :rolleyes:


Make it insert 5 cubes and Bioware MIGHT listen.

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Here are my concerns:

- more than one chance cube out of a pack

- no Cartel Certificates

- no longer able to buy old packs once new packs in the same shipment release


I agree with all these points.

No reason not to offer certs anymore ( I'm guessing it was removed as they couldn't justify development of more rep but didn't think maybe people would be happy getting old rep and certs? ) - no one is going to hate getting them.


Chance cube would be good at a 60% chance of one for ONE slot in each pack, not both. Would help with not flooding the market too hard with older items.


That last part annoys me greatly ... absolutely hate this "1 pack per shipment at a time" they have going on. Guess they are trying to boost the value of packs and items quicker in the game economy than before otherwise I see no point for it.

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He wouldn't make enough credits selling those items to even make a dint in the cost the sabers are going for. Shadowlands the single saber is going for a staggering 100mil last time I checked, the duals 50mil. You really think there's enough loot in those crates to make up 100mil?


My cube drops came in around 16 mill and that's not costing a few items that had no copies on the GTN as they were previously reputation only items. Based on rarity and demand for those items I think 20 mill easy + whatever I can get for the current items ... got a spa and zakuul knight supplementary and some resistance fighter upper but yet to check pricing.


Sure that pricing will drop but so will saber pricing.


Either way it gets me a damn sight closer to purchasing something than the old brone junk did, doubt I would have got much more than 1 million for the usual junk in comparison.

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I'd have no issue with the chance cube, if it was an additional item and not in place of one of the primary items. The only things I've received from the chance cubes are near worthless old items. I feel by giving me a chance cube instead of the primary items I should receive is a blatant rip off.
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I don't get the rarity of the lightsabers. 6 hyper crates = mostly junk filling up my cargo hold. So many "gold" items made worthless to even sell on the GTN because of high drop rates and yet the one thing everyone wants, which is "gold" also, is unobtainable. I'd like someone from BioWare to explain that to me.


Colour me cheated.

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here is some feedback


stop lying and saying you are getting mixed reviews. you are getting horrible reviews for the new pack system and we are calling you on another epic money grab technique.


remove the chance cubes. if you wanted to eliminate bronze items make all items equal and drop at same possible chance, add in triple the amount of companion gifts and triple jawa junk call it a day.


oh stop reskinning crap and be unique.

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