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How do you see KotFE ending?


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I just want to let this out of my system, but I wanna hear anyone's opinions on how they think Knights of the Fallen Empire end?


My ending for my Sith PCs involve say my SW taking the Eternal Throne and ordering the Eternal Fleet to lay waste to Zakuul. And I want Arcann and Valkorion to watch before I destroy them.:rak_01:

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I'm not sure how it's supposed to end. I had a theory for a while about all the classes basically becoming the leader of whatever organization they were a part of- i.e., SI/SW becoming the new Sith Emperor/Empress, JK/JC becoming the new leader of the Jedi, the RT or SM becoming the Supreme Chancellor, the BH becoming Mandalore, the IA forming their own super spy organization... Possibly with the Sith retreating back into their corner of the galaxy once they have what they want from the Republic, or if they're just sick of fighting...


But then that would be like real end-game outcome. If that happens, there'd be no way of coming up with any more game content in the future. So honestly, I don't know where it will go from here. I have faith in their ability to continue it well, but I don't think there's any way that someone could say with complete surety that "this or this" is happening.

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I think the light side ending will probably have both governments back, but in a genuine peace(which probably means Saresh will have to die or at the very least, imprisoned for life, probably same for Empress Acina). Your character will become some sort of important leader(Grand Master, Mandalore, etc.). Valkorion's body dies, and his spirit either also dies or goes dormant again.

Dark side ending will probably have your character take over Zakuul, the Empire and the Republic, and executing anyone who objects. You may be ruling with Valk, or if you went dark side but refused his power, you will still destroy him.

I think Arcann will die, but I hope at least the Force users can help Vaylin get some sanity.

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I think the light side ending will probably have both governments back, but in a genuine peace(which probably means Saresh will have to die or at the very least, imprisoned for life, probably same for Empress Acina). Your character will become some sort of important leader(Grand Master, Mandalore, etc.). Valkorion's body dies, and his spirit either also dies or goes dormant again.

Dark side ending will probably have your character take over Zakuul, the Empire and the Republic, and executing anyone who objects. You may be ruling with Valk, or if you went dark side but refused his power, you will still destroy him.

I think Arcann will die, but I hope at least the Force users can help Vaylin get some sanity.


As long as Saresh dies...

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I think it'll end with us taking the throne (After most of the eternal fleet is destroyed) and placing a puppet leader on it giving us control of Zakuul as we turn to face the problem of Valkorian. The alliance/rebellion takes Zakuul as a home base as both the Empire and Republic distance themselves away from us and continue their war, leaving us with a planet to manage while we save the galaxy.
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After defeating Arcann and his evil sister, the Outlander self-destructs the Eternal Fleet, restoring the balance between the Sith Empire and Republic. The 2 great forces resume thier Cold War. The Outlander boards his ship, and with fond farewells to his surviving allies and friends, flies off into Wild Space, ready to return when the Galaxy needs him most. Edited by BlazeTomahawk
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I've thought about the same. I'd like my Jedi to rebuild the order with Satele as a 'business' partner so to speak, I wouldn't want my Jedi to have full and sole control as she enjoys going out into the galaxy to fight the good fight too much and I want to keep Satele around. Perhaps something similar for other classes. By all means, my Sith Inq. is a DC member so unbeknownst to Darth Acina she's actually not the last one standing. I'd like more cooperation between the Republic and Imperial side, I've truly enjoyed the alliances during SoR and again now in KotFE, would be a shame to go back to the same old endless yoyo war. I don't think true peace could ever realistically exist, the differences between both sides are rooted too deeply not to mention the fact that both have allied themselves with several different clans and races who've also been warring with one another for ages. The Republic and Empire would have to cut those ties loose because there's almost no way they can enforce peace for those groups. That's like telling your bff "hey you have to make up with this person and be their friend because that's what I did". I'm not worried about any 'high leadership' scenarios being too end game.. in a world like this one, there will always be trouble whether you're a simple acolyte or new Sith Emperor.
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Did you listen to Lana in the swamp?


Saresh isn't Supreme Chancellor anymore. She lost the job, but manipulates the Republic from the shadows via a puppet SC.


She still qualifies for Boltstorm to the face, though.


She's, to me, former Supreme Chancellor in name only. She's still technically calling the shots, and she needs to go.

So long as she's involved in politics, the Republic is only shooting itself in the foot.

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I never liked Saresh. All talk and no action. She disregarded military advisers with proven track records which was probably one of the reasons the Republic lost so quickly. She was so focused on her own agenda that she couln't see the forest for the trees.
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I never liked Saresh. All talk and no action. She disregarded military advisers with proven track records which was probably one of the reasons the Republic lost so quickly. She was so focused on her own agenda that she couln't see the forest for the trees.


Not to mention she got a lot of soldiers killed because she wanted to /flex Republic muscles on Ziost. Never mind that Theron practically begged her to slow down and listen to him.

And she yelled at the Grand Master of the Jedi Order for the very short truce with the Empire to take out her ancestor, who wanted to Nathema(correct my spelling if necessary) Yavin 4. I'm far from Satele's biggest fan, but if Lana and Theron hadn't gotten Marr and Satele to play nice for a while, we all know Saresh wouldn't have cooperated.

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I assume that the main bad guys (Valkorian and his children) will be defeated completely. There will be some shenanigans involving Valkorian possessing you, and Senya will have a big role to play at some point during the final showdowns. I am willing to bet money that at some point Vayiln will betray Arcann, though I have no idea if she will remain as an antagonist or will jump ship to our side.


After the dust is settled, I imagine that the player character will restore their faction's power and will deal with NPCs like Saresh or the new Sith Empress whose name I forget right now. We'll see more of Satele and Darth Marr's ghost too.

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Did you listen to Lana in the swamp?


Saresh isn't Supreme Chancellor anymore. She lost the job, but manipulates the Republic from the shadows via a puppet SC.


She still qualifies for Boltstorm to the face, though.

She's, to me, former Supreme Chancellor in name only. She's still technically calling the shots, and she needs to go.

So long as she's involved in politics, the Republic is only shooting itself in the foot.


Also, if you get Aygo to 20, he sends you a message concerning Saresh still calling the shots.


Regardless, even if she had retired, sometimes you just gotta shoot someone in the face.

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Zakuul will fall. Perhaps whether it'll be merely declawed or outright destroyed will depend on whether you're LS or DS. If SWTOR is to continue being SWTOR, there'll never be a lasting peace between the Empire and the Republic, just like there's no real peace between the Alliance and the Horde in WoW. Gotta keep that conflict going for story purposes since there can be only be so many Other Big Bads before things start getting ridiculous.


But yeah, I can see Zakuul toppling and a resurgent Empire and Republic fighting over the remnants like the robot fleet. Then things settle down a bit as both sides retreat to lick their wounds and re-arm. Valkorion/Vitiate will likely stick around for a bit. Maybe he'll eat Zakuul as well because things are going to pot and he's, like, "Meh. I might as well or it'll go to waste" (let's see how much Koth likes him THEN).

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