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Dread Fortress SM Reaches, Hands, Brontes are broke.


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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






And this is the exact reason why I just unsubscribed.

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






I can't understand why you report this with a smile knowing upper management is effectively giving the raid community the middle finger. I also don't envy your position either. After this post was released 4 progression teams in guild decided to quit ops. Most of our guild has now gone preferred and I won't return until August once my sub has expired. I don't think BW is the main problem as much as EA is the major problem. Unless you have something planned so outrageous for September I'll only sub in August to finish KOTFE that month and then leave indefinitely.

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






This is a customer service and PR disaster of an announcement Eric. Not one, but two major patches to fix a major problem with the game? While I know that internally, the game is still functioning (My guild and I successfully did a TFB HM last night and the tenticals in the first phase of the last boss, and TWH never turned to face the tanks, but they only hit the tanks as they should. Disconcerting, but we made it work), it's still a pretty major bug and not every group will be able to adapt. And from what I've been reading, some fights are not doable with the telegraphs not facing the right way. While I can understand that sometimes your dev team might get overloaded with things that need to be done, there are times in customer service industries (and make no mistake, running this game is a big customer service gig) that you need to drop everything else and correct something to make the customer happy and want to continue spending money with you. This is one of those times. You need to the 15 and counting pages of customer feed back you're getting after your post, take it to your dev team, and have them correct the issue ASAP. Not in April with 4.3, not in 3 weeks with 4.2. As soon as humanly possible.


I've been following this game since before it was in beta, I've been a subscriber since the very beginning and I've never let it laps. But here I am considering canceling my sub and moving on to play other games after nearly 5 years. In the beginning I played for the story, and when I finished that I played for the people that I met in my guild running ops. But lately, I've been seeing less and less for my money and I'm starting to doubt that it's worth it. There has been no new ops content in ages, after the dev team claimed that they would never again allow a long stretch between endgame content again. The new KOTFE story is somewhat interesting, but chapter x to me less than an hour and a half on my main character. And that was with allowing the cut-scenes to play and taking the time to read each choice I was given and give it a second or two of consideration. That is simply not enough content.

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I did the un-sub thing because the slash bug thing doesn't work, EVER! ...and problem reports seem to take six to eight weeks to look at. So.... I wasn't expecting anything soon anyway. I just hope the game doesn't completely die while we wait for much needed fixes. Thanks.
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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Are you serious? These are major issues and a fix needs to come sooner.

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The most likely reason it going to take so long is because George smith the guy who work at bioware and create most of the fights for the ops and flashpoints has left bioware. He was there most experience member for these fights so they probably have to send someone else in to learn the fights, to the degree that he knew them to fix them.
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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.






Okay, I'm glad to know that it's actually being addressed, but seriously 4.3? That's (at least) April 12th.


You're basically telling us we have to deal with broken HM ops bosses for another 2 months. Many of which can't be cleared because of it.


This is a SERIOUS ISSUE, one that's killing the veteran playerbase. This needs to be fixed within a few weeks, at absolute most.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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This needs to be fixed within a few weeks, at absolute most.


I'm sorry, but a couple of DAYS is the target here. OP bugs are hotfix category unless Bioware really decided to send a collective middle finger to all of it's PvE endgame player base.


Eric, pass the message along to get your **** together and fix the game. OR finally release a statement that from now on you'll treat SWTOR as KOTOR 3 so we, MMO players who primarily play for the group content, can set the expectations right, unsub and come back for a day worth of story every 6-9 months. If that's the direction, **** it, come clean!

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if this really is fixed in 2 months 9i will be gone...

and btw i know a lot of playes who dont care for KOTFE they are there for ops.

i havent played chapter 10 yet as i dont like to get it piece by piece.

if the ops are broken, what am i paying for?

i guess i will unsub an maybe come back when kotfe is done so i can play it in one rush, so i dont forget half of the story until u release new stuff.

i playeed chapter 1-9 exactly 1 time till now.

TBH you are breaking ur own balls...


yours faithfully


a really pissed soon ex-sub

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This is a SERIOUS ISSUE, one that's killing the veteran playerbase. This needs to be fixed within a few weeks, at absolute most.



The veterans who know the mechanics well enough won't have that much trouble to adjust, they know where things should be shown and as only the animation is bugged, but not where damage lands, they can work around most of this crap.

The new players without the experience are the ones who won't be able to learn the fights as they can only guess what kills them or why they wiped this time, they are the ones who will give up frustrated.

As these new players are who this expansion is focused on, the ETA for a fix is even less understandable.


Same with the upcoming Championship as someone else already wrote, if so many FP and OP bosses are bugged, the new eternal championship stuff will be too, as i don't expect BW to bring only shiny new mechanics there. Usually with new bosses some of their mechanics are recycled known ones, in a new combinations or slightly different. No harm in that initially, but it also means that if these new bosses are using one of the currently bugged mechanics, they will be bugged too, without anyone knowing how it should work and thus able to ignore the bug/wrong animation.


So this isn't a question of raiders vs solo players or veteran vs new, it is a problem for the whole game. If any of the story quest encounters are using similar mechanics, they are broken too. That the super strong companions may be able to overheal it, doesn't mean that this part of the game isn't affected.

So saying this may be fixed in two (given that BW is able to keep up the announced 4 week cycle), but more likely three or more months isn't acceptable.

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Going to lose alot of players if whats left of end game content is broken.. I mean this is just sad people raid daily and weekly on many different toons.. Your stupid story only happens every month if we're lucky. Whats left of the great raiders will be 100% gone ultimately as if things aren't bad now with all the casuals poking their heads into end game content...
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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.







ARE YOU KIDDING?! 4.3?! This is just outrageous. This shows how much you guys at BioWare care about players who are with you since the beginning and how much you care about selling cartel coins and s**t. There is 4.2 incoming why is it so hard to fix it with this patch?

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Hey follks,


The team is aware of issues relating to some Operation and Flashpoint bosses. We are currently looking to address these issues with Game Update 4.3 and will pass on any additional information as we have it.







looking into with 4.3, and to be clear 4.3 is chapter 12? Which is April? I only sub so I can raid and now half are broken. Unacceptable.


The 'story driven' direction of this game is simply outrageous :confused:


They are basically shoving two fingers at us people who were here in the early days. Apparently loyalty isn't rewarded by BioWare :mad:

Edited by rg_campbell
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Going to lose alot of players if whats left of end game content is broken.. I mean this is just sad people raid daily and weekly on many different toons.. Your stupid story only happens every month if we're lucky. Whats left of the great raiders will be 100% gone ultimately as if things aren't bad now with all the casuals poking their heads into end game content...


Well it just shows how much they care about their actual loyal players. I raid basically everyday, SM, HM and NiM and only sub for that reason. Their Fallen Empire 'story' is pretty woeful if I'm being honest. I won't be renewing my sub until the raids are fixed and many of my guildies are the same. Could be that I may never play again :(

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George smith created and program most of the ops and flashpoints fights but he left bioware. So that may have to get someone to learn the programming to the degree he did. That might be the reason it is taking so long to fix.


I speculated something along those lines back on page 7. When did this happen? If they are still in the hiring process of a new lead flashpoint and ops programmer, I hope they take their time and get a good one instead of hiring the first person who applied and then hope he can "get up to speed."

Edited by Bulldogs_Rule
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I speculated something along those lines back on page 7. When did this happen? If they are still in the hiring process of a new lead flashpoint and ops programmer, I hope they take their time and get a good one instead of hiring the first person who applied and then hope he can "get up to speed."


I do know when but I know it was really recent, I also hope they take there time in the hiring process. If this is case why it is taking so long than I understand.

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!



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I speculated something along those lines back on page 7. When did this happen? If they are still in the hiring process of a new lead flashpoint and ops programmer, I hope they take their time and get a good one instead of hiring the first person who applied and then hope he can "get up to speed."


They still have matt pucevich so all is not lost, as long as they move him back from *********** star fortresses...

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Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




Fix it next week, drop it on PTS publically. Any gamebreaking bug will be found within hours, every time gamebreaking bugs make it to live, it';s because we tell you about them, and you don't fix them fast enough, or they are NEW BUGS created between PTS and launch.

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Yeah, no it's not. Read all of is posts, This guy JMCD plays final fantasy, not WOW. He plays on the JC server in SW:Tor. The people in Zorz were good enough that they didn't need to tell everyone they were good. Not to mention, Mikey is on the JC server and we know who he is...it isn't this guy.


Hmmm, not sure who justin was talking about then, I'll ask next time I see him.

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