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Dread Fortress SM Reaches, Hands, Brontes are broke.


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My guild is no where hear high end... or elite. But we do do raids... and have a couple of teams doing HM ToS and Rav about 3/5 on each. And I would say our team that was the furthest along has last 3 to 4 players in the last few months. There just isn't anything else to do for 8 players who want to group together and have some fun. That is why they are leaving.
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At least they are fixing it, yes I know it is 2 weeks away, but what do you want them to do rush and not test the fix and create more bugs. Yes they did not test the ops in 4.1 there fault they did not think it was going to be a bug. However bugs like these you cannot rush them To be fix it will create more bugs like they did before.
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At least they are fixing it, yes I know it is 2 weeks away, but what do you want them to do rush and not test the fix and create more bugs. Yes they did not test the ops in 4.1 there fault they did not think it was going to be a bug. However bugs like these you cannot rush them To be fix it will create more bugs like they did before.


Since their major competitors can fix bugs like this through hotfixes within hours to days, I don't think it is unreasonable to expect a similar level of responsiveness from Bioware (EA).


And their excuse is just that, an excuse.


If they had adequate staffing and processes, they could deliver higher initial quality as well as remedy any bugs in a more timely and responsive manner.


It is only because EA is stingy with investing in their people and processes which prevents them from reaching a higher standard and delivering a higher quality product, more responsive service.

Edited by DawnAskham
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey folks,


I want to add some clarification to my original post. I mentioned that we are targeting Game Update 4.3 to have these fixed. The reason I stated 4.3 is that this would give us a buffer of time to make, test, and implement the changes.


However, I do want to note that we are actually quite hopeful that we can make these changes for 4.2. In this instance I wanted to play it safe as I would rather tell you it is fixed sooner than you expected, than say 4.2 and push it out. I will continue to provide you updates as I have them. I just wanted to alleviate some of your concerns. We are working to get this fixed as soon as possible!




I think its safe to assume that since its not in the patch notes that you all arent in fact going to be fixing the issue in 4.2. It would be lovely if you could keep us updated on this but Im convinced you are just hoping your "clarification" would calm people down and you all could just go back to completely ignoring the issue until at least 4.3 if you even bother trying to fix it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I felt like this deserved a small bump in order to say thank you to the Devs for listening to the community and getting this fixed in 4.2.


I hope that somehow, in some small way, this is a sign of improvements to come for the members of the veteran playerbase.


~ Eudoxia

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