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A Kaliyo, an agent and a knight walk into a bar...


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It was one meeting 5+ years ago with, as far as the JK is concerned, one of Doc's old girlfriends. The Knight has met A LOT of people, people who made more of an impact on their life than one random person. The same can be said in reverse with Kaliyo.


It's actually more confusing that Theron didn't recognize Kaliyo as the Agent's former crew mate (he sounded confused, "Uh, is this one of your former crew?") seeing as Theron worked with (in this scenario's instance) the Agent for quite some time on Rishi, Yavin 4, and Ziost. He'd be fairly familiar with who the Agent hung around with (Assuming, of course, that you're playing an Agent Outlander).


I understand your point, though :)

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Yeah, this kind of annoys me. Bioware wrote all these class stories, with our original companions knowing other companions from other classes, etc. And it's like Bioware themselves forgot until we're like 'um, excuse me, Bioware, but they should be familiar with each other, etc. and Bioware's like 'damnit, they remember. *fixes*


I did my JK back at chapter 10 launch so, no mention of her saying anything about Doc.

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