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3 Hypercrates 2 Super filled with cubes and decos... No Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber


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I bought two packs. Not hypercrates, packs...from my complimentary coins. All four drops? Were chance cubes. I opened them, and received, in order, an Antique Socorro Blaster Pistol Aurek, a Life Day Holotree (pink), an Unrelenting Agressor Lightsaber and lastly, an Advanced White Hawkeye crystal :eek:


...I think I'll quit while I'm ahead.


What!!! But you only got cubes, you should be raging about it! Who cares what awesome ultra rare item you got in it!

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One thing is not getting the item they want from the platinum pack, another thing entirely IMO is how often you'd get a stinkin set of bracers from it. So much for buying packs with visual stuff / fancy pixels and getting stuff that you often won't be seeing on your outfit anyway.


I agree but this was always a problem with packs ... What has been done is to take those stinking bracers and give you a chance at something far more worthwhile or at the very least better resale value than what the bracers had when everyone had 10+ of them from the same crate ( and no one could buy different crates because there's only 1 at a time on the market for some stupid bloody reason - I really hate that change removing options ).


Also if the drop rate is around 60% for cubes as we are seeing from most reports and Bioware states they've reduced this drop rate from the old bronze items in packs ... how bloody bad was the bronze drop rate before?

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It replaced the old bronze junk ...it's not affecting the odds of you getting new silver/gold drops any worse than before ( in fact they say it's better ).


What these posts are showing to me is how utterly unobservant many people are. It took the replacement of a variety of generally garbage bronze items for 1 item that is the same for them to finally see the RNG of gold/silver and how low it is.


Bioware may have erred in removing the illusion.


I honestly think BW did goof in removing the illusion as you said, because that is what happened. If you paid attention to your old packs before, replace all those shiny cubes with crappy generic bronze items instead and would it look any different. Would your odds be any different.


That I don't know (I never collected data before this pack) but from what I know, from a worthless item I am going to unload on the GTN standpoint, I prefer the chance cube to generic bronze item that isn't going to sell.


Some of the items I have gotten from my chance cubes (while not the greatest) are still worth more then a lot of the recent bronze items still floating around out there.

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I agree but this was always a problem with packs ... What has been done is to take those stinking bracers and give you a chance at something far more worthwhile or at the very least better resale value than what the bracers had when everyone had 10+ of them from the same crate ( and no one could buy different crates because there's only 1 at a time on the market for some stupid bloody reason - I really hate that change removing options ).


Also if the drop rate is around 60% for cubes as we are seeing from most reports and Bioware states they've reduced this drop rate from the old bronze items in packs ... how bloody bad was the bronze drop rate before?


Yeh I don't mind the chance cubes so much, getting Bracers with those Platinum packs was just plain annoying though. For a Gold tier item, bracers are just ridiculous.

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Yeh I don't mind the chance cubes so much, getting Bracers with those Platinum packs was just plain annoying though. For a Gold tier item, bracers are just ridiculous.


Yeah it could have used an overhaul in what could drop ( maybe a whole set from the pack instead of a piece ) but overall it was a good idea. I usually lucked out and more often than not got a jetpack or monocycle ( iirc ).

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Lol what outrageous hyperbole you use.


The odds in a casino where you can literally win nothing and lose everything you decide to gamble ( and odds are most people will else casinos wouldn't make money ) are better than this where you are guaranteed to win something? Right ... that makes perfect sense heh. ;)


no, you are wrong. try again. the odds in casinos are overseen by the gambling commission and the one armed bandits in vegas have a much better payout rate than bw gives you. bioware also changes the odds at whim with no notification. you have absolutely no idea what the odds are in a hypercrate.

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This worst part about this pack is such: You open a pack or hypercrate and get a determined amount of items which YOU WOULD EXPECT to be from the pack you brought. If they then give you a bunch of chance cubes which you then have to open again, give you an item in any other pack, then you aren't really getting anything from the pack you want. You buy the Anarchist pack on the assumption that you will get items IN THAT PACK, not an entirely different category. The packs are already a gamble, but by handing out chance cubes you are forcing players to gamble again on something that they didn't purchase in the first place. If we wanted stuff from old packs, we would buy those packs on gtn or wait for them again.
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no, you are wrong. try again. the odds in casinos are overseen by the gambling commission and the one armed bandits in vegas have a much better payout rate than bw gives you. bioware also changes the odds at whim with no notification. you have absolutely no idea what the odds are in a hypercrate.


The odds are guaranteed you will get something for your cartel coins ( note, not money - you can use those coins on anything you like and may not have even paid money for them ). Buy a pack? You are still guaranteed to et something ... 100% are the odds.

In a casino you are not guaranteed of winning a thing for your money and more likely you are going home empty handed.


To compare cartel packs to casinos is just ludicrous nonsense.

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs



OKAY seriously wow... slow down homie. Just a saber bro, it does nothing special cept glow different then the other 100's out there. I mean it is your money, but 150$ is abit excessive, unless you just got $$$ layin' around I suppose its a moot point.


Anyways, if I were a bioware dev and saw someone spend that much cheddah for a digital item I would feel bad and just give it to you, to appease my own damn conscience lol. Huh? EAWare? ethics? Yea, right...


Haven't bought a pack yet and will not. Taking my own personal stance against this non sense, even if I stand alone.

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There needs to be a balance though. I'd like to see a fail-safe added. You open 11 packs, the 12th one has a guaranteed gold item or something (granted, that item would still be random). At least that way the perceived value of the packs would increase.
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I was going to buy some coins to get some packs, because I liked the new stuff, but there is no new stuff pack. Just a called "new pack" that gives old junk.


So no, I wont buy a damn thing anymore. Nice try, Bioware.

Edited by Mobiousren
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4 hypercrates and no Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber, really, what are the odds? :(
Possibly the most rare of any item I've seen ... so few are dropping it seems.


Over on Shadowlands I have seen 3 Unstable Arbiter's Dualsaber, for 50-75 Million, and 1 Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber for 100 Million. So quite rare, though I still think 100 Million for a Lightsaber is ridiculous.

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Over on Shadowlands I have seen 3 Unstable Arbiter's Dualsaber, for 50-75 Million, and 1 Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber for 100 Million. So quite rare, though I still think 100 Million for a Lightsaber is ridiculous.


When i heard the sound that this lightsaber does when igniting i lost any interest to even pay millions. Glad i saw this before


It is not even worth 10m imo but people will buy because its different not because of the looks.

Edited by Divona
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Over on Shadowlands I have seen 3 Unstable Arbiter's Dualsaber, for 50-75 Million, and 1 Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber for 100 Million. So quite rare, though I still think 100 Million for a Lightsaber is ridiculous.


Yeah it will definitely come down as more pop up on the market ... I'd probably part with 20-25 million for one though which is about the max I've sold the Volatile Conquerors saber for a few times which is one of the most popular and sought after sabers in this game ( and this new one blows it away imo ).

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4 hypercrates and no Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber, really, what are the odds? :(

It's hard to say without knowing exactly what the loot tables are behind the scene. If you have that information, you can do the combinatoric analysis to calculate the exact odds.


That said, my overall story is that I did get an Unstable Arbiter's Lightsabre, and overall I bought ...






4 hypercrates. :rak_03: (Came around pack 20 of the fourth one.)

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