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3 Hypercrates 2 Super filled with cubes and decos... No Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber


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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.
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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.


I empathize with your pain OP. That said EA wants you to gamble on their packs to feed their metrics. I would have used that money to buy game unlocks that you can sell for credits so that you could directly by the nice lightsaber you want off the GTN. Don't give EA the chance to let you be and feel miserable, let others do the gambling for you.



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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.


Did you get something good atleast? Swamp Rancor, that spa thing, color crystals and the vibroblades?

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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.


Why would you buy stuff from EAWare, its like doing the lottery.


You have a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of getting what you want and the rest is rubbish in these packs. Thats how they make money now days, focus on emptying wallets via gambling.


And its not RNG, its fixed RNG. It has limits, its never totally random, or not in my experience. *cough* opened 37 gold armor packs and got no revan sets and nothing worth more than 1 mil *cough*

Edited by ebbehhm
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Thanks guys, at least I know I have a right to be pissed. Lesson learned I suppose, seems like a horrible business model in my opinion. I have plenty of credits to buy old items, how about no cubes and 1 guaranteed gold per pack?! I wanted the stuff that is BOUND for two more days dang it!
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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.


Talk to your doctor ...

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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.


I feel ya man. I spent $100 and nothing. Im calling customer support tomorrow and asking for a full refund.

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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.


You "STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game." implying yout hought this to begin with.


If I were on the dev team it would be high 5's all round if even the people who don't like the packs are buying them.


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Thanks guys, at least I know I have a right to be pissed. Lesson learned I suppose, seems like a horrible business model in my opinion. I have plenty of credits to buy old items, how about no cubes and 1 guaranteed gold per pack?! I wanted the stuff that is BOUND for two more days dang it!


If you have enough credits for the old stuff you will have enough credits for the lightsaber. Especially selling the deco you have.

You can't just gamble and expect to get what you want so easily ( we can assume this is pretty ultra rare item with worse odds than a 1 in 90 roll else they'll flood the GTN which would be cool ).


Luckily for you though, and unlike gambling as we know it in the real world, you don't lose anything. You can sell what you got to make credits to buy what you want.

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I spent around $30 on packs and received 2 swamp rancors, a black/purple dye, black/pink dye, a few cool emotes, a couple toys that might sell for a couple mil, 6 or 7 crystals, a volatile derelict lightsaber, skotia lower and secondary armor, a few other random armor pieces, the voss armor set, another rare armor set I forget the name of, 4 stronghold items, one which was the spa, 3 sniper rifles, 1 vibrosword, mime regen, and the scrap jawa junk crap I can turn in for nexu gifts Edited by FlarvawkusTDH
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If this helps you think of all those new players seeing that shiny new saber on the Twitter feed. Then picture them tearing open all these packs and not getting a thing. Hopefully they will learn a valuable lesson. I'm sure this is what EA had in my mind when they said they wanted to regain the trust of pc gamers. :p


Seriously though I hope the new players get burned and walk away. Revenue loss is the only thing that is going to change this situation.:eek:

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I have bought three hypercrates of the new packs and got so very few items actually from the pack that I feel like I've been cheated! The grand chance cubes were the majority of the new packs so much, that I got two of them per opened pack in the majority of cases or at least one, filling my bays with old junk instead of new pack items which were the reason I spent so much real money on this. The drop chances of the new items were impossibly low, in three hypercrates, there was no advertised lightsaber or cyber rancor and while I understand there's a 'chance' to get those, at least give me the chance to get new items and replace the grand chance cubes with actual pack items!
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Yep, bought a hypercrate, pretty much 80% of what I opened was chance cubes, and from those, I only got 2 non-bronze items. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I'm fine with getting unlucky RNG, but this **** is stupid. Bioware, please adjust the drop rates of these chance cubes. They should have a 10% drop rate MAXIMUM. We buy packs for the new stuff, not to get old crappy bronze items. Additionally, it'd be nice to have 1 slot of the pack be guaranteed to be a new item, so you can only get 1 chance cube if you're unlucky enough to get one.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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I feel you, I bought 2 hypercrates and 3 supercrates. Did not get the ligthsaber, Instead, got stuck with a ****ton of old bronze pets from those cubes, always had a certain ammount of luck with those packs, but thats the last cent I use on the cartel market, even If Arcann's armor comes out which I want, Im not spending 1 cent on packs...
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Really Bioware?!?! After spending 150$ dollars completely on packs, one SHOULD receive at least 1 gold lightsaber. I got a 15 million+ SH deco from a chance cube and I STILL think that they are the most BS RNG money grubbing item the Dev team could figure out to put in the game. Sad thing is, that 1 LONE deco came from roughly 50-60 chance cubes, the rest were bronze junk. Thanks for my birthday present Bioware, you really made it memorable just not in the way my wife or myself imagined.


Stop spending money on packs lol, that not worth it anymore.

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