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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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Easy to answer with scavenging flux missions.



Vendor price for item: 400 creds

Rich mission cost: 9xx creds (assume 1k)

Yeld: 32 items.

Yeld in credits: 32*400=12 800 credits

Profit: 11,8k

That's for tier 5


Yes sir, other crew skills by no means provide any profit.



thank you, Sir!

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Not really sure what your complaning about?


I have not seen the same problem as you have maybe at higher end its not returning?


if thats so.. i suggest going back to the lvl 5-6 boxs i am doing those and made 20k credits with three compaions well pvping last night.


But i would suggest quit complaning about a skill that has been making creidts hand over fist no one really feels pity for the complaners.. i never started with slicing but moved got rid of another crew skill becuse i could not afored the missions and lvling and other prices in this game.


Its been a god send to have it its still makes money just takes a little longer to due it.



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Ah yes "Rewards from Slicing have been reduced to bring them into balance with other skills." a easy way to explain ourself because we are too noob to actually fix anything. We have dismissed that claim.



By the way BioWare move you (gosh darn ***) <--- Inappropriate :cool: and repair the nodes. I found like half to the 1/3 of them not working on planets after patch. Oh plus you are a liar because Slicers were nerf subpar to other gathering skill by at least 50%

Edited by ImperiumAlpha
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Truth is: I STILL make money on my slicing missions. The returns are no longer triple their cost, but the better ones still return 25-100 percent more than what it cost me to send the companion on that mission. So if you don't make money from them anymore: you're somehow doing it WRONG.


And I don't think I have to remind you that you can also slice in-world? Those boxes might not pay as much as the missions, but they don't cost a single credit to open either. And in the right area, you can easily find 5-6 boxes in a matter of minutes, so that's all additional income, which other crewskills do NOT give.

Compared to the amount of nodes an Archeologist encounters, the amount of in-world slicing nodes is quite over the top. Especially if you consider that Archaeologists need to farm 3 different types of nodes, and even all those 3 different nodes put together aren't as common as the amount of slice boxes.


Slicing is fine, if you don't like it: ditch it. That leaves more of the in-world boxes for me as well. My slicers (yes, I have TWO) still have no problem getting more and more rich. My Archaeologist/Artificer on the other hand is barely scrapping by. Too few colour crystals in world, and getting the right gems from Treasure Hunting isn't exactly cheap either. And that's just to level up the skill and craft some basic stuff for myself. Try to sell a grade X colour crystal to a slicer, and he'll say flatout that colour crystals aren't worth more to them than 100cr. Making just 1 of those can cost a few thousand credits, but they believe it should be handed to them for free. Yeah, right.


So, I can't hold the slicing complainers in high esteem. Just a bunch of overreacting kids who simply can't figure out the mechanics it seems.

Edited by AsheraII
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in case slicing is now balanced with the other skills,

does it mean that the resource value from other skills (scavingin, treasure hunting, etc.) are also below their mission costs?

so the meaning of all mission is not to make profit but just to push your skill points up by paying credits for it?

is this how we need to understand the crewskills missions?[/QUote]


Hrm. In balance with other skills.


Let's see.


12 minutes on a Salvage mission (LOLSALVAGE MISSION)

12 minutes on an Underworld Trading mission

36 minutes for crafting time

+a couple dozen dozen flux @ 10 credits each


5-10 items which sell for 3500 credits each (average 7)


So that's one hour and about 1200 credits spent with less than 100 skill, and I made 24500 credits, for a total of:


23,300 credit profit in one hour, with one companion only, without any skill above 100, and it has nothing to do with slicing.

Edited by LeperJack
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Easy to answer with scavenging flux missions.



Vendor price for item: 400 creds

Rich mission cost: 9xx creds (assume 1k)

Yeld: 32 items.

Yeld in credits: 32*400=12 800 credits

Profit: 11,8k

That's for tier 5


Yes sir, other crew skills by no means provide any profit.

No other crew skill provides profit ?? im sorry what mmo did u come from?? if u can craft an item if u can salvage an item it can be used to turn a profit. Slicing on the other hand only purpose was to provide you an income. Im sorry this is the real world here is not. Because one profession yields more income then another it should be nerfed. Well dam how about we start with our politicians, the lawyers, and doctors god knows they all make to much money. No do i sound a little retarded. Ah yes, yes i think i might.


So exactly my point if the skills main purpose is to provide an income not lose money. Then it is pretty much a wasted skill now. Did people abuse of course they did. However did the vast majority no i dont think they did. But that didnt stop the nerf bat. Oh and guess what when another class is able to yield a profit the same as slicing will people abuse that one to... Why yes im pretty certain they will.

Edited by Gifts
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Not really sure what your complaning about?


I have not seen the same problem as you have maybe at higher end its not returning?


if thats so.. i suggest going back to the lvl 5-6 boxs i am doing those and made 20k credits with three compaions well pvping last night.


But i would suggest quit complaning about a skill that has been making creidts hand over fist no one really feels pity for the complaners.. i never started with slicing but moved got rid of another crew skill becuse i could not afored the missions and lvling and other prices in this game.


Its been a god send to have it its still makes money just takes a little longer to due it.




You made 20k with lvl 5-6 boxes in a whole night? That won't even cover your repair bills higher up in the levels.

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Truth is: I STILL make money on my slicing missions. The returns are no longer triple their cost, but the better ones still return 25-100 percent more than what it cost me to send the companion on that mission. So if you don't make money from them anymore: you're somehow doing it WRONG.


And I don't think I have to remind you that you can also slice in-world? Those boxes might not pay as much as the missions, but they don't cost a single credit to open either. And in the right area, you can easily find 5-6 boxes in a matter of minutes, so that's all additional income, which other crewskills do NOT give.

Compared to the amount of nodes an Archeologist encounters, the amount of in-world slicing nodes is quite over the top. Especially if you consider that Archaeologists need to farm 3 different types of nodes, and even all those 3 different nodes put together aren't as common as the amount of slice boxes.


Slicing is fine, if you don't like it: ditch it. That leaves more of the in-world boxes for me as well. My slicers (yes, I have TWO) still have no problem getting more and more rich. My Archaeologist/Artificer on the other hand is barely scrapping by. Too few colour crystals in world, and getting the right gems from Treasure Hunting isn't exactly cheap either. And that's just to level up the skill and craft some basic stuff for myself. Try to sell a grade X colour crystal to a slicer, and he'll say flatout that colour crystals aren't worth more to them than 100cr. Making just 1 of those can cost a few thousand credits, but they believe it should be handed to them for free. Yeah, right.


So, I can't hold the slicing complainers in high esteem. Just a bunch of overreacting kids who simply can't figure out the mechanics it seems.



Okay... If you are so good at it please just tell me which mission/box level you are doing because stats DO NOT LIE. No mission/Box actually return a profit that is EQUAL by any mean to any other skill. Lots of tex but nothing to back it out. I love it.

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Slicing is a "gathering" crew skill and it's profit generation should be on par than with selling the raw materials from Archaeology, Bioanalysis and Scavenging.


As a 400 slicer with 200+ biochem/bioanalysis, slicing is now just as useless as the other gathering crew skills in terms of mission cost vs. reward. Slicing is only useful in the open-world environment.


The adjustment to slicing was band-aid solution to address the low performance of crafting in general. Mission costs across the board for all gathering professions need an adjustment as well in both the performance and time cost.

Edited by G-Seven
Not enough coffee yet!
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On average, my level 48 missions only net me a profit of 300 credits. After a half hour of a Companion being sent out.


At this point, the main way to make money from slicing is from going to actual slicing nodes and farming them rather than using companions on missions. They are better being sent out to do just about anything else, and to sell the rewards from that. That said, it means my poor level 25 won't max out her slicing until she gets to Hoth. Slicing is still profitable. You just have to do work for it now. I'm not sure if I like -how- badly it's been nerfed.


I feel like any slicing mission greater than twenty-minutes long should bring back 200% of the cost of the mission. Or at the very least, if it nets you negative income, you actually be guaranteed some sort of mission or schematic as compensation.

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Now you're like every other craft where you don't earn money going on missions.


Yes, but slicing has no other real reliable function. Every so often we get a mission, every so often we get cybertech patterns, and we can request augments but its a crap shoot and we may not ever get what we want.


People complain because they dont make money right now. But what kind of money do you think Biochem is going to rake in when the economy has stabilized and everyone wants pots for raiding?


How much will the armor and weapon crafts make when the first big patch comes out introducing those awesome patterns?


Then where is slicing?


Also you may not make money on mission skills, but you gain stuff in exchange for money.


When your only exchange is time and money, and you end up with less money then you put in, you get nothing.

Ive seen what some of the underworld metals and fabrics sell for, you could absolutely make money off those if you wanted.

Edited by Kellindell
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Hrm. In balance with other skills.


Let's see.


12 minutes on a Salvage mission (LOLSALVAGE MISSION)

12 minutes on an Underworld Trading mission

36 minutes for crafting time

+a couple dozen dozen flux @ 10 credits each


5-10 items which sell for 3500 credits each (average 7)


So that's one hour and about 1200 credits spent with less than 100 skill, and I made 24500 credits, for a total of:


23,300 credit profit in one hour, with one companion only, without any skill above 100, and it has nothing to do with slicing.


thank you too, sir

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As people have stated before, people can still make dosh slicing, but it's a far cry from pre-patch where you'd clear 3000+ credits at times for 1 mission.


If you're going to stay slicing, I suggest you hit Class5 (41-48) lockboxes.


All you awesome dudes have been filling out this spreadsheet and we're currently averaging at ~324.85 credits per mission in profit for Class5 Cash missions.


Not bad compared with the 69 credit LOSS averaged on 25-32 Class3 lockboxes

Edited by SirFlashington
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I sent 3 companions on rich/bountiful missions on 30-40 slicing and in half an hour I made 3k profit. Then I went to do a space mission and got 1,9k in 4 minutes. Seems balanced :rolleyes:


Sounds like you're on a bit of a winning streak there. Just wait until you wait 30 mins and get half the dosh back you invested. They seem to be happening far more often, according to zee stats

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Wish there was a way to filter out posts that don't have their player level, crew skill level, and what mission class they tried before (the spreadsheet in the earlier post was amazing). Because any sub-50 opinion is rather worthless, given that they and I don't know how much repairs are going to cost not to mention consumables for OPS or make from warzones/dailies.

That being said I am not 50 yet and last night I did class 4 into 5 missions as i skilled up over that I stopped doing anything that wasn't a rich yield to have a chance at making money. I take this to be fine since I am leveling however there are some nice crafted boots on the GTN that I would have bought a few days ago but now they aren't worth it to be replaced in a few levels. I can guess that this would make going crafting and two skills to collect mats now look even worse because of this, no one making large amounts of credits to spend.

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Even though the missions themselves lose money (based on the assumption that everyone here isn't lying), don't you still make money when gathering as a slicer? I know I did. After all, you literally gather credits. Maybe that is a factor in how Slicer as a trade was adjusted? Edited by smurftube
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A slight nerf to slicing would have been acceptable, but as it stands, slicing is now officially pointless. You're lucky to break even now. Why on earth would I send my crew out on 25 minute missions, spending 1200 credits, when they bring me back 1100? I just paid 100 credits to totally waste my time.


"But you can still find slicing nodes!" "What about augments?" Yeah, and those rewards are so trivial and time consuming, they're not worth it either. Give me a break!


The real problem here is not that slicing rewards are now "on par" with other rewards. We all know that's a cop-out for the 75%+ nerf. The ONLY problem with slicing was that you can level it to 400, regardless of your level. Just got your first companion? With enough time and dedication, you'll be at 400 slicing at level 10. The same can be said for any other profession.


Why oh why did they not cap professions based on level? They're already copying WoW for everything else (except you know, good things, like the auction house, and that little thing called PvP balance), so why can't they simply restrict (for example) level 41-48 mission to people who are ACTUALLY level 41-48? Wow! That was easy!


If you have max level characters, you know the slicing really produces chump change compared to what you already get. We have a 375k cost for all inventory slots, there's a mount that costs 1.5m, and high level skills cost about 50k each. Very possible without slicing, but slicing was at least worthwhile before.


Bioware knows nothing about how game economies work, and the last-second slicing nerf proves this. Now how about actually fixing the game, guys? You still haven't even added in a "turn off camera pivot" button for when you're adjusting the camera around yourself with left-click and it auto swivels! Such an easy addition that should have been there in the earliest alpha build! Rebuff slicing (25% more would be acceptable, 50% if you're not retarded), balance PvP, and for the love of God, add more content for a game that has supposedly spent TEN YEARS in development. While you're add it, overhaul the auction house: allow more than 50 measly auctions, and I don't know, allow BIDDING? It's an auction house! Also, MAKE IT EASIER TO GET PLACES QUICKLY. You intentionally make use waste SO much time getting around. We all realize it's a time sink to artificially lengthen game time. Oh, but we're so impressed with the size of the worlds. YAWN.


P.S. this "waiting room" **** is embarrassing. It's like popping up a huge message saying "we didn't pay more than $5 for our servers, sorry!"

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i dont understand how BW justifyed a 50% nerf. So one of the best ways to make money was 50% or more nerfed. now i can be poor like everyone else in my guild that didnt decide to do TH or slicinig


I wouldnt mind a slight adjustment, this is stuipid...all they got was money and you took that away. those auguments are USELESS atm thanks for reading


please rethink the nerf. i enjoyed going AH playing well for items and hooking up the sellers. even gave some criedts to my guild to help the ones struggling with cash.


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"But you can still find slicing nodes!" "What about augments?" Yeah, and those rewards are so trivial and time consuming, they're not worth it either. Give me a break!




That is true for every profession in every MMO ever, (except for eve, people tell me, never played myself)


Crafting is always a waste of time money sink, why do you think wow added those ridiculous passive buffs, because they knew that had to find a way to force people to care about crafting.


The fact this qq thread is over 100 pages long justifies the nerf, it was OP, if kept the way it was the game would have had inflation not seen sense FF XI had those stupid had you could fish up.

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That is true for every profession in every MMO ever, (except for eve, people tell me, never played myself)


Crafting is always a waste of time money sink, why do you think wow added those ridiculous passive buffs, because they knew that had to find a way to force people to care about crafting.


The fact this qq thread is over 100 pages long justifies the nerf, it was OP, if kept the way it was the game would have had inflation not seen sense FF XI had those stupid had you could fish up.


So because WoW had broken crafting, this game should have broken crafting? Also, "the fact that this qq thread is over 100 pages long justifies the nerf"...you fail logic forever.

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The ONLY problem with slicing was that you can level it to 400, regardless of your level. Just got your first companion? With enough time and dedication, you'll be at 400 slicing at level 10.


I've been thinking the very same thing for quite a while now. I'm sure this sentiment has been repeated previously in this and other threads as well. The issue wasn't that Slicing was broken, it was simply the fact that the player had access to rewards that were disproportionate to his or her level. A level cap on the crew skill could have resolved this, but so could a simple percentage cap on the reward based on the level of the character.


Seems a bit odd to me that Bioware didn't see this whole Slicing issue coming much earlier. Its the burden of the developer to assume that a segment of players are going to try and exploit the game mechanics any way they can. I don't really see how you can design an open, scaling system like Slicing and not expect exactly what has happened.

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So because WoW had broken crafting, this game should have broken crafting? Also, "the fact that this qq thread is over 100 pages long justifies the nerf"...you fail logic forever.



1. How is having a profession that simply gathers money for you, with no need to buy or sell anything based on demand, not inherently broken? How is that a "fixed" crafting system? How can that even be considered crafting at all?



2. Logic tells you that if everyone ever picked slicing as a profession and is now complaining about the nerf, it was OP. Ideally there should never be a "no brainier" profession that everyone picks up.


Hope that clears it up for you.

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