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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




I'll wager it's not a whole lot of fun to keep making these posts.

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




Your joking right a hole afternoon and evening gmt timezone well thanks alot bioware

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




Okay, it takes a lot to get me to post (especially since I enjoy laughing at all the nerd rage fest happening). But this is where I have a problem... "push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test "... seriously? I'm really having a hard time understanding the use of a LIVE server for "test" purposes. I know MMOs need to make money, but cutting costs by testing changes on live servers is NOT the way to keep a fan base.


Simple recommendation... test the changes in your test and pre-production environments FIRST... THEN push to live.

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The longer a MMORPG is up, the more complex it gets. Expansions, changes, updates. New tech, new servers, new graphics. Constant new code. The longer a MMORPG has been around, the more you have to do, to do anything.


Bugs are a fact of life with MMORPGs. Problems WILL happen. It takes a lot of hard work just to fix a bug as simple as a door closing or a sound cue, much less complex mission updates or combat balance issues. Even giant games with tones of money and people like Perfect World and WoW go down for a while and have to deal with big problems like this. It happens.


Patience. Breathe. Play another game for a while. Go outside. Paint. Exercise. Sleep. Go to work. It'll be done soon enough. If it takes a while, Bioware WILL give you the time back in either subscription hours or Cartel Coins. Early Access and Full Access will both be pushed back a bit. It's ok. It happens. Better that something that might wreak your experience be handled NOW, then let you play in it for days while they trying to fix it in the background.


And please, never take a day off work for a video game.


Well said indeed. :D I usually pass the time watching youtube videos :p

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Hey folks,


We are nearing my "best case scenario" of one hour. We are not ready to bring the servers live yet, but we are still looking good. We are continuing to push the update out across our live servers, where we will then test these changes again. Assuming at that point, that everything looks good, we will bring the servers online. I am being told that it is possible that all of this can be complete within an hour. So, another best case ETA of one hour from the time of this post, or 6:30 PM CT.


Thanks everyone.




It's not like I am sitting here waiting for the servers to come online with a cat on my lap..... maybe >.>

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Guys. For Marrs sake stop whining! They are trying there best. I always think about it this way: The longer is takes, the better is will be. If you stop complaining and play something else it will be done soon. So please, talk about something else besides referrals and servers being down.


Thats all nice and good, but sometimes, the best just isn't good enough. In this world, you usually get paid for results, not for your motivation. If I mess up at work every time i get a task for an upcoming patch over a long period of time, I have to fear consequences, no matter what I try or not.


"I am trying" only counts for so long. And since they are trying for 4 years now...uhm...well...at what point we can call it "enough"?

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The delayed launch may cause one to lose faith in the company and the developers.

But holy jumping sithface the majority of people on this forum forces one to totally lose faith in humanity.


I personally almost hope they delay the launch even further just to **** around with the stupid ******* unable to relax, like real Siths. You whiny losers would never even come close to becoming true acolytes.

You disgusting pieces of failure.

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If this keeps up this game dies within months. There is only so much people will take when they are a paying customer. You expect to get paid on time yet you don't provide a operational service. People left the game already because it's getting boring and tedious. Add to that bad customer service and you have a company on the brink of self destructing. People that say true fans won't leave the game are under the misconstrued impression that swtor and starwars are synonymous because they are unequivocally erroneous!
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Simple question for all the whiners out there, Do any of you know how to write code or or even read it? There is always and indication that something could go wrong. Even if it was ok on test servers it may not been ok on the live servers. Go clean your room, spend time with family or take a damn chill pill and relax.

Well, don't need to know anythink about code to know: When I want to get thing done on time I plan with some extra time. So I am 100% sure it happen on time. When there is slightest possibility off the downtime being like 10 hours and I plan and announce 24hours. Then I can even take 17hour and everybody will still be happy.

Edited by Aaarrrgon
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This thread is hilarious, and a prime example of why they keep us in the dark about everything. There is just no satisfying the "I deserve everything/I have to have it now" crowd..... But it's fun as hell reading them whine about it.


Welcome to todays ME ME ME Generation. I'd say have these people have no idea what it's like to wait for their "Dial up" modem to finally connect and be scared to death a family member would pick up the phone, because we only had one phone line.

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Hot diggity, you guys are still down! I certainly understand that :eek: happens, but I hope ya'all learn from your mistakes here and maybe put some safeguards in place to avoid a future repeat. I mean, I read some of the arguments and I understand that some people should have a back up plan, and go take a break. I certainly did, but that was 4 maybe 5 hours ago. This is a little discouraging as person whom made damn sure they didn't let their subscription lapse so I could be the first to enjoy some fine new content. Anyhow, God Speed to ya'all, and may Good Mother Fortune temper the fiery resentment and foul moods this whole incident has provoked with some damn good story and game play. You see, we all come here to escape the mundane, isn't that right, folks? We've been working and going to school and doing chores, all that stuff, right? We wanna be in a galaxy far, far away! Let those lightsaber's vroom and those blaster cannon's boom, we're all itchin' to play! We can be forgiving, sure. But let's get this caboose rolling for gotssake!
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