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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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50 minutes left until bioware can actually be sued buy the European player base under EU law.....


Except that Bioware is sitting on the other site of the planet and.. really, no judge or lawyer is going to take that lawsuit. They'll laugh their asses off if anything.

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Amazing that you use a term that incites a stereotype of a negative connotation towards a group of people. AKA, being racist. Glad that you continue to be just like those fellow Americans you seem to dislike.


Of course, one can argue that you cannot be racist towards white people but still I find the statement somewhat ironic and hypocritical.


Soo, when did anyone talked about white people vs black people racism? First things first, NO ONE has been racist...Having prejudice against other countries makes you a big ******e and an ultimate retard, but not a racist...Prejudice against a country or a number of them is not racism after all, prejudice still, but not racism, unless you ar eoffending a ethinical group.

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redneck actually go back to the 1930's a disputes in West Virginia. A large group of unionized miners marched south , to pressure the mine owners there to allow their miners to become unionized. To identify themselves, the miners all wore red bandannas around their necks. Publicity with the battles and court cases created the term red-necks, and at that time they were viewed as the good guys in the conflict.


Bravo man...:rolleyes:

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Wrong: The first MMORPG is believed to have shown up in 1996, Meridian 59. It wasn't until 1997, with Ultima Online, that the genre started to become popular.


I played the hell out of Meridian 59, I played a player killer called Pennywise.


If by MMORPG you mean multi-player /role playing then you have to go back further to the mainframe days. Games like TradeWars - running on BBS's in the 80's. Text based space trading/war game - thousands of plays around the world.


There was also DecWars on CompuServe (an online community before the internet). Interview with the programmer behind TradeWars: http://workbench.cadenhead.org/projects/tradewars/martin.shtml


Believe it or not, there was life before the net. ;)

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Hey folks!


I have some updated information. We have a possible fix which we are now moving to test fully on the live servers. Best case scenario, the servers are live within an hour! That means that the next time you hear from me will be an update on the current status of the fix, or that the servers are live.







You've been posting since this post... :mon_trap:

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Guys. I know your moontanned basement-bodies are still shaking with rage at this, but chill out, OK? SWTOR is usually very stable and I'm sure this wouldn't be happening if it wasn't necessary.



It wouldn't be necessary if they did the proper testing before releasing the content. They're literally testing during maintenance.

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Except that Bioware is sitting on the other site of the planet and.. really, no judge or lawyer is going to take that lawsuit. They'll laugh their asses off if anything.


That wont matter: They do business int he EU. Compare it to your laws where your Feds like to get our DATA because of your Laws.. why should our Laws be less stupid? :)

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You are correct. ;-) So EU-Users will get something. :-p

I still ould prefere to simply play the game.


In other news EA removed all of it's holdings in Europe after it's collective player base filed suit. From now on EA will only release games in countries where people don't freak the **** out.

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Not how things work in the IT/dev world - not with a revenue costing event. No servers, no Cartel Market purchases. Usually in a major incident/DR event, they have estimates on how much revenue they are losing per hour. Those numbers will be brought up on the phone in every single conference call surrounding this outage.


NO ONE is sleeping tonight if this is still not fixed at COB...


(once worked at a company where the hourly estimate on loss was $1M/hour - it was all hands on deck for 30 straight hours - whether that number was realistic or not, that was the number constantly repeated on the calls)


I see these things on a regular basis in IT. Changes are what break IT Systems most of all. Not everything can be accounted for in these types of things. Revenue calculations come after the fact and kept hush hush. Estimates are made apparent to the folks running the call during the outage. No doubt there are executives on conference calls with the developers/infrastructure teams making sure that they are aware of it during the fix. Once the service is put back online, there will be a problem ticket to conduct the RCA (Root Cause Analysis) to determine what actually happened if they don't actually determine it on their call.

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