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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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While we are at it, I enjoy this game very much and don't mind the wait! They are ensuring our gaming experience will be top notch with the least amount of bugs possible. The one they are fixing happens to affect your character so much they took everything down just to make sure we don't get affected by it I personally think that is very commendable! If you agree with me I would like to extend my invite for 7 days for anyone who is interested and does not mind the wait! Click here http://www.swtor.com/r/m79G2L See you in game!
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So, as someone who has done many server upgrades and code migrations to production, I know it's not always an easy process, UNLESS, there is sufficient testing before migration from test env, and that it's a proper test environment in the first place. This includes a mirrored environment of production data.. I am guessing that these problems are due to the business heads not wanting to allocate enough $$$ for setting up an appropriate test environment, which means purchasing servers and hiring enough people to properly test. As long as they don't start losing enough subscribers (500 or more I'm guessing) due to failed migrations of code, this will continue to be the process.


As a Major Incident Manager you hit the nail on the head. So many times this happens due to not being able to adequately test a code fix/patch/deployment in a lower environment that replicates production. Also, to play devil's advocate (a wee little bit), there are also lower environments that are unable to replicate production though extenuating (SP?) circumstances. Rare though. That might play a part in this too if the prod environment is too big. Truth is we don't know the back end architecture and the actual problems that they are facing with implementing this. All is speculation. It is just a waiting game for us.


Just to give this some perspective, There is most likely a P1 incident outage to their business and a huge conference call that is going on right now with Major Incident Managers (with executives and business leaders on the call) that are working their damnedest to get this back up quickly and to find out what actually happened.


FYI, P1 and P2 incidents are to restore service. If the ASAP restoration is to roll back a change/deployment will cost the company less money then pushing forward, they will take it.


Hope I could provide a little insight into some inner workings a little for some. No hate please XD.

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I understand stuff happens between Test servers and a live launch, but the downtime here is a bit excessive. When things like this happen, it should only be natural for BioWare to compensate the players in some small way to foster good will towards the Community. I know everybody wants free stuff; however, I think it's warranted in this case. It doesn't have to be anything "huge": maybe a mount, a pet, some cartel coins, anything really... Other MMOs I have played do this with extended and unplanned downtime, so I'm not sure why SWTOR doesn't. If I'm totally out of bounds on this one, sorry in advance...
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Shut the fukk up. We're all dealing with the same problem. Stop fukking crying like EU players are more important or deserve more for the downtime. Ignorant, Limey piece of crap.


Dude Don't be a *********** ******e, yes we're all in the same boat, you could have put that so much nicer than that,you were just bang out of order here.

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Thanks Eric for the hard work and tell the team we appreciate it. I understand that when this happens you are probably less happy than we are and on top of that you have to listen to people who just want to complain. To the Europe guy - hey you knew this was a US based game when you got it -- get over yourself - if a game was based in Europe I would not expect special treatment. Its day time here and lots of us did not get to play you are not being persecuted lol - to the others who are jones-in over the game being down I say this learn a little patience and grow up - abusing the game techs and giving them a harder time than they are already having is NOT cool!! Again Eric thanks and thanks to those working hard to fix the issue


Yes abuse is uncalled for, the only frustration I am really experiencing is because it is the only day off that I have to play. Yes I think maybe a double xp weekend or game time would be a nice way for them to make this up to us but I have nothing to complain about when it comes to the customer service that I have gotten.

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I wonder how things "just happen" to Bioware ! Do you have devs that are equiped with things like eyes,hands,brain and such , or is it just random stuff just happening and who cares?

Do you have living hamsters in you servers runing and makeing electricity?

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