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Maintenance: 9 February 2016


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I work in IT and one of our devs pushed his code to production before testing it. Took the entire company down within minutes.


"I don't always test my code, but when I do it's in production."


I agree that no testing is definately not the way to go. I am just saying that there are always things that testing in a lower environment can not produce results for.


PS I love that quote. :)

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It implies that the Bug is ont he serverside, likely the Database shemes got corrupted :-D


Even so. if it affects the game play to a extent that it gave issue to the patch. would it not mean a patch to our clients would be necessary? I mean if it took this long to locate and fix it would seem like a double edge sword where it needs to be fixed on both sides. If it was purely server side as a game host my self I can openly say to locate and fix a problem would not take this long if it was one way issue.

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At this point that was not a small bug... Somebody mess up real bad. But since I came a little late I have no clue why the waiting has been so long... Come on it was just a simple jump to 4.1 is not like you were doing a full overhaul (which surprisingly have gone smoothly compared to this)


Size is relative. I mean, 1 character in a line of code is "small". Locating said character in the entire patch, fixing it, and "testing" the fix is obviously a "big" job. So yeah, size is relative isnt it? At least thats what my wife keeps telling me.

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Ok don't beat me up because I dont have the exact numbers. People need to know that when you fix one bug in code you have a certain percentage chance of creating two more bugs, and for each bug you fix this percentage will go up. No matter the cause of the issue, fixing it will take time. Chill.


Dude come up with a new apologist excuse, that one is about as lame as it is old. And I do work code, and of course you have bugs, but the amount and size are defined by how sloppy the coder is.


BW probably gets the cheapest interns or right out of college programmers to keep payroll down, that this sort of thing happens.

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you morons calling pple whiners have got to be noobs to this game....bucha idiots....see how u feel the next patch and the one after when it keeps happening...and ya it will...this is the normal for most big patches they release. if ur smart ull cancel ur sub as i did....maybe then they will see....prolly not...best case scenario this game gets shut off by disney and then no more stress from it. this is not a good gaming company..they only want ur money...dont give it to them...simple as that....sub for only special times and the shut it off....plain as that. u have no reason to be so loyal to bioware/ea...they are not to us. its alot easier to wait as F2P then a sub i tell ya that much.
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You are so high its unreal. Did you forget to mention that Turbine sometimes has 4-5 day outages for their xpacs or updates? Turbine is the worst MMO company of all time period. Id rather have 24 hr downtime no perks than 4-5 day outages with some cheap prize to soothe me. Oh and btw I currently have an open case with Turbine Inc., They owe me $6,000 which I am currently litigating for. For you to say Turbine is the best company around is completely false. Worst company ever please go back to LOTRO if you like that crap company so much.


Hahahahaha dead :D

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Well in the interim:


Everyone is super excited for the return of Kaliyo. I remember that within 5 minutes of her becoming my companion on Hutta, I couldn't wait to get her back to my ship...to fire her out of the airlock.


Seriously, that's one part I'm not looking forward to. Most other dark side characters are fun, but she's just the bad kind of ******e. Now, she's being inflicted on all my characters. Hooray.




Could not have said that better. I still want to fire her out of an airlock. I would rather have had Khem Val. At least he is entertaining and doesn't have 7 evil exes.

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