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The Chance Cube - EAware's last chance to milk the playerbase?


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If this isn't gouging the playerbase then I don't know what is. Who is actually for this? Who in their right mind thought this was actually a good idea in the dev meetings? And why did the rest of the board agree to this? The Cartel Market was a problem ever since its inception, but this takes thing to a whole 'nother level.


Ever since the announcement that F2P was coming, lots of people knew that the addition of a cash shop was going to add more problems to this game. As if going F2P in less than a year and the announcement itself weren't problems enough, we were going to get a cash shop that would indeed add more revenue to the game for a possible better future for SWTOR, but at what cost?


And look where the game is at now. The devs can't even maintain the CM all that much anymore. Is this gamble in a gamble EAware's last attempt to milk its customers to sustain this game throughout the next year before SWTOR either shuts down or the devs are able to come up with another astronomically bad idea to keep milking the playerbase for yet another year?

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How is it milking the players? NOTHING on the CM gives you character power. Unless you count looking pretty as power. Look at Blade & Souls where you have to buy keys and other stuff off their market to increase the power of your character. Look at Skyforge where they have events that you have drop $40-60 during an event for power for your character and more if you miss the event to get the same power.


Looking pretty is optional.

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How is it milking the players? NOTHING on the CM gives you character power.


Not sure how those two things are related. Milking was a definable thing before TOR's cash shop stood up.


It can be considered milking for different reasons, like slinging grab bags instead of more individual items. Or how they've periodically done their retuning.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Not sure how those two things are related. Milking was a definable thing before TOR's cash shop stood up.


It can be considered milking for different reasons, like slinging grab bags instead of more individual items. Or how they've periodically done their retuning.

Exactly my point, thank you. I've ignored the cash shop for a while because everyone and their mom knew about the reskinning and its priority over actual content, etc., but why fix something that isn't broken in the first place? The way the packs were before were just fine. Now the devs want you to gamble more so they get more of your money while you'll get more and more trash until you finally get whatever you were gambling for or run out of money until your next paycheck.

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Can I comment on the Sensational title? Firstly, you aren't being forced, like a cow in a factory being forced to give up it's milk. If you don't want to buy, don't. It's pretty simple. Also, do you really think this is their last chance? You don't think they'll manage to think up something else to "force" you to spend more money?
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Can I comment on the Sensational title? Firstly, you aren't being forced, like a cow in a factory being forced to give up it's milk. If you don't want to buy, don't. It's pretty simple. Also, do you really think this is their last chance? You don't think they'll manage to think up something else to "force" you to spend more money?

Like when they put Cathar Honor Swords in the CM for direct purchase for 5000 CC.

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Not sure how those two things are related. Milking was a definable thing before TOR's cash shop stood up.


It can be considered milking for different reasons, like slinging grab bags instead of more individual items. Or how they've periodically done their retuning.


Its not milking the player base because everything on the CM is optional. You don't need it to play the game. Milking someone is forcing them to pay for something.

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Exactly my point, thank you. I've ignored the cash shop for a while because everyone and their mom knew about the reskinning and its priority over actual content, etc., but why fix something that isn't broken in the first place? The way the packs were before were just fine. Now the devs want you to gamble more so they get more of your money while you'll get more and more trash until you finally get whatever you were gambling for or run out of money until your next paycheck.


I've never cared for the dynamic cash shops bring to games that I've played. When they announced it here with a lot of low-key qualifiers I expected it would turn into the cheesy **** show that it is, just like other games.


First that comes to mind is Planet Side 2, although it was a somewhat different model. But since there were lots of people driving around in carriers covered in dumb cash shop swag and honking their $7 horns or whatever it was I think players have only themselves to blame for being responsive to such bull****. Other players that is. :mon_cool: I agree it would have been nice if BW didn't make it so "milky". I don't participate in things that reek of being a 2-bit hustle, but that's just me.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I've never cared for the dynamic cash shops bring to games that I've played. When they announced it here with a lot of low-key qualifiers I expected it would turn into the cheesy **** show that it is, just like other games. I agree it would have been nice if they didn't make it so "milky".


First that comes to mind is Planet Side 2, although it was a somewhat different model. But since there were lots of people driving around in carriers covered in dumb cash shop swag and honking their $7 horns or whatever it was I think players have only themselves to blame for being responsive to such bull****. Other players that is. :mon_cool:


Yup I never see an item on the cartel market and say OMG only 2000 cartel coins for this mount/armor/whatever I must have it. The cartel market is filled with a bunch of fluff most of which is unimportant and honestly gameplay and a properly functioning game is what I care about more. I am just waiting for the day EA/BW will be like you can now purchase bug updates and have properly functioning game for only 5400 cartel coins and you know what if that thing actually worked I'd buy it. :D

Edited by squirrelballz
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If this isn't gouging the playerbase then I don't know what is. Who is actually for this? Who in their right mind thought this was actually a good idea in the dev meetings? And why did the rest of the board agree to this? The Cartel Market was a problem ever since its inception, but this takes thing to a whole 'nother level.


Ever since the announcement that F2P was coming, lots of people knew that the addition of a cash shop was going to add more problems to this game. As if going F2P in less than a year and the announcement itself weren't problems enough, we were going to get a cash shop that would indeed add more revenue to the game for a possible better future for SWTOR, but at what cost?


And look where the game is at now. The devs can't even maintain the CM all that much anymore. Is this gamble in a gamble EAware's last attempt to milk its customers to sustain this game throughout the next year before SWTOR either shuts down or the devs are able to come up with another astronomically bad idea to keep milking the playerbase for yet another year?

It's been done to minimize CM development. This way they can make the staff cuts they want to and keep people buying crap.


I hope it backfires on them, but only time will tell...people buy stupid **** all the time.


The success or failure of this is 100% in our hands.

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Funny how you come in and don't add anything to it, except claims of White Knighting
i'm starting to think you get notifications on your cellphone whenever someone says something negative about bioware.


or maybe it's a beeper


what is there to add? the op is right, this is just another lame attempt from bioware to avoid actual development, avoid adding to the game and to just recycle old content in an attempt to gouge players more.

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Apologists and defenders everywhere. :rolleyes:


You should check out the official thread about how the packs are changing in 4.1, OP, great example of a large amount of people giving feedback, and then BW completely ignoring it.

at least the number of blind bw apologist fanboys is down from 5 to about 3.
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