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Two Year Anniversary of the Last GSF Patch is Upon Us


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Happy one-year-and-eight-months birthday, Last GSF Content Patch! *


I'd like to offer thanks to the initial team of developers who made a game that has withstood corporate shortsightedness and outright neglect for one year and eight months. *


I'd also like to offer a stream of angry expletives and heated invective to the bean-counters who couldn't see potential for growth in a part of their game that had to have been expensive to create and promote. The missed opportunity in an age of resurgence for space combat games across the industry is deplorable. The utter disregard for a segment of paying customers whose needs could be addressed (at least in part) with very little work is equally worthy of vigorous condemnation.


* amended with Drak's revised dates. The sentiment still stands.



Edited by caederon
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I'm not sure where you're getting your numbers sir. The last big content patch for GSF was 2.8 which introduced the Jurgoran/Condor and the Decimus/Sledgehammer, that patch was released on 6/13/2014 (The 13th of June).


There was a few more minor fixes in patches after that as well like in 2.8.1, which fixed Interdiction missiles from stacking, that patch was released on 7/1/2014 (The 1st of July)


It's currently Febuary so if we go all the way back to the last big content update that's still 1 year and 8 months. While I know this is a long time for content I don't think we need to exaggerate how long it's been since we've had a content update.

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I'm not sure where you're getting your numbers sir. The last big content patch for GSF was 2.8 which introduced the Jurgoran/Condor and the Decimus/Sledgehammer, that patch was released on 6/13/2014 (The 13th of June).


There was a few more minor fixes in patches after that as well like in 2.8.1, which fixed Interdiction missiles from stacking, that patch was released on 7/1/2014 (The 1st of July)


It's currently Febuary so if we go all the way back to the last big content update that's still 1 year and 8 months. While I know this is a long time for content I don't think we need to exaggerate how long it's been since we've had a content update.

I'm not gonna lie. In light of things, I find this thread to be supremely amusing. :D

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I rarely read or post on the forums but this thread happened to catch my attention.


I think it is a testament to GSF's brilliant design that such an awesome mini-game continues to persevere despite having been utterly abandoned by the developers. Regardless, the forums still thrive with ongoing debates and discussions by enthusiastic players who have been going crazy for more content!


My sincere, heartfelt thanks goes out to the design team for giving us Galactic Starfighter. Ever since it launched I have seen the steady rise of a passionate and dedicated fan base. Many players have since come and gone while many others are discovering it for the first time. GSF continues to entertain so many of us by giving us the thrill of experiencing everything we love about Star Wars in epic, exciting space battles.


GSF is the perfect complement to everything else that already makes SWTOR such a great MMO to play. It is entirely unique and offers something vastly different, fun and exciting to the game. It has its niche. It has earned its place. It deserves another opportunity to take center stage again.


We need to keep shouting our desire and demand for more GSF content!




Begeren Colony

Edited by Sorrai
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I wholeheartedly agree Sorrai. After seeing Rey and Finn whizzing through space in TFA I was itching to get back into GSF - having left it for ground PvP.


I was thinking I'd find GSF on life support, twitching every now and again - but found a whole bunch of new pilots and enemies. - And started honing my old skills. - And I'm inspired to kit out a new character with new ships. :):hope_01::hope_01:


-But yeah - How something this neglected can still have a community and regular pops amazes me - Sometimes it triggers faster than midbie PvP - which is a surprise.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Must've missed the June content but hey, close only counts in horse-shoes, hand-grenades, and internet griping, right?


I defer to Drako because he really, really pays attention to GSF and we are all grateful for that.


However, if you do care about this part of the game, BLOW UP THIS POST! Keep it at the top of the lists for this month and let's see if we can get the dev's to pick up that marker in the room that is covered in a fine layer of dust and write on the cobweb-covered board the words 'GSF - easy ideas to make money'


Then we will finally have the new content we desire.


I, personally, would love a 'unit patch' slot on the ship that you could customize. Even if it isn't visible to the guys you are blowing up you can still see it in your hangar!

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Hey Devs ... if you're reading ...


Most of us here would be giddy for months with nothing more than having the laundry-list of known bugs fixed (or just SOME of them), and having them fixed would make the process of bringing in &/or training new pilots a bit easier - we would only need to advise against lousy components & could stop having to inform about incorrect description text, function breaking left/right selections, etc. & so forth.


All that said - new ships, maps, components, game modes, paint jobs, colors, decorations, rewards, a buff for strikes, etc., etc. would be nice too. :D

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Has there been any discussion by the devs of new GSF content? By my own fault I haven't closely followed developer threads over the last year except for the last two months. I am surprised that new GSF wouldn't be introduced with the new alliances due to KOTFE. They are adding a new warzone that is used only for training to fight the eternal empire. I think the same could be done for GSF.


Also, the latest expansion gives a great opportunity to take on the eternal fleet as a team! Many people complain about the lack of team based pve space missions. I think they could easily add this as part of the KOTFE content (not to take the focus from pvp space content).

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