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Content changes are terrible


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I was a SWTOR subscriber since it opened for beta testing. A year ago (Jan 2015) I took a break so I could go play a different MMO. I just came back a couple days ago (02/01/16) partially because of the new movies and also because I missed the game.


To my surprise I found out that there were a lot of gameplay changes which made my previous efforts useless. For example, I had spent a lot of time and effort (and cartel coins) upgrading my character companions (for 10 characters) so they were at the same level as my character. Adaptive armor with the highest level parts doesn't come cheap, however now IT IS JUST COSMETIC for the companions since they get no bonus stats from the armor.




Not only that, I didn't even get a refund or compensation for all the cartel coins/time spent getting multiple companions upgraded with adaptive armor, zilch! Not even a conversion to the new system that made sense and made them equally powerful. If for example, I would have gotten 40/50 of that new stat (don't remember the name now) then at least that would have been something but with the conversion they were 10/50 when they had the same level 192 armor as my character.


I'm not interested in bogus explanations from EA on how they came up with the conversion scheme, blah, blah, blah... I spent a lot of time money and effort and in return just get screwed... and that is just one of the many changes (let alone bugs) that were introduced to annoy gamers.


Needless to say I cancelled my subscription and asked for my money back... Is a pity, I liked the game but I had it with EA.


Good bye Star Wars, Good luck to those who are choosing to stay.

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I fail to really see where a fully upgraded companion is needed outside of world PvP. Of course, fully geared 'helps' sure it is wanted, not necessarily 'needed'.


Also, you spent cartel coins, is it automatically out of the question to request a refund, or ticket? I got my coins back on a dye where I messed up and it glitched. Surely, you can get yours.


And leaving over such a trivial issue - I'm at a loss for words.

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“(Wo)Man cannot discover new oceans unless (s)he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” -Andre Gide


“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” -Marilyn Monroe


"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." -George Bernard Shaw


Don't fear change. Accept it and let that river take you downstream where it wants to take you. There's a lot of nice things to see along the way if you allow yourself to see them. Change is necessary and although at times we may prefer the familiar nothing can grow without change. You have to take risks in order to grow and those risks don't always work out the way you'd like them to but even then that's still a part of changing. Sometimes you may have to fail or put up with a few things you don't like along the way to get to where you'd eventually like to be. I know I wouldn't want to be in charge of a mmo. MMO fans are fickle at best and fear change but demand constant change at the same time. It's a lose/lose for most developers who try to keep up with that demand then get yelled at for trying something new. This isn't in Bioware's defense necessarily but I am trying to put myself in their shoes. Could they listen to their fans a little better.....maybe. Could they just leave the game the way it is and hope for the best.....no! I for one felt the same way at first and there's a few things I dislike but overall I've gotten used to the changes and actually approve of some of them. Sure fights are now way to easy with the super God mode companions but you don't see me complaining during Bounty Hunter Contract week, especially on Dromund Kaas. Haha, take that you cheesy super stun God. Now you can't even hurt me. :o May the force be with you. :csw_destroyer:

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Ich spiele auch ein paar Jahren das Spiel auf Abbo, aber aus beruflichen Gründen halt als Hobby gelegentlich. Was mich persönlich stört, dass man irgendwie beim Spiel-Entwickler verkohlt wird. z.B. Sobald man gute Rüstung hat kommt irgendwelche Erweiterung und man ist auf dem Null-Stand. Alles für Fortschritt verständlich, aber sogar bei Operationen ist kein richtige fairnes, sondern typisches Kasperspiel durchs Rollen angesagt. Man bekommt keine Tocken-Rüstung automatisch die das Programm auf jeweiligen Spieler wirft.

Dann sind die Rüstungen für Ultimative Marken so schlecht eingestellt, dass mit dieser fast wie Alptraum, die HM Operation lauft. Zusätzlich wurden manche Story-Operationen so schrecklich verändert, dass man kein Spaß mehr macht, die zu laufen. Es gibt ein Haufen Rüstung-Verbesserungen, die man entweder fürs Haufen Kredits kaufen kann oder man soll wie Junky jeden Tag OPs, Fps laufen und am Spiel teilnehmen, um eine passende zu sammeln. Es wäre einfacher die ganzen Marken, Kristalle abzuschaffen und nur die Rüstungen in Fps und Ops zu vergeben. Darum ist das Spiel für Hobby-Spieler ungeeignet. Für mich persönlich hat das Spiel in Augenblick an Glanz verloren. Die neue Story reizt mich irgendwie auch nicht, einmal durchgespielt beinah zu viel.


Bitte um Verständniss! :o

Edited by Ba-bai
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One would think that someone that claims to been around since Beta would know what Forum to put this kinda post! On the other hand that alone explains a great many things . . .


So, "Hey,

?" - and can I have your stuff?


Er hat keinen persönlich angesprochen und du verurteilst ihn, obwohl mir ist es bekannt, dir liegt es im Blut. Besser als Napoleon hat noch keiner über Deutschen gesagt... Also sein Spruch gehört solchen wie du....


Nicht böse gemeint: Ich bin einfach V Achue von dir.

Edited by Ba-bai
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This is why i just used the yavin legacy gear on my companions, because every expansion the levels are getting boosted by 5 so why waist all of the coins on companions if you knew that the gear they had on would be ineffective come time when the next expansion hit. Im glad they changed companions so you didnt have to gear them, it was always a pain having to upgrade their gear each expansion, now their effectiveness is based on their affection rank, which is pretty easy to hit rank 15. Companion convo's are story triggered, your no longer choosing your options carefully because u didnt want your companions affection decreesing, and the remake of the companion system makes them just as effective at rank 25 as they were with the max gear on that ud put on them, more so if your a legendary player (i have 2 lv 65's in each class, one of each sub class [ex. sith sorc and assasin]) Overall its no surprise that the companions where getting a change even if the gear wasnt cosmetic you would still have to painstakingly upgrade all they had to 208 armor.


The other point that you want coins back because u spent them on your companions? HA they were going to increase the levels anyhow, which you from the beta so you know that anyhow because you have gone through 2 expansions each bringing level caps +5. Overall you know they would increase the level cap, you knew you would have to upgrade all of your companions armor all over again, and you knew that all the time u spent grinding for the ultimate 198 armor would be replaced by better armor in the next expansion. Either you lack common sense to see that as the level cap increases your going to have to grab new armor or you werent around since beta because you acting like they havent done this before.


In sum, be thankfull they dont make you upgrade all your companions armor all over again, suck it up and either stay for the game or leave because changes will always happen like how stacks can now go to 9999 when chapter 10 hits.

Edited by josephxp
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Er hat keinen persönlich angesprochen und du verurteilst ihn, obwohl mir ist es bekannt, dir liegt es im Blut. Besser als Napoleon hat noch keiner über Deutschen gesagt... Also sein Spruch gehört solchen wie du....


Nicht böse gemeint: Ich bin einfach V Achue von dir.


At high tide, fish eat ants; at low tide, ants eat fish.

-- Thai


“The most fatal illusion is the settled point of view. Since life is growth and motion, a fixed point of view kills anybody who has one.”

― Brooks Atkinson

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I was the same man, in 3.0 I had my Jaesa decked out in 198s and augmented. Pretty much all my companions were maxed. It was a good little side project to do that. Some people here saying it isn't necessary, no it is not. It also isn't necessary to do anything but sit on the fleet, but some people like to do it. It is another example on how the higher end/pushing content/non casual players get screwed yet again. Worst part is that rather than keep your companions in your gear that you spent ages upgrading, it gets put into your inventory. In my case where I put my companions in awesome looking cartel gear, I cant even sell the stuff now. VERY irritating. Social gamers - 1, Regulars - 0
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I also spent time gearing my companions, but I had a crafter and would normally go with all blue mods so it didn't hit me in the pocket book..


I LOVE the new changes because I like using companions that didn't go with my character. Like a DPS with a Jedi Shadow doesn't work well. Now I can use my fav companions with my char!


What did I lose? Well I had EVERY companion in the game at max (10,000) and they were VERY powerful at low levels. They could solo everything, including heroics until about level 40, and I could send only my companion at a player in world PVP while sitting back behind a rock some 100yds away and laugh.

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