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Keybinding OTGCD skills and using them


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Hello folks, I need some help!

I am struggling with mastering my AP powerteck because I dont use shoulder cannon at all. I am a keybinder and have all my skills bound. But I cannot find a suitable place for SC to use while I am using my rotation. I have granade on Q, punch on W, railshot on E, mag blast on R, knife dot on T, bigg nuke on shift W, and crit offensive cd on shift E. I am moving with my mouse and starfing with A and D. I just cannot use SC while I am doing my rotation and this means I have low burst and pressure when needed.


How do you do it? Any tips on where to bind it so I can use it? My hand is Q-R orientated and T is a bit far for quick press. 1-5 are defensive cds. Shift 1-5 are utility (tounts and stims)

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You use shift a lot but what about alt? Right next to space (jump) so might work for a few. I use alt-e for throw huttball.


Also do you use the mouse wheel? Can use alt and shift on those, the default zoom in and out they are bound to I have on the plus and minus keys on the num-pad. Another one I have is shft-space. Very easy to use for me.

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solution rhymes with nacro or even kackro


or you put SC on F and do your rotation like RFRFEF etc


I wish we could have macros :( As far as I know we are not allowed. Don't know why is that. Makes no sence!


I dont use mouse wheel, never tried it, but i will try tonight. On my KB alt is not in a good spot to use at all...

As for S key I use it to walk forward when i am using mouse to rotate camera. I am combining asd (starf, forward) and mouse to move my char.

Unfortunately with this KB the only easy modifyer key is shift... both ALT and CTRL are hard to press and are not natural to me.

I have to more mouse buttons but I have them bound for stun, hard stun and with shift for cc break and interrupt.

I will try F key as you suggest as well. Seems that could work. Is there a problem when i click SHIFT + W + F? (when I have bound SC on F without shift F? Nevermind that I will use both binds for that to work as intended.

Time to play the PIANO :D



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F key is working fine for now. Better than expected and better than no SC at all. I will even spend a mastery point there 😊

Thank you for the tips. Now I need to get used to the new rotation and monitoring charges and CD on SC. But I guess my touhness will increase. It is near 50% self heal after all.

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get a multi-button mouse. you can go all out on a naga/g6, or you can just get something with a couple auxiliary buttons. bind OTGCD stuff to the mouse. now you can activate it with the mouse hand while using regular abils with other binds.
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For me,


Stock stirke is tilda, hammer shot 1, mag blast 2, rail shot 3, shoulder cannon 4

Assault plastic Q, HTL E, interrupt X, expl surge Z. So I just tab around with my fingers all on the said buttons. I use an mmo mouse for the other abilities. Flamer at 1 (critical bonus s+1), grappling hook 2, gut 3, stun 4, jump 5, cell burst 6 (free ability cost s+6), 7 is sticky grenade, 8 is carb, 9 is aoe taunt, 10 adrenaline rush, 11 is energy restore, 12 stealth scan. DFA is mouse wheel button, middle mouse buttom is purge, shield is top mouse button. Oh and s+mouse5 is single taunt.


Mmo mouses chaged the way I play to a point where I have no idea what of do without one

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15 button mouse for the win. keyboard with extra macro keys for the extra win. all my main attacks i use my thumb, speed, charge/jump/breaker/cloak middle mouse buttons, and everything else located near wasd.



I know how to key bind. I have two problems - bad KB with user unfriendly F keys and trouble ptrssig more than two buttons at the same time. 😊

F is working well with the way my keybinds are located so problem is solved.


Some of us cannot aford a gaming mose. In my country normal salary is 450 dollars a month and a mouse like this is 200 dollars. So I have to stick with good old mouse with only two extra buttons. Great advice for those who can afford to buy it.


Thank you all for the tips. You understood my keybind logic and helped me a lot! Next time I should show you my KB to laugh. F keys are 1 sm above 1234 and position to the right so that F1 is in between keys 1 and 2! So I barely use them 😊 thank god I am not a healer and I dont have to target friends 😊

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Logitech G600 MMO Mouse. I could not function without at this point; hell I have even bought a backup in case they gets discontinued.


That means I only have to use 1-5, ALT 1-4, Q, E, R, T, F, G on my keyboard as action keys and WASD for movement (mouse for turning).

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I use similar keys, but for shoulder cannon I have that set to clicking the mouse scroll wheel.

other keys you might use are 1-4 number keys, the ~ key, z, x, c etc


or you could buy a razor naga


one thing that I'd definitely recommend is binding similar abilities to the same keys across all characters - like stun break, gap closers, etc.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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Logitech G600 MMO Mouse. I could not function without at this point; hell I have even bought a backup in case they gets discontinued.


That means I only have to use 1-5, ALT 1-4, Q, E, R, T, F, G on my keyboard as action keys and WASD for movement (mouse for turning).


you have the same mouse i do, do you know if there's a way to get swtor to recognize the "g-shift" mouse button as a modifier? It doesn't seem to recognize it as a button any time i try

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you have the same mouse i do, do you know if there's a way to get swtor to recognize the "g-shift" mouse button as a modifier? It doesn't seem to recognize it as a button any time i try

do you want it in addition to your current alt keys or to replace them? the software is pretty straightforward about reassigning any keys/macros to it, including alt, ctrl, fn.

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do you want it in addition to your current alt keys or to replace them? the software is pretty straightforward about reassigning any keys/macros to it, including alt, ctrl, fn.


Well I'll press like the g shift and 2 for example (i have the 12 side buttons all linked to 1 through = just for sake of ease) but it just puts it as 2 on the keybinding list. It doesnt seem to register I'm pressing more than one button

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