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Which laptop for Star Wars?


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The Asus one. SWTOR does put some load on the graphics card, but most of the heavy lifting is done by the CPU, and the i7 CPU will be much better at handling it than the i5.

I would personally budget for an upgrade to 16GB RAM as well, although that is a bit of a luxury and would not have a huge benefit when running the game (if any noticeable benefit at all).

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Buying this laptop strictly for Star Wars. Which one should I pick?




Thank you!


^ This one, the Dell.


Why? Because it has a true quad core CPU. While the other one says i7, vs the i5 in the Dell, the fact is the i7 in the ASUS is a DUAL CORE chip. Why Intel makes i7 CPUs dual core in the mobile format, I have no idea, but they do.


On top of that, the Dell turbo's faster, at 3.2GHz, vs 3.1GHz on the ASUS.


The Dell also has a much nicer screen, a true IPS screen, which the ASUS lacks.


The Dell also has a better video card, a 960M vs. 950M in the ASUS.


Frankly, I can't think of any reason to suggest the ASUS.




Side note: My wife owns that exact Dell machine, I can tell you that it runs SWTOR beautifully and the screen is really nice to look at. I have suggested that machine multiple times in the past few months on other threads.

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The Asus one. SWTOR does put some load on the graphics card, but most of the heavy lifting is done by the CPU, and the i7 CPU will be much better at handling it than the i5.


^ I called it out in my post above, but it is worth highlighting it again.


That just isn't true, the ASUS has a dual core i7, the Dell has a quad core i5. Yes, that is odd, but that is how Intel does mobile CPUs sometimes. The Dell would be faster in all respects than the ASUS machine.

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^ This one, the Dell.


Why? Because it has a true quad core CPU. While the other one says i7, vs the i5 in the Dell, the fact is the i7 in the ASUS is a DUAL CORE chip. Why Intel makes i7 CPUs dual core in the mobile format, I have no idea, but they do.


On top of that, the Dell turbo's faster, at 3.2GHz, vs 3.1GHz on the ASUS.


The Dell also has a much nicer screen, a true IPS screen, which the ASUS lacks.


The Dell also has a better video card, a 960M vs. 950M in the ASUS.


Frankly, I can't think of any reason to suggest the ASUS.




Side note: My wife owns that exact Dell machine, I can tell you that it runs SWTOR beautifully and the screen is really nice to look at. I have suggested that machine multiple times in the past few months on other threads.



Thank you for the feedback. What kind of settings and FPS in warzones do you get with this Dell laptop?

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Thank you for the feedback. What kind of settings and FPS in warzones do you get with this Dell laptop?


I have not run FRAPS on it, but in my limited time playing on it, it felt smooth and easy to play 8v8 WZ.


Sure, it dips during heavy combat, but every computer does that.


I play on ultra, with AA turned off, shadows turned off, grass turned off, everything else left standard. Full screen windowed mode.


One of these days I should record some videos and upload them. Just takes time of course. :)

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CTRL+SHIFT+F activates a fps counter in SW TOR. It should appear in the bottom left side of the screen.


Yes, but it can be deceptive, because you aren't really watching it full time and it isn't in real time.


To be honest, I was surprised the first time I recorded a WZ with FRAPS rather than just watching the counter in game. There were more low dips than I expected to see. It was very smooth *most* of the time, but when it gets busy, it gets nuts.


Also, I just had a thought... I wonder how much performance varies from person to person, based on their UI setup. I find the user interface eats CPU cycles like crazy.

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Frankly, either one of the laptops are gonna be iffy with SWTOR. Why? They are NVIDIA based on Window 8/10. Why is that important? Here is my experience:


I have a true quad core i7 (i7-4940M), 32GB memory, SLC SSD hard drive and GTX 880M video card. This pc isn't one to sneeze at. It runs Witcher 3 on high with no problems (other than the left side of the keyboard gets toasty [that's where the processor and vid card are]). However, using Windows 8 and Windows 10, this PC wont run SWTOR at more than about 20FPS on ultra. Forget running past anything shooting lightning or flames, the game turns into a scrolling screen saver..


I had a work related issue that required me to replace the OS with windows 7. Did that and now I still run Witcher 3 on high with no problems, but now I run SWTOR on ultra at a steady 100fps with no problems.


Long story longer... The hardware in both of those laptops is just fine. If the game gets crappy on ya do the standard "checks" first then drop the OS to Windows 7 if you don't get results. As for which one, personally, I'd go with the Dell. Not because of the processor (swtor isn't going to use more than 1 core or 4GB of memory, its a 32 bit game and isn't multi-cored), but because the video card better than the one in the Asus. You can always upgrade the proc (some what, do your research first), upgrade memory, and change hard drives in laptops, but you are pretty much stuck with the video card it comes with. You can upgrade video cards,, but its VERY not cheap to do and your options tend to be VERY VERY limited (like one number [GTX 960 to GTX 970] ) and the whole process is usually not worth the butt pain (whole laptop laying in pieces on your desk, warrantee voided, etc...).

Edited by FlyingUsPoo
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Frankly, either one of the laptops are gonna be iffy with SWTOR. Why? They are NVIDIA based on Window 8/10. Why is that important? Here is my experience:\


It may be your experience, but keep in mind that half the computers out there run Windows 8/10, a majority of those run NVidia graphics, and don't have this problem.


I'm typing this on my wife's notebook (the above Dell in the OP) right now, the patch is downloading (I haven't run SWTOR on this since last year), but I'll run FRAPS on it in a few min and follow up with some details on it.

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I have not run FRAPS on it, but in my limited time playing on it, it felt smooth and easy to play 8v8 WZ.


Sure, it dips during heavy combat, but every computer does that.


I play on ultra, with AA turned off, shadows turned off, grass turned off, everything else left standard. Full screen windowed mode.


One of these days I should record some videos and upload them. Just takes time of course. :)

I play on full ultra using the button settings. fps is solid 100 all the time. Pre dropping back to windows 7, even on low and then dropping everything further, it was still a screen saver... I fully admit it could just be the combination of hardware on this system.


However, here is a link to another laptop I have run the same tests on and same results http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152355.


It may be your experience, but keep in mind that half the computers out there run Windows 8/10, a majority of those run NVidia graphics, and don't have this problem.


Not so sure of that...





•AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better

•Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or better


Operating System:

•Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later



•Windows XP: 1.5GB RAM

•Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB RAM


Note: PCs using a built-in graphical chipset are recommended to have 2GB of RAM.

Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3.0 or better. Examples include:

•ATI X1800 or better

•nVidia 7800 or better

•Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better


Either one of the system the OP listed totally smokes these requirements... :)

Edited by FlyingUsPoo
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•AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better

•Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or better


Operating System:

•Windows XP Service Pack 3 or later



•Windows XP: 1.5GB RAM

•Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB RAM


Note: PCs using a built-in graphical chipset are recommended to have 2GB of RAM.

Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3.0 or better. Examples include:

•ATI X1800 or better

•nVidia 7800 or better

•Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better


Either one of the system the OP listed totally smokes these requirements... :)


^ those were written a long time ago and never updated, such a computer is completely unable to run the game at any graphics setting.


I've tried. I have a nice ASUS Laptop with a Broadwell i3 and Intel HD graphics. Even with everything turned down to nothing, it is a slide show.




^ That is the machine, I've tried it, it simply doesn't run the game at any level of acceptable performance. That machine far exceeds the listed requirements.

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^ those were written a long time ago and never updated, such a computer is completely unable to run the game at any graphics setting.


I've tried. I have a nice ASUS Laptop with a Broadwell i3 and Intel HD graphics. Even with everything turned down to nothing, it is a slide show.




^ That is the machine, I've tried it, it simply doesn't run the game at any level of acceptable performance. That machine far exceeds the listed requirements.

Sounds like a good candidate for you to test the windows 7 theory on...


EA refers you to a site that lists the requirements for the expansion as:

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Minimum Requirements

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0 GHz or better

CPU Speed: Info

RAM: Windows XP: 1.5 GB, Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB, PCs using a built-in graphic chipset: 2 GB

OS: Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Vista, 7

Video Card: 256 MB of on-board RAM and Shader model 3.0 or better support (ATI Radeon X1800 or better, NVIDIA GeForce 7800 or better, Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better).

reference: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/star-wars-the-old-republic-knights-of-the-fallen-empire/12933/?p=r

linked from http://help.ea.com/en/article/how-to-check-if-your-pc-meets-minimum-requirements/

Its also what is being listed on Amazon and Nvidia.


Again, the two laptops listed by the OP exceed the above requirements.

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For SW:ToR, you cannot say. In theory, both should run the game smoothly.

I have a lot weaker laptop with i7 cpu and a 840m gpu. As far as I can tell, the cpu doesn't really matter. I mean i can run the game on a single or 2 cores instead of 4 and the game runs with absolutely ZERO difference (cannot say in any other modern game). So I'd say buy the one with the better GPU for SW:ToR. But I think you can run the game easily with both of them.

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Looking to run on highest quality possible and get best FPS in warzones.


real talk, you're gonna get the same fps in wz's on something from 4 years ago that you will on either one of those.


that being said, i have an asus, and am very partial to them. i think that they are well made computers down to the finest detail.

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I play on ultra, with AA turned off, shadows turned off, grass turned off, everything else left standard. Full screen windowed mode.


I'd be curious to know what you think "ultra" means. You can't be playing on "ultra" while having a bunch of stuff turned OFF and the rest left standard.

"Ultra" by definition would mean "everything turned on and/or max'd".


I'd say you are running on "medium" at best. :)

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For Swtor, no mather which one, you will have about the same performance, Their single tread capabilities are similar, so it doesn't really mather which CPU you take. For the componants, the Dell got slightly better componant and a better CPU, which would be better for other games. On the other hand, ASUS is a lot cheaper to upgrade, or replace broken parts than Dell.


So if you don't intent to change any parts in the laptop and will change laptop when something break, or can't run a game as you would like, I would recommand the Dell. Otherwise, the ASUS could be a better option in the long term, depending on how much parts are you intending to replace over time.

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I'd be curious to know what you think "ultra" means. You can't be playing on "ultra" while having a bunch of stuff turned OFF and the rest left standard.

"Ultra" by definition would mean "everything turned on and/or max'd".


I'd say you are running on "medium" at best. :)


What I mean is that I first select the "ultra preset", then I make the listed adjustments. I type it that way so the results are reproducible.

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I just ran a test on my larger notebook. Was in pylon warzone, 8v8, and ran a 5 min FRAPS where I was in combat almost the entire time.





Time (ms)












Graphics, 1080p Fullscreen Windowed - everything set as high as it will go, except for:


AA - Off

Shadows - Off

Grass - Off


The notebook is an Acer V17 Nitro:



It is that machine exactly, almost 1.5 years old. I had a YouTube video playing in the background (I was listening to music) and I have multiple things running in the toolbar, so this was not a scientific test by any stretch.


A majority of the combat was heavy with 5+ people on screen at once and lots of stuff going on.


As a side note, when just guarding the pylon out of combat, smooth 60fps all the way.




I'll try and run the same test, same warzone, same graphics setting, later tonight on the Dell notebook mentioned in the OP.

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Every now and then when I'm staying away from home I use a pretty ancient PC to play SWTOR


It's a Core 2 2.4GHz, 3.5GB Ram and a crappy Radeon HD4600


and you know what? Even with graphics options turned up a fair way the game is comfortably playable on it, so if that heap of crap can manage I'm guessing you'll be fine with either! :D Although, obviously it's well-worth aiming for the better of the two and researching your options.

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Every now and then when I'm staying away from home I use a pretty ancient PC to play SWTOR


It's a Core 2 2.4GHz, 3.5GB Ram and a crappy Radeon HD4600


and you know what? Even with graphics options turned up a fair way the game is comfortably playable on it, so if that heap of crap can manage I'm guessing you'll be fine with either! :D Although, obviously it's well-worth aiming for the better of the two and researching your options.


It would be interesting to see a FRAPS bench of that... I have a Core2Quad, very similar to that, 2.4GHz, Q6600, with a ATI Radeon 5850 in it, and I find the performance in SWTOR to be unacceptable. I do have dual boot on that machine, Windows XP and Windows 10, but I think I only ran it on Windows 10. I'll have to give it a try on XP and see if it matters either way.

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