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SWTOR will crash without reason or windows saying why it crashes. happens at random.


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Same here. Windows 10 on a Late 2013 retina MacBook Pro. Seemed to work fine until a couple of days ago. Now it seems to crash to desktop without warning. Not sure if this is a problem with Win 10 or the game client.


It may be a coincidence, but I was mousing over items to see the notification the last couple of times. If you could track down the problem before Chapter X, that would be great.

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I'm on Windows 10, NVIDIA card. Updated NVIDIA, that didn't help, but I updated my Intel Display Drivers and I haven't had a crash in 30 minutes or so. That's with planet hopping, zoning in and out of instances. Fingers crossed the Intel update did the trick.
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This just happened to my GF on Windows 10. Using the taxi on Taris when suddenly Boom blue screen and then restart. Games been running fine for the last week or so and now it just suddenly did this. Any suggestions for fixing it?


Just in case it is relevent we had to delete the bitraider folder because it wouldn't allow her to play after a patch (which I don't remember having to patch mine)

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This just happened to my GF on Windows 10. Using the taxi on Taris when suddenly Boom blue screen and then restart. Games been running fine for the last week or so and now it just suddenly did this. Any suggestions for fixing it?


Just in case it is relevent we had to delete the bitraider folder because it wouldn't allow her to play after a patch (which I don't remember having to patch mine)


Known issues sticky here


Jedikamo your issue is there too I believe

Edited by OwenBrooks
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this problem always happens when I take a taxi and it does not matter what planet I'm on. the crash is so hard so that my computer must restart completely each time. right now swotor is unplayable for me until this has been fixed


See my post above put grass to 0 or roll back to 347.88 NVidia driver


Big thread here - https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/895902/geforce-drivers/blue-screen-dxgmms2-sys/10/

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My game keeps closing on me everytime i mouse over quest dots on the mini or main map or if i use any other functions aside from just moving and battling cant even check mail or change settings and ive yet to find a recent post about it anyone else having this issue?
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crashes only on windows 10

i keep all drivers up to date doesnt help


i had previously system service exception (dxgmms2.sys) set grass == 0 helped


but now i have faulty hardware corrupted page ??


i have been on many pages to read about those problems and was pointed to windows ofc, some claims about drivers ect, but i can tell u for sure im playing lots of games on win 10 (and sometimes 5 of them are running same time) and only swotr crashes (even launched solo) so im waiting for update or patch to resolve game crushes.

and it happens on everything - space battle, traveling, taxi, conversations even checking mails or sending crew on missions. i could contiunue with examples but its pointless...

and my pc can handle at least 5 times better performance then ultra stettings in swotr...


so pls solve this :)

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Known issues sticky here


Jedikamo your issue is there too I believe

OK I looked. But I had not updated my drivers to begin with. I can try and see if actually doing so will make a difference. Numbering scheme is weird though. My drivers are 20.x.x etcetera, but the upgrade they suggest is to 15.x.x. etcetera. So I guess higher numbers ≠ more recent update.

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Followup: OK I just checked my update history and there was a driver update on 1/30, the day that the problems began. So odds are this was the culprit. Hopefully I will have good news later after I roll back/reinstall the older driver


EDIT: OK, I could only superficially test (no combat etc) because I don't have a mouse with me, but so far, it has not locked up once. I hope this turns out to remain the case once I get home tonight and play.


Thanks all for the assist. Hopefully I won't have to report that it started crashing again :)

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OK I looked. But I had not updated my drivers to begin with. I can try and see if actually doing so will make a difference. Numbering scheme is weird though. My drivers are 20.x.x etcetera, but the upgrade they suggest is to 15.x.x. etcetera. So I guess higher numbers ≠ more recent update.


Intel's numbering system is designed to confuse everyone ...... from here and sometimes it doesn't even match the published numbering ... or Microsoft/Manufacturer issued drivers may also vary slightly


OS, Directx version , build number


Intel Identifier Operation System Version

20 Windows 10

10 Windows 8.1*

9 Windows 8*

8 Windows 7*

7 Windows Vista*

6 Windows* 2000 and Windows* XP

5 Windows 2000 only

4 Windows* 95/98/98SE/Me or Windows NT* 4.0


Intel Identifier DirectX* Version

19 12

18 11.1

17 11.0

15 10.x

14 9.x

13 8.x

12 7.x

11 6.x

Edited by OwenBrooks
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Intel's numbering system is designed to confuse everyone ...... from here and sometimes it doesn't even match the published numbering ... or Microsoft/Manufacturer issued drivers may also vary slightly


OS, Directx version , build number


Intel Identifier Operation System Version

20 Windows 10

10 Windows 8.1*

9 Windows 8*

8 Windows 7*

7 Windows Vista*

6 Windows* 2000 and Windows* XP

5 Windows 2000 only

4 Windows* 95/98/98SE/Me or Windows NT* 4.0


Intel Identifier DirectX* Version

19 12

18 11.1

17 11.0

15 10.x

14 9.x

13 8.x

12 7.x

11 6.x

That actually explains a lot of what I was seeing in the numbers

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Happens to me too most of the time it is when I get a new quest or I highlight a quest to see the info or it just happens when I try to talk to someone I try to submit a in game report but it crashes when I try to open it but it seems to run fine if I just don't highlight anything or talk to anyone I hope you patch this soon btw I have windows 10 and intel core i5 if that helps:(
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I noticed for the last couple of days that my game has been crashing. Yesterday, after reinstalling the game...I went and tried to replicate the crash to find out what/where it caused it.


I discovered with having a open map window, that when you hover your cursor over an "Heroic Mission Area Icon", the game crashed.


I tried this with three different characters on several planets. Every time I had the Map Window open and put my cursor over a Heroic Mission Area Icon...the game crashed.


I tried playing the game without any heroic missions. No issues, the game played fine.


I've have put in several bug reports, and constantly updated them when I was doing my testing. All I've gotten back from the Tech Support is the generic email saying that I need to look at the forums, update my graphics and drivers.


Did not matter that I did the groundwork to find out what was going on & what caused the game to crash. They keep sending me the same spiel about checking my system.


I even received an email from the customer support team (where at one point I called to discuss why I could not connect after one of the "Fixes" on the forum)...the email stated that there is a "KNOWN BUG" and that they are working on a fix.


I would like to find out how to contact the actual tech support in person, not via email...I want to actually speak with an person to explain exactly how the crash is happening. I don't want a email from someone who is play acting as a "Droid". Someone who will speak to a paying customer and actually care, and want to do their job.


And before some "Idiot" says stop your crying...I'm not a child or kid playing this game. I'm a senior citizen, who likes playing Star Wars because I'm a fan. I'm an actual paying customer who would like to enjoy the game, without any issues. As a paying customer, I expect exceptional customer service from the company that owns STWOR. I do not like getting the run around from people who won't even give their name and hide behind "Protocol Droid".


Tech Support, get your head out of your fourth point of contact and do your job.

Edited by SFCJames
spelling error
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