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Sith Warrior vs Sith Inquisitor WTH....


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ok so ive done my SIth Warrior storyline and thought it was awesome. Ive just started my Sith Inquisitors story and noticed something odd and im hoping some one has the answer as to why.


When I was doing the Balmoran stage of the warriors quest everyone was bending over backwards to give me what I needed and refered to me as "My Lord"


Fast forward to my Inquisitor and im just refered to as "Sith" and was basically told to go 'do this thing' or you wont get the 'other thing' you need.


so anyone have any idea what the heck is going on?

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ok so ive done my SIth Warrior storyline and thought it was awesome. Ive just started my Sith Inquisitors story and noticed something odd and im hoping some one has the answer as to why.


When I was doing the Balmoran stage of the warriors quest everyone was bending over backwards to give me what I needed and refered to me as "My Lord"


Fast forward to my Inquisitor and im just refered to as "Sith" and was basically told to go 'do this thing' or you wont get the 'other thing' you need.


so anyone have any idea what the heck is going on?


The Sith Inquisitor started as a slave. So he/she has to fight for the respect they deserve. The Sith Warrior comes from nobility.

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I noticed this with Malavai Quinn versus Major Besiker, who are basically the two questline NPCs for the classes. Quinn is very much a polite, polished little weasel, so he will "My Lord" you at every turn. Bediker has a son training to be Sith, so I think he feels a sense of familiarity to the order that it would be nice to be able to disabuse him of (granted, you get to do something similar to him under certain circumstances, but that depends on choices you make while questing.

On another level, I personally tend to see the Warrior as an intimidating presence (the kind of person about whom you might say that a room seems to get colder just before they walk into it), and their attitude and mental approach is one of a person born and bred into a position of power and privilege.

The Inquisitor, coming from their humble slave origins and therefore less accustomed to being dominant, I see as being more of a "quiet power" kind of person. The menace they exude comes from their voice and their use of the Force once they encounter opposition.

With those psychological differences between the Warrior and the Inquisitor, and given that the Balmorrans are very independent-minded, the Inquisitor is probably going to be under-estimated by the locals, who will see the Warrior as an overt threat and who therefore needs to be treated carefully and with respect. Hence the "My Lord" and kissing of boots for the Warrior, and the somewhat more familiar "Sith" and errand running for the Inquisitor.

Edited by Erevan_Kindelar
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ok so ive done my SIth Warrior storyline and thought it was awesome. Ive just started my Sith Inquisitors story and noticed something odd and im hoping some one has the answer as to why.


When I was doing the Balmoran stage of the warriors quest everyone was bending over backwards to give me what I needed and refered to me as "My Lord"


Fast forward to my Inquisitor and im just refered to as "Sith" and was basically told to go 'do this thing' or you wont get the 'other thing' you need.


so anyone have any idea what the heck is going on?



The Sith Inquisitor starts out as a slave who was freed and sent to korriban for training by Lord Zash I believe, and since you are a slave or ex-slave you have to fight your way through everything till you get the power and respect that you want while the Warrior is a noble

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Basically, what the other people have said. Also, I didn't notice much disrespect comparing one to the other, outside the class quest, that's it. In the class quests you're still an ex-slave apprentice to one of the less-popular and, I dare to say, even less-respected lord sith around (Zash) so they think you're not truly a force to be reckoned...


I personally loved how in the story you start having to demand respect at every turn, and later one, people's voices shake when daring to ask something from you...

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Sith Warrior is under the athority of Baras and most of the people he works with are apart of Baras's powerbase.


I think this is a great point.


On Balmora both the Inquisitor and the Warrior are still minions of a more powerful Sith Lord. Anyone interacting with them isn't just going to be intimidated by who they are personally, but also by who they represent. Baras is a lot more powerful than Zash, to the extent that he was one of the most politically powerful Sith Lords in the galaxy even before rising to the Dark Council. He's also got a notoriously short temper, whereas Zash is a lot more easygoing and forgiving, at least by Sith standards. If you're random Imperial Lieutenant #371029, you're going to be a lot more wary of crossing one of Baras' representatives than Zash.


As Darth Baras' apprentice, it makes some sense that people are a lot more fawning with the Warrior. The Warrior walks into a room armed with Darth Baras' reputation and influence. It's got to be an 'Oh f--k' moment for anyone who isn't a Darth or a very well connected Moff. Zash is more of an ambitious up-and-comer who gets snuffed out by the Inquisitor before she could reach Baras' level of power and influence. Thanaton, rather than Zash, is Baras' equivalent in the Inquisitor story.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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