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Why the harassment and toxic playerbase?


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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


You don't have to put up with it.

There's a fantastic feature called ignore.


This will never stop, because this is the internet and all of you are nameless avatars/pixels.

Just ignore the sh*tposter and move on.

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The fact that it's "just the internet" and "just a stranger" does by no means excuse rude and asinine behavior. If they're words you'd not dare hurl at a random stranger on the streets as they walk by then why do it on the internet? It seems like over the years as the internet's use has grown and more social media has come into play, people have become increasingly rude and immature. As if normal human values and social etiquette no longer matter because you're online and it's all just taking place on a big screen in front of you. And the people who dare to have a problem with that type of behavior? Just insult them further, tell them to grow a thicker skin, call them a snowflake, mock their concerns because everyone's supposed to just accept that nowadays it's normal to receive random and/or specifically targeted abuse online. To me, it's not normal and it's not okay. Do I curl up into a ball and weep when someone calls me names online? No, I know better than that and I am better than that but that doesn't make it an okay thing to happen. They may be just words on a screen but words nonetheless and they carry value and meaning whether they're said to your face or written down. They still have an impact, for some more so than for others. The sad thing is, there's usually no need for them at all. Whatever it is you're trying to convey with words of hatred and anger, by cussing, can often be said in a far more normal and acceptable way and tends to yield far better results too. I'll always be polite to a random stranger, always have been and I'll continue to do so and if they can't rise to my level, so be it, end of discussion. Sadly, ignore is still your only option really. This type of behavior will never go away unless the entire internet population suddenly decides to be more polite and civil in their communication which would take a miracle. All you can really do is rise above it, be the bigger and more mature person. Meet their cussing and insults with maturity if you can handle it and sure, 9 out of 10 people may continue to rage and insult and pretend to laugh you off but the 10th may think twice next time and realize there's a better way to do and say things. Anyhows, that's my 2 cents on the matter. As for official intervention from BW/EA/Blizzard and whichever dev team of the game you're playing.. don't expect much if any (and I don't fault them for it either); this is such a large scaled issue it's impossible for them to police it all and dish out bans and suspensions for every cuss word and insult that's flung someone's way.
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The fact that it's "just the internet" and "just a stranger" does by no means excuse rude and asinine behavior. If they're words you'd not dare hurl at a random stranger on the streets as they walk by then why do it on the internet? It seems like over the years as the internet's use has grown and more social media has come into play, people have become increasingly rude and immature.




I like you. :)


It is tiresome how the internet has changed, but hey ho - one of those things I guess - no-one said progress has to be positive. I don't engage in internet rudeness / arguments as I don't outside of it either and I see no need to change just because a keyboard is in front of me. I think everyone should be made to use the 'guy/girl in a pub / bar test '- when you go to type something would you actually say it to the person standing next to you in a pub? If the answer is "no, because I'd be knocked on my arse pretty f**king quickly" then I guess you have your answer! :D


Unfortunately there seems to be a learned habit of internet rudeness is 'just how it is', particularly with youngsters - and this is a game so there's bound to be a lot of them after all. On the other hand they are painfully obvious to spot, so it's easy to skim over the 'usual offenders' when reading through the forums.

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The fact that it's "just the internet" and "just a stranger" does by no means excuse rude and asinine behavior. If they're words you'd not dare hurl at a random stranger on the streets as they walk by then why do it on the internet?
i don't think its meant to excuse it; just to qualify it.


why should meaningless words from complete strangers on the internet that hide behind a veil of anonymity be taken seriously?


sticks and stones etc, but even in this case, how can anything a 14yr old from 1000s of miles away affect anyone? just ignore them for what they are.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


Welcome to the internet son

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This is why i would like a way to ignore players and all their alts with just one ignore, rather than just that one character of theirs. Some people just cant take a hint you're not interested in interacting with them, on any of their characters. It's the worst when you ignore them on one character, and they actually take the effort to log another unignored alt and continue wisping you.
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Welcome to the internet son


I wasn't aware that a MMORPG was "the internet". I thought it was, among other things, something that runs via the internet and that in order to play you AGREE to rules of conduct.


Moreover, if you're paying money (and even if you're not), I think you're ENTITLED to see those rules enforced as part of a contract you have with Bioware. Welcome to the real world and contract law son...


Did I miss something?

Edited by Narasil
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This is why i would like a way to ignore players and all their alts with just one ignore, rather than just that one character of theirs. Some people just cant take a hint you're not interested in interacting with them, on any of their characters. It's the worst when you ignore them on one character, and they actually take the effort to log another unignored alt and continue wisping you.


I was not aware that an ignore wasn't global...this is disappointing and should be an easy fix. I don't think people somehow magically change when they log in another toon.

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I wasn't aware that a MMORPG was "the internet". I thought it was, among other things, something that runs via the internet and that in order to play you AGREE to rules of conduct.


Moreover, if you're paying money (and even if you're not), I think you're ENTITLED to see those rules enforced as part of a contract you have with Bioware. Welcome to the real world and contract law son...


Did I miss something?


In a perfect world, BW would enforce their own rules, and we wouldn't have these issues, or if we did, they would be resolved quickly. In a perfect world, I would also play call of duty without hearing little kids use harsher language than I heard with 10 years in the military, because guess what also violates a games TOS? In a perfect world, Facebook would only be used for positive and productive means. (not in any TOS)


In a perfect world, so many things would be different. But we do not live in a perfect world. We do not play in a perfect game. So we have 2 choices in this game. Demand BW do better, and refuse to support them until they do by voting with our wallets, or we ignore those who ruin this game for us, thus letting us enjoy the game once again.


I wish CS in this game was better. I wish I didn't have to wait for over a month on a ticket that was ACTUALLY keeping me from playing a character. I wish BW had more staff devoted to customer service. I really, really do. However, sense it seems we don't live in a perfect world, and they are short staffed, I would prefer CS spend their time handling real problems, not "he called me a poopoo head."

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I wasn't aware that a MMORPG was "the internet". I thought it was, among other things, something that runs via the internet and that in order to play you AGREE to rules of conduct.


Moreover, if you're paying money (and even if you're not), I think you're ENTITLED to see those rules enforced as part of a contract you have with Bioware. Welcome to the real world and contract law son...


Did I miss something?

You missed the part where internet rudeness is as much a part of MMOs as it is of the internet in general. You think you can stop anonymous pinheads from acting like jerks by waving a contract around?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I wasn't aware that a MMORPG was "the internet". I thought it was, among other things, something that runs via the internet and that in order to play you AGREE to rules of conduct.


Moreover, if you're paying money (and even if you're not), I think you're ENTITLED to see those rules enforced as part of a contract you have with Bioware. Welcome to the real world and contract law son...


Did I miss something?

again, instead of looking to bw to solve the issue, why dont you solve it and ignore them?
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In a perfect world, BW would enforce their own rules, and we wouldn't have these issues, or if we did, they would be resolved quickly. In a perfect world, I would also play call of duty without hearing little kids use harsher language than I heard with 10 years in the military, because guess what also violates a games TOS? In a perfect world, Facebook would only be used for positive and productive means. (not in any TOS)


In a perfect world, so many things would be different. But we do not live in a perfect world. We do not play in a perfect game. So we have 2 choices in this game. Demand BW do better, and refuse to support them until they do by voting with our wallets, or we ignore those who ruin this game for us, thus letting us enjoy the game once again.


I wish CS in this game was better. I wish I didn't have to wait for over a month on a ticket that was ACTUALLY keeping me from playing a character. I wish BW had more staff devoted to customer service. I really, really do. However, sense it seems we don't live in a perfect world, and they are short staffed, I would prefer CS spend their time handling real problems, not "he called me a poopoo head."


It doesn't even have to be close to a perfect world for people to read a chat log and give a three day ban...

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Welcome to the internet. You aren't entitled to anything. If you think you are, you need to get out of that utopia in your mind you're living in. Get a thick skin or just get off the internet (where mmo's exist).


This isn't "the internet", it's a game that, in order to play, YOU AGREED to act in specific ways whilst playing. I'm not the one who thinks he's ENTITLED to say whatever he wants wherever he wants...because, contrary to your uninformed opinion that isn't what free speech is. Read the constitution and a few supreme court decisions...or decisions in any country or court you care to name.

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And for the record, I don't like the EULA. If I were running the game a chat filter and a global ignore would be completely sufficient to take care of these "problems". I'd let everything but threats of violence completely slide (with certain caveats). I have no problem with profanity or being insulting...but I'm not running the game am I?
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This isn't "the internet", it's a game that, in order to play, YOU AGREED to act in specific ways whilst playing. I'm not the one who thinks he's ENTITLED to say whatever he wants wherever he wants...because, contrary to your uninformed opinion that isn't what free speech is. Read the constitution and a few supreme court decisions...or decisions in any country or court you care to name.


You truly believe this makes a difference? When referring to "welcome to the internet", that is one way of saying, it is a fact of life if you use the internet. This game uses "the internet". Is the game "the internet"? No. But your argument against using the line is ignorant.


I agree with you, that people should treat others like the TOS says. It won't happen, because of how "the internet" works. Not because of how this game works. Yes, the game could do a better job of policing itself. It should do a better job. This game has the worst CS in any revolving game I have ever played.


What do I mean by revolving? Constantly changing. 5 years after release, do I expect to get fantastic customer service from Skyrim? No, although even they do a better job than this game does. This game is constantly evolving, and still has active staff working on it, so I would expect better CS. That is who you should be blaming.

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You truly believe this makes a difference? When referring to "welcome to the internet", that is one way of saying, it is a fact of life if you use the internet. This game uses "the internet". Is the game "the internet"? No. But your argument against using the line is ignorant.


No, it isn't. No more ignorant that saying there is a difference between someone calling you an idiot on the street and in your own home. The internet is not SWTOR, it's not ignorance to point out this fact any more than pointing out the sky is blue.


I agree with you, that people should treat others like the TOS says. It won't happen, because of how "the internet" works. Not because of how this game works. Yes, the game could do a better job of policing itself. It should do a better job. This game has the worst CS in any revolving game I have ever played.


Oh, I've seen it happen in other games...believe me I was there when I saw it happen. This is either laziness, complicity, or a lack of staff. Don't' say it can't be done though or it's a "feature" of EVERYTHING on the internet because it most certainly isn't.


What do I mean by revolving? Constantly changing. 5 years after release, do I expect to get fantastic customer service from Skyrim? No, although even they do a better job than this game does. This game is constantly evolving, and still has active staff working on it, so I would expect better CS. That is who you should be blaming.


I'm not blaming anyone for anything. I could care less. That doesn't mean I don't think the OP is absolutely ENTITLED to the experience described in the EULA. As a matter of contract law it's a no brainer...

Edited by Narasil
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The sad thing here, which is also a good thing, is that more and more internet laws are being approved and put into effect. Internet Safety laws, anti cyber bullying and cyber harassment laws and sure, for the moment those pertain to actual stalking, threats, circulating someone's private information and so forth. However, more and more people are starting to look for ways to tie actual consequences to someone's unconscionable online behavior. To make the anonymous genius who sits there calling everyone names and saying things such as "you should just hang yourself" because oh well they're just words and they've got freedom of speech, to make those people realize the severity of their actions. Parents of teenagers who've committed suicide looking for justice for their child are tired of hearing "well you need to raise your kid to be tougher and stronger than that, it's just words". It's been on the news plenty over the past few years and though those instances mostly took place on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, MySpace even back in the day, it doesn't mean the problem isn't branching out. Yes this is a game but it's an MMO, there's a certain level of social interaction tied into the game. It's not the Sims where it's just you and your puppets doing your thing. And I know, these are severe examples of situations that haven't yet presented themselves in SWTOR but it's a slippery slope.


Two years ago when I still actively played WoW, I was enjoying a good night of raiding fun until we started bashing our heads into the same progression boss we'd been stuck on for a while now. One of our tanks, a die-hard "I am superior and must achieve greatness in this game in order to feel better about myself as a person and give my life meaning" lost his cool, he lost it bad. He started yelling at one of our healers calling him worthless, a failure at everything in life, he didn't deserve to breathe and wake up in the mornings because he was so terribly fail and useless. Those type of rants? Not unheard of in MMO's. The healer guy logged off and we didn't see him for another week until in the middle of our next raid, he suddenly wanders into Vent. Except it wasn't him. It was his father yelling at our tank for the way his son had been bullied and harassed and verbally abused. Turns out, the 'kid' was bipolar and had a hard time socially interacting in his actual life, dealing with anxiety and depression but one of his few joys had been playing Warcraft with people who seemed to accept him the way he was. At least, until the tank had blown up at him after which the kid had attempted to end his life.


Yes, I know it's a depressing story and one that many may not want to even read or acknowledge while others will foolishly chuckle and shrug, saying and thinking "well if he did that over what happened he shouldn't be online lol" which is, so so very wrong and so very weak minded of you. Is a person not allowed to enjoy the same game the rest of us enjoy because they aren't as washed up against abusive and bullying behavior as some others are? Does a person lose their right to being treated in a normal and respectful manner because they're more sensitive than you are? Because they're not as tough as you pretend to be you are? If there's an emergency or accident somewhere, do you just leave the wounded/crippled/old/too young behind because oh well, they're not as tough as you are and that's their problem? I mean this is a game, it's not even a life or death situation and it costs you nothing to treat another person respectfully no matter who they are.


It's sad though.. incredibly sad that actual new laws have to be introduced to basically tell people "Hey, it's not okay for you to treat another human being in this manner online". People should already know it's not okay and just not do it. And hiding behind "it's just words lol, grow thicker skin, derp!".. THAT is real weakness and cowardice. I mean really, putting the responsibility of your own vile behavior with someone else? Sad.


I know this was a long rant and not fully on par with the OPs original complaint but seeing the dozens of "oh well" reactions to this irks me. I guess I'm weak too.

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People should already know it's not okay and just not do it. And hiding behind "it's just words lol, grow thicker skin, derp!".. THAT is real weakness and cowardice. I mean really, putting the responsibility of your own vile behavior with someone else? Sad.
real weakness is letting words from a complete stranger playing a space wizard game 1000s of miles away to affect you.


if these words do affect you, then you haven't been socially conditioned well enough.


i think it's nice to think of the world as a perfect, nice place but i don't live in that world. you cannot control or dictate what people can say all the time even if the game tries to. stop blaming other people and take accountability for how you react to things. being offended is a choice.

Edited by Pagy
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is this a joke?


is this candid camera?


Hopefully you don't sign contracts often...I'd love to hear you say that to a judge or a jury.


Collectively this is EXACTLY the kind of thing that lands companies in court with class action suits...in short YES it does matter what's in a EULA or a TOS document.

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Well, the funny thing is it makes you wonder why these types of players are in pugs. Is it because no guilds wanted them or kicked them out? Then it makes one wonder if the good players won't do the pugs because of this which just makes these types of groups filled with only the toxic players. The result is a vicious cycle.


You might have something there.

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real weakness is letting words from a complete stranger playing a space wizard game 1000s of miles away to affect you.


if these words do affect you, then you haven't been socially conditioned well enough.


i think it's nice to think of the world as a perfect, nice place but i don't live in that world. you cannot control or dictate what people can say all the time even if the game tries to. stop blaming other people and take accountability for how you react to things. being offended is a choice.


You're still missing the point. It shouldn't matter how strong or weak a person is socially. Not one person, no matter how weak or strong, should have to face up against such behavior in the first place. Yes, ideally. Now I know better too, I know life is hard and the real world is a champion at kicking you repeatedly while you're at your lowest already and in that aspect it's a far harsher place than 'the internet' but does that mean I can't hope for better? We just.. what? Sit back and watch as everything turns to potty because that's just the way it is and oh well why try to be better than that? Guess I'm a dreamer then, but a proud one at that. Being offended is a choice? So if some choice words hit a raw nerve with a person then that person is choosing to let it hit a nerve? If a racial slur gets tossed at someone and they're hurt by it then what, it's their own fault for choosing to be offended? Well if that's the case then we really don't have any true problems in this world at all do we? Just a bunch of people who choose to be offended, toss 'em a xanax and move on.

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