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Why the harassment and toxic playerbase?


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This whole thread is why I no longer will do any ops or fp which require a group. Ever.


There's too much else to do in the game and irl to waste time on cretins. Find a guild or two, find a couple of people who you work together well with and put them on your friends list or move on to something else in game. They're not worth the aggravation.

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This whole thread is why I no longer will do any ops or fp which require a group. Ever.


There's too much else to do in the game and irl to waste time on cretins. Find a guild or two, find a couple of people who you work together well with and put them on your friends list or move on to something else in game. They're not worth the aggravation.

bad if they call you names, but you calling them names is a-ok amirite?
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How about you get a thicker skin? You might not be suited for the Internet if your feelings are hurt by some random guy on the internt.


How about people start stop using the internet as an excuse to be rude, hateful and start taking responsibility for their actions and remember this is a game. There is nothing in the game that should ever have a person act like a two-year old child that throws a fit when things don't go their way.

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Holy **** you guys. This is not a serious issue. There are block lists for a reason, as well as a method to deal with these 'toxic' people. It's called the report feature.


Stop acting like there aren't ways to make sure people aren't "harassing" you.


The internet is not a gosh darn safe space. Grow thicker skin, or block people.


Edit: wow. did they seriously autofilter g0ddamn? Apparently the forums are a safe space, lol

Edited by VanniSilvante
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How about people start stop using the internet as an excuse to be rude, hateful and start taking responsibility for their actions and remember this is a game. There is nothing in the game that should ever have a person act like a two-year old child that throws a fit when things don't go their way.

Agreed. But the OP isn't asking the offending players to take responsibility for their actions. The OP wants EA/BW to assume responsibility for players' actions. While I fully support EA/BW disciplining actual harassment (e.g., repeated in-game verbal abuse), random name-calling should remain the purview of the tools already available.


The /Ignore function is not a sufficient remedy for all social ills in a MMO. Likewise, GM intervention is not necessary for all offending conduct. Where specific conduct falls on the Offend-O-Meter spectrum is entirely subjective, which makes creating a fixed set of rules quite difficult. Tantrum-throwing churls in a PUG don't warrant official sanction when they are generally muted by /Ignore. If the tantrum spills beyond the FP or OP, then it creeps closer to "harassment."


TLDR: Yes, it'd be great if every player was nice. No, that's never gonna happen, so use the tools at hand to protect yourself.

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And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?

Just like in-person public venues you can't avoid someone, punch them in the mouth, or otherwise shut them up until after they've identified themselves to you as needing it. The internet is a magical place. It's a dark magic though so can't really do the type of happy/helpful preemptive stuff you're hoping it can.


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.

Figure out how what you want can be sold in the cash shop.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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There is nothing you can do except put the person on ignore and/or report them. So long as there is anonymity on the internet, there are always going to be trolls and people who say douchey things to one another behind the safety of their computer monitors. It sucks that you ran into a troll or someone who throws temper tantrums over a game, but there is literally nothing that can be done to prevent it.


Also keep in mind that some of the people you'll be playing with or against are teenagers, who aren't exactly known for their maturity (Though to be fair...some adults are just as bad) and about 5% of the general population are estimated to be sociopaths.

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friend them and then write down their smarty pants comments about you and then ignore them.

You could always join a guild and hope you have guild runs doing ops so you can have some fun without worrying about being harassed

as long as you pug ops/fps, you're always going to get the chance someone didn't get no cookies and is going to be a troll.

IGNORE THEIR dumb arses.

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I have been navigating the web/net/whatever for a ridiculously long time. in fact, if you are under the age of about 19/20 then i have been online longer than you have been breathing. yes, im sure


Im old enough to have run my own BBS in the 80´s, if thats any clue....

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Most things said in this thread are true at the same time.


You need to grow a thicker skin. Letting yourself get insulted by random nothingness is no way to go through life, whether on the internet or otherwise. There are 7 billion people on this planet and it's far too small to expect everybody to be nice and PC all the time.




The people throwing around insults need to grow up and stop it. It's not healthy for them and it's also not healthy for the game. These are the people who will berate a new player's lack of "skill" one moment then turn around and complain about a game's decline in player numbers. They can't have it both ways and they're actively making it worse for themselves.

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Unfortunately the general degradation of civility and manners has been happening in society faster since even before the internet and back in the BBS days in the 70's. I have sadly watched this spiral downward for over 40 years.

It is kinda sad and seems to be accelerating on a steep curve as computers and other related tech is further integrated into our society. This from a long time computer nerd/geek. Human nature I guess. Respect for others is a lost quality it seems.

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i absolutely agree the OP should grow a thicker skin. you're not the snowflake your parents told you you were. the world is hard and the internet is even more harsh. words from strangers should be disregarded and coming here to complain about it is simply whining.

So, you could say the world is cruel? :D

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What im getting at is that we should be nicer and show eachothers respect, simple as that.


But to far too many, that is not very simple.


"Common sense is not very common any more"


Yes, and war shouldn't happen. Just because it seems like the best outcome, doesn't mean anything. This is the internet filled with people that you will most likely never meet again. And in the case of constant pursuit from them, there's this handy dandy 'ignore' and 'report' button

Edited by Codedrago
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Unfortunately the general degradation of civility and manners has been happening in society faster since even before the internet and back in the BBS days in the 70's. I have sadly watched this spiral downward for over 40 years.

It is kinda sad and seems to be accelerating on a steep curve as computers and other related tech is further integrated into our society. This from a long time computer nerd/geek. Human nature I guess. Respect for others is a lost quality it seems.


It seems that with the advent of the internet, the human race is devolving. What I found rather humorous is that I left the game right after ROTHC and came back last October. And gen chat has not changed. It is all talk about genitalia, who does what to who, calling names, wishing horrible deaths on family members. usually mothers. Why is it never Dads?


It is the same swamp it has always been, and yes I keep it turned off most of the time. Sad thing is, it is the same in FFXIV, Tera, WOW, Wildstar, you name the MMO and it is all the same. Even more sad is the fact that the average age of an MMO player is 26, not 16, so it is not always "kids" doing this.


If the gaming community is any barometer, it is a disconcerting documentary on the future of our species.

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I really dont get why i should have to put up with harassment from other players in SWTOR.

If its not me its someon eelse that get harrassed almost every time an ops or fp goes wrong.

Name calling, idiot, moron, *********** **** asre some of the Words youre likely to hear both in groups and general chat.


Do you think this is acceptable, something EA and BW stands behind, an acceptable downside of free speach in an MMO ?


With the total lack of ingame GMs, (has anyone ever seen one?) the game is open to harassment and bullying.

Ill seriously reconsider re-subbing since this takes the enjoyment out of the game.


And, yes, i can ignore them, but then its already too late, isnt it?


I would like to see EA and BW stepping up as a Company and set the foot down.


It depend what Server you are on sometimes. Some servers have Guilds that have their own "Police" that SOMetimes act as those who can "visit" harassers, and detain them. (Usually this means PvP-ing them several times and placing them on a watch-list)

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