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Shimi Skywalker -Eric SkynWalker


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It may be incrediable but I could as my character Eric SkynWalker could be the Sith Lord that impregnated Shimi Skywalker. Right now in my own storyline I am inlove with Ashara Zavros an Togurnta.....however you spell it but my own storyline takes place about 50 or so years before BBY and alot happens quite quickly. I am abit upset that my character and my companions cannot progress alot in the story that we are only half strenght an Level 60 NPC or Game Player and I rarely take on other players in SWTOR because I loose alot so I do solo games more often than not.


I have to admit I would like a more adult Star Wars perhaps showing Ashara Zavros in bra and panties laying on my bed with me but I am happy she is putting on her gauntlets after an "quiet time" alone with her......I am also bothered by her not finding breakaway Jedi Consulars that would marry her and I but perhaps that is another story in the making. I am getting also upset that I cannot have a face to face final encounter with Darth Thatanation and it is taking so long to finally defeat him it seems it may never take place but I am confident it will if I play true to my character. I am right now at Level 50 which seems very high considering I have been playing this game for about 3 months. Would I ever meet Shimi Skywalker......it is possible in this Old Republic game.....would I give her the son she came to love, Anakin Skywalker.....anything can happen......I freed Khem Val and he is my sidekick so anything is possible.

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The OP is most likely a child, or special needs. Let them have their imagination.


I think its pretty nifty top see utilized, and implimented, in SWTOR.


No need to berate or knock them for it.


OP? Cool story and imagination, keep it up ;)


I dunno, I didn't follow all of it but this reminds me of one of those "Special" people on fleet who sents creepy ERP requests to every attractive female character they see

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It could be incredible but my SITHLORD Dark Darth Kylóòöõ'Rèn could be the One who left the galaxy far far away and came to the Solar system where he discovered America and wrote the constitution and impregnated Paul Revere's mother essentially becoming his Father. Edited by Eksenia
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1. This game takes place waaaay before TPM


2. Anakin didn't have a father, Shmi said and I quote "There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can't explain what happened."


OH IT DOES, funny that Lord Zash has a near 3,000 year lifetime. She says that herself as other characters remind us of it.....IF YOU MUST KNOW, I am an ADULT and in my 50ish stage and not an mentally challenged person.......I just love the TROLLS comming to read my Threads, I got that alot on WOT, got to love what trolls say because they think they are better players than anyone and everyone and they are the peoples that least help others. I find it funny also that some as Star Wars Fans believe that Senator-Emperor Palpatine may of had Shimi Skywalker impregnated.....or was it Darth Plagueis?? Take your pick.....an Legosian perhaps or a SpaceAngel that Shimi Skywalker found injured.....you know the Space Angels.....they are Children of the Mortis!! The ones that hide in a Nebulae near the Ratataki Pirates in their starsystem so the lore on the Skywalkers go.

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There was no father, thats stupid, she was raped by a sith, probably sidious, then force mind wiped.


and your source for this? how is a lack of a father stupid, a "divine parentage" is one of the oldest tropes in story telling

Edited by BrianDavion
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and your source for this? how is a lack of a father stupid, a "divine parentage" is one of the oldest tropes in story telling


Like star wars invented artificial insemination. She was a slave ffs. Cheapest way to make more slaves...impregnate them! :rolleyes:


Skywalker's dad was probably sperm donated by Han, because thats the guy he is! Boom mind blown!

Edited by nikaj
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