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Merc - IO - PVP


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IO has always been more fun/interesting. All specs in the game are playable in regs. IO is, however, at a notable disadvantage to arsenal in every major aspect of the game at present. Nothing wrong with rocking it in regs though.
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IO has always been more fun/interesting. All specs in the game are playable in regs. IO is, however, at a notable disadvantage to arsenal in every major aspect of the game at present. Nothing wrong with rocking it in regs though.


Why is it at a disadvantage vs. Arsenal in rated PVP? I'm new to the spec.



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Used to be highest sustained damage in the game with nasty opening burst.


Still has decent opener, but dots got nerfed and arsenal is now one of the top damaging in burst and, honestly, has pretty hard hitting sustained damage too.


In addition, its energy management is very difficult for newcomers to the spec, takes a lot of practice, and really is at its best when you are not bothered by melee. For the amount of work you do the damage isnt worth it anymore, and in the current game of who bursts harder no one wants to play an "ok" dot spec.


Arsenal is simple in rotation and energy management, better under pressure, better chaff flare buff (personally), and mobility is great.

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Used to be highest sustained damage in the game with nasty opening burst.


Still has decent opener, but dots got nerfed and arsenal is now one of the top damaging in burst and, honestly, has pretty hard hitting sustained damage too.


In addition, its energy management is very difficult for newcomers to the spec, takes a lot of practice, and really is at its best when you are not bothered by melee. For the amount of work you do the damage isnt worth it anymore, and in the current game of who bursts harder no one wants to play an "ok" dot spec.


Arsenal is simple in rotation and energy management, better under pressure, better chaff flare buff (personally), and mobility is great.


All of this is exactly what I think too. Played IO and arsenal, I can't see how anyone finds IO more fun or more effective. But, hey. Some people think crickets taste good too, so yeah. You never know what others may like.

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the energy management is the major difference with arsenal. it's tricky.


your less mobile too, with more casting cost abilities to handle.


but with IO you are more unpredictable for your opponent and the damage is real. i'm often in top3 damage in regs without a problem.


you lose decoy but the 35% defense of chaff flare (+15% if you take and play supercharged defense at same time) is usefull too.


it is the spec with the most abilities to use, and the less played of all, one of the few spec which needs a good gameplay, it's priceless :)

Edited by Thaladan
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I've been playing as aresenal for a while , which I really like, but decided to try out Innovative Ordance. I really like it for PVP. Anybody else like playing this spec? It's a lot of fun.


Before answering your question just let me say something about the Commando/Mercenary class.


In my opinion, every player that is going for a DPS Commando/Mercenary should go for Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordnance. And why do i say that? It's better if you start learning the hardest spec first, you'll get used to watch for several variables during gameplay (like cell management, DOT uptime, priority of skills in rotation, defensive cooldowns) and all this at the same time. This will help you have a better understanding of your class mechanics. Additionally, when you achieve level 65 and if suddenly you desire to go for Gunnery/Arsenal, it will be a easy switch since you wouldn't have to worry anymore with cell management (critical in AS/IO) and DOT uptime (i think you only have one grenade that throws damage with DOT in it and you pretty much don't use it). On top of that you basically play with 6 attack skills to have high burst damage. It's a very simple switch. Starting with AS/IO also will help you if you would like to become a Combat Medic/Bodyguard since being able to be aware of several aspects while leveling with AS/IO it will help you to understand and be able to play a CM/B faster.


Having said that...


We can read a lot of stuff here in the forums and if you read too much stuff, it's more likely that you'll be more confused than actually clarified.


What's being said lately is that the Commando/Mercenary is the underdog class for PvP, and i can actually agree when i see other classes performance in PvP. I base my answer in skills, disciplines utilities and mechanics of the classes available rather than in DPS (DPS is relative in a WZ and more DPS doesn't mean a win in a WZ while healing and healers nowadays are much more influential than DPS).


Also everyone says that AS/IO does give less DPS (parsing dummies), and that it's harder to play (true, but if you learn it from the beginning you'll get used to it), but what people don't seem to realize (or at least doesn't seem like) is that both specs should be played differently in WZ's and although not being the best DPS right now, they have their role and can be a great support if played well.


What i think is that, first of all, right now Commandos/Mercenaries are support in a WZ, and you should play as that.


Gunnery/Arsenal excel in burst damage, they're a bit less mobile than AS/IO specs (not that much) , have great armor penetration, but... They don't have elemental damage... And elemental damage can't be mitigated by armor neither can be shielded, it can only be avoided by defense (defense rating)... That means, sure you can do a lot of damage, sure it's bursty, sure it's fast but it can also be mitigated a lot. With this spec just don't be the only one targeting a Tank, they can mitigate A LOT everything you throw at them, you can solo kill DPS classes (specially the ranged ones, melee ones are difficult because you're not that mobile, it's possible if you're a very good player), you can solo kill healers, except Sages/Sorcs. I like the burst damage of Gunnery/Arsenal. So, in my opinion if you're a Gunnery/Arsenal spec...


Tanks - You should be the off DPS

DPS - You can go solo (keep melees away, stealthers are a pain)

Healers - You should go off DPS for Sages/Sorcs and you can go solo for the rest


Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordnance are the DOT ones, burst is low, a bit more mobile than G/A, don't need armor penetration since it's about elemental damage, but... you must manage VERY WELL your cells, and you must know how to keep alive because it will take a bit of time to kill your targets. With this spec you can solo kill Tanks (not easy since Vanguards/Powertechs, Guardians/Immortals are OP, but fairly possible), you can solo kill DPS classes (specially the ones more static), but you can't solo kill any healer. I like the ability to be able to keep doing damage while the enemy is out of sight (and it's elemental...great!), it gives me time to get in line of sight of him again and keep the DOT's up and use the bursts i have procced by the cell burns... I also like the fact that some players tend to become confused by all the burn animations on them, and loose a bit of focus and visibility. So, in my opinion if you're a Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordnance spec...


Tanks - You can go solo

DPS - You can go solo (keep melees away, stealthers are a pain)

Healers - You should go off DPS


One thing i usually do is try to find out some DPS player who knows what is doing (or a friend), i focus him, and i assign a key to focus the target of the person i'm focusing, so in doing that i just have to hit the key and i'm immediatelly targeting the same target as the person i'm focusing and adding my damage to the damage my focus target is doing, it helps a lot to take targets down fast. This is specially effective with Gunnery/Arsenal.

With Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordnance, and in my opinion, learning this is mandatory to be effective and good in what you're doing.


For all this you must know how to gear properly, and when i say gear properly, forget for now all the talks about the "Crit, Power, Accuracy, Alacrity "stuff out there, gearing is a matter of playstyle, some people use the gear no one says it's best but they are great with it because they have a particular kind of play that is maximized with the gear chosen. Farm comms, experiment and learn for yourself.


Right now i'm testing with my Commando (switching from AS/IO and G/A and in process of min/max and i don't want to jump into conclusions about modifications and augments until i have evidences, but i have some clues of what should be best for me in both specs.


Don't mind if you're not the best DPS class or the best healer class in the game, learn properly your class, geared it up the way you like, learn how you can be the most effective with your role and remember... SWTOR PvP isn't balanced so you must know that the Commando/Mercenary right now is a class for people who love to play it, and not for the ones who want to be the heroes in number one of that wz list that appears in the end... lol that's it...


Regarding your question... If you're having fun with it, stick with it!

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Before answering your question just let me say something about the Commando/Mercenary class.


In my opinion, every player that is going for a DPS Commando/Mercenary should go for Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordnance. And why do i say that? It's better if you start learning the hardest spec first, you'll get used to watch for several variables during gameplay (like cell management, DOT uptime, priority of skills in rotation, defensive cooldowns) and all this at the same time. This will help you have a better understanding of your class mechanics. Additionally, when you achieve level 65 and if suddenly you desire to go for Gunnery/Arsenal, it will be a easy switch since you wouldn't have to worry anymore with cell management (critical in AS/IO) and DOT uptime (i think you only have one grenade that throws damage with DOT in it and you pretty much don't use it). On top of that you basically play with 6 attack skills to have high burst damage. It's a very simple switch. Starting with AS/IO also will help you if you would like to become a Combat Medic/Bodyguard since being able to be aware of several aspects while leveling with AS/IO it will help you to understand and be able to play a CM/B faster.


Having said that...


We can read a lot of stuff here in the forums and if you read too much stuff, it's more likely that you'll be more confused than actually clarified.


What's being said lately is that the Commando/Mercenary is the underdog class for PvP, and i can actually agree when i see other classes performance in PvP. I base my answer in skills, disciplines utilities and mechanics of the classes available rather than in DPS (DPS is relative in a WZ and more DPS doesn't mean a win in a WZ while healing and healers nowadays are much more influential than DPS).


Also everyone says that AS/IO does give less DPS (parsing dummies), and that it's harder to play (true, but if you learn it from the beginning you'll get used to it), but what people don't seem to realize (or at least doesn't seem like) is that both specs should be played differently in WZ's and although not being the best DPS right now, they have their role and can be a great support if played well.


What i think is that, first of all, right now Commandos/Mercenaries are support in a WZ, and you should play as that.


Gunnery/Arsenal excel in burst damage, they're a bit less mobile than AS/IO specs (not that much) , have great armor penetration, but... They don't have elemental damage... And elemental damage can't be mitigated by armor neither can be shielded, it can only be avoided by defense (defense rating)... That means, sure you can do a lot of damage, sure it's bursty, sure it's fast but it can also be mitigated a lot. With this spec just don't be the only one targeting a Tank, they can mitigate A LOT everything you throw at them, you can solo kill DPS classes (specially the ranged ones, melee ones are difficult because you're not that mobile, it's possible if you're a very good player), you can solo kill healers, except Sages/Sorcs. I like the burst damage of Gunnery/Arsenal. So, in my opinion if you're a Gunnery/Arsenal spec...


Tanks - You should be the off DPS

DPS - You can go solo (keep melees away, stealthers are a pain)

Healers - You should go off DPS for Sages/Sorcs and you can go solo for the rest


Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordnance are the DOT ones, burst is low, a bit more mobile than G/A, don't need armor penetration since it's about elemental damage, but... you must manage VERY WELL your cells, and you must know how to keep alive because it will take a bit of time to kill your targets. With this spec you can solo kill Tanks (not easy since Vanguards/Powertechs, Guardians/Immortals are OP, but fairly possible), you can solo kill DPS classes (specially the ones more static), but you can't solo kill any healer. I like the ability to be able to keep doing damage while the enemy is out of sight (and it's elemental...great!), it gives me time to get in line of sight of him again and keep the DOT's up and use the bursts i have procced by the cell burns... I also like the fact that some players tend to become confused by all the burn animations on them, and loose a bit of focus and visibility. So, in my opinion if you're a Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordnance spec...


Tanks - You can go solo

DPS - You can go solo (keep melees away, stealthers are a pain)

Healers - You should go off DPS


One thing i usually do is try to find out some DPS player who knows what is doing (or a friend), i focus him, and i assign a key to focus the target of the person i'm focusing, so in doing that i just have to hit the key and i'm immediatelly targeting the same target as the person i'm focusing and adding my damage to the damage my focus target is doing, it helps a lot to take targets down fast. This is specially effective with Gunnery/Arsenal.

With Assault Specialist/Innovative Ordnance, and in my opinion, learning this is mandatory to be effective and good in what you're doing.


For all this you must know how to gear properly, and when i say gear properly, forget for now all the talks about the "Crit, Power, Accuracy, Alacrity "stuff out there, gearing is a matter of playstyle, some people use the gear no one says it's best but they are great with it because they have a particular kind of play that is maximized with the gear chosen. Farm comms, experiment and learn for yourself.


Right now i'm testing with my Commando (switching from AS/IO and G/A and in process of min/max and i don't want to jump into conclusions about modifications and augments until i have evidences, but i have some clues of what should be best for me in both specs.


Don't mind if you're not the best DPS class or the best healer class in the game, learn properly your class, geared it up the way you like, learn how you can be the most effective with your role and remember... SWTOR PvP isn't balanced so you must know that the Commando/Mercenary right now is a class for people who love to play it, and not for the ones who want to be the heroes in number one of that wz list that appears in the end... lol that's it...


Regarding your question... If you're having fun with it, stick with it!


I/O vs Arsenal as anti-tank:

Arsenal has railshot and blazing bolts that can be defended;

IO has twice the mag shots, less unloads, charged bolts, and serrated shots first hit is white damage.

For shieldable damage, add thermal detonator.


in addition, in terms of anti-armor, armor piercing cell= 35% armor pen. With supercharged, add an extra 15% ..


Overall, I don't think the anti-tank potential is hugely different..

PVP tanks should not stack defense and shield anyway.

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I/O vs Arsenal as anti-tank:

Arsenal has railshot and blazing bolts that can be defended;

IO has twice the mag shots, less unloads, charged bolts, and serrated shots first hit is white damage.

For shieldable damage, add thermal detonator.


in addition, in terms of anti-armor, armor piercing cell= 35% armor pen. With supercharged, add an extra 15% ..


Overall, I don't think the anti-tank potential is hugely different..

PVP tanks should not stack defense and shield anyway.


You're saying that by your personal experience ingame or in theory, based on the type of damage of each skill and/or ability?


I say that based on personal experience and type of play, nothing else. Usually one on one i can kill Tanks easily with AS/IO than with G/A. Maybe it's just my type of play and nothing else. I don't think one or another spec is better or worse, they have significant differences and styles of play, even representing different challenges.


For example, in one youtube video of a suposed expert Mercenary he says that you shouldn't even bother using Serrated Bolt/Serrated Shot because it's useless... Another example of different type of play... You're a Gunnery/Arsenal spec, so, you see a Shadow/Sin, you start an attack on him, he stealths... How will you make him visible again? You don't... Now you're a AS/IO spec, stealther pops up, you attack him dotting him, but he doesn't have any dot cleaner, how will he stealth back? As i said before, only speaking from my personal and casual player experience... But Each spec should be analyzed in another way than from a pure DPS point of vue... And that's what's everyone doing nowadays.


One thing i'm sure of... playing AS/IO doesn't make you sleep... :D

Edited by pjaogg
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Why is it at a disadvantage vs. Arsenal in rated PVP? I'm new to the spec.




  • it's less effective burst
  • it's the same sustained single target but is a lot more difficult to reach those same sustained numbers, and in pvp, you cannot just run through your roto, which is something that IO needs in order to keep pace with arsenal even for a sustained parse.
  • it has serious resource management issues
  • it has a weaker chaff flares unless you're playing against a lot of snipers and maras -- I also think 35% chance is a complete joke. it needs to be 50% at the bare minimum. but it's cool. there's always KO. lul

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  • it's less effective burst
  • it's the same sustained single target but is a lot more difficult to reach those same sustained numbers, and in pvp, you cannot just run through your roto, which is something that IO needs in order to keep pace with arsenal even for a sustained parse.
  • it has serious resource management issues
  • it has a weaker chaff flares unless you're playing against a lot of snipers and maras -- I also think 35% chance is a complete joke. it needs to be 50% at the bare minimum. but it's cool. there's always KO. lul


I really think you don't know what you're talking about...


35% complete chance of defense? First of all is 40% for starters since you have already 5% base... Secondly, with Masterful Utility Supercharged Defense you get 15% more Defense Chance (with the add to have 8 seconds of immunity to interrupts), so we're talking 55% Defense Chance with immunity to interrupts (sure you can be stunned but it's still GOOD). If you argue that it isn't that good because you need to be supercharged for that, then you need to learn to play since you need to be stacking for that all the time, if you aren't good doing it, learn it... Or maybe you would prefer 100% defense chance... lol

Did you also noticed that Plasma Cell gives you 5% (yes... 5%) more critical chance on ranged attacks? While G/A gives you 3% Alacrity?

Yesterday i was testing between AS/IO and G/A, i did some PUGs and i can tell that if you're playing against a team with at least two stealthers, AS/IO is much more effective and helpful than G/A. Being able to keep stealthers visible with damage it's crucial (if you're playing with teammates that know what's going on). With G/A, if you can't kill them before they vanish... Sorry... They're alive, they will recuperate will come near you without you noticing it (because they marked you and you're a menace to them) and since you're Gunnery, you can't throw that many damage while running away like AS/IO can (that's what DOT's do...) and you are more vulnerable. More... I soloed Powertechs, Juggs, even Sins (DPS and Tanks on both of these classes) and got away with a kill (they we're full HP as i was) and i killed them keeping my HP like 55 to 60%. Oh yes, i'm not full geared yet, need the augs...

I remember a PT called K'RKG or something like that (a beast full geared and augmented, a good player from a good PvP imp guild) playing with a premade and was backed up with a Sorc... He rushed me confident that he didn't need the Sorc heals maybe thinking... Oh cannon fodder, easy kill for me! A Mando! You know what happened? He needed to run near the Sorc to not die... I was AS/IO... Before this i was on a WZ with him and i was G/A... He killed me easily...

G/A is good? YES IT IS, and so is AS/IO, it all depends on the type of play and many other factors. G/A it does have a PUNCH! If your team can keep players busy and away from you, G/A IS more effective in taking down the majority of targets faster and i personally think that you can put pressure fast and more effective on Sages/Sorcs (although they will barrier and then phasewalk out of there anyway) but what can we do to that? Blame the devs... G/A can get you in bad situations since you have to be in constant LOS to be able to throw damage, if your target get's behind something and doesn't have any dot on him... When you get back to him he will be fully restored... That simply doesn't happen with AS/IO.

What i'm trying to say is that saying that G/A is better doesn't make sense and it's kind of a noobish thought for me... Most of you base that thought on DPS, and not in utility and playstyle, and honestly that's noobish for me. I see many players playing to have the Legendary Icon right next to his name, but i think that leads to a "Jack of all trades and master of none". There are some exceptions...


Regarding your comments...


  • it's less effective burst - the only less effective burst is when opening... Just go for parsely and look for graphs... You only get more damage overall because of it.
  • it's the same sustained single target but is a lot more difficult to reach those same sustained numbers, and in pvp, you cannot just run through your roto, which is something that IO needs in order to keep pace with arsenal even for a sustained parse. - PvP roto??? That's a laugh, are you playing PvP as you play PvE, PvP play is circumstancial... Of course you can have rotos, but if you stick to rotos in PvP, well... i wish you luck...
  • it has serious resource management issues - True! That's the major problem and that you nailed it well, but... that will cost you one or two utilities than will help you A LOT with that management. Still... It's the major issue of AS/IO.
  • it has a weaker chaff flares unless you're playing against a lot of snipers and maras -- I also think 35% chance is a complete joke. it needs to be 50% at the bare minimum. but it's cool. there's always KO. lul - I don't agree at all with that and actually think is exactly the opposite as i stated above.


I like both specs and i consider they're both great to play. AS/IO is way more challenging and i personally think it helps you more to become a better and more aware player. If you want easy play, go Sage/Sorc... You don't have to do much to do tons of damage while keeping you and others alive...


Hey, but that's me... I've played with all the other chars before in both sides, deleted them all since i do have a life, and created this only char and it's a Mando. Yes... i do belong to the underdog class...

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I really think I do.


Are you sure? Oh, look, this is from your server!... ... ...


Commandos TOP





Oh wait... A AS Commando doing more DPS than a Gunnery??? But... That's Impossible... And with TTK faster??? NO way, this is surely a fake!


But wait... Since Imp players are considered better than Rep (another Myth), maybe it's because the Gunnery Commandos don't know how to play, so let's try the Mercenaries...


Mercenaries TOP





Same thing here??? Woot???


Well i could also show you that the 55% Defense chance is a must, but i think you wouldn't be able to understand. Heck, i don't even know if you'll understand what these numbers mean.


The links are a proof that you really don't know what you're talking about. You need to learn a bit before coming here to talk and say weird stuff.


Correction: One thing you're right and that you know... Is that AS/IO cell management is a pain! Have to give you that.

Edited by pjaogg
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surpecharged gas activated --> incendiary missile + magshot (procs supercharged burn DOT + triggers combustible cylinder DOT) + serrated shot instant + magshot + thermal detonator + unload, is an effective burst i assure you :rolleyes:


for chaff flare defensive, it depends your ennemy that's all.


but even in arsenal, lot of good players use the masterfull supercharged defense ( immune to interrupt +15%defense) so in Io with 35% defense bonus of chaff flare it's really efficient gainst all classes except agent and sorcs dps.


ravage, carnage spec, MM spec, merc arsenal, PT railshot, maul, all 30% life finish abilities (all white damage)


this is usefull dude, but it needs more brain for sure.


ps : and decoy can be destroy with just 2-3 tics of dots and a lightning or low force/tech abilities, it can be useless sometimes, not always cancel 15-20k crit force/tech capacities

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surpecharged gas activated --> incendiary missile + magshot (procs supercharged burn DOT + triggers combustible cylinder DOT) + serrated shot instant + magshot + thermal detonator + unload, is an effective burst i assure you :rolleyes:


for chaff flare defensive, it depends your ennemy that's all but avane in arsenal lot of good players used the masterfull supercharged defense ( immune to interrupt +15%defense) so in Io with 35% defense bonus of chaff flare it's really efficient gainst all classes except agent and sorcs dps.


ravage, carnage spec, MM spec, merc arsenal, PT railshot, maul, all 30% life finish abilities (all white damage)


this is usefull dude, but it needs more brain for sure.


Right on! You're nailing it!!! Glad to see that there are players who actually know what i'm talking about... Cheers! If you have a Rep char try to find me... i like to play with players that actually know what they're talking about.


I'm not defending AS/IO as being best, but i'm saying can be as good or better than G/A and vice-versa, it depends. But i'm not going to say that G/A is the only viable spec to play and the best... That is WRONG! It misleads people...

It surely needs more brain on it, so for me in particular is more fun! And will help you to become a better player IMO since it's harder to master.

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i play my commando with gunnery spec, more style, and merc Io , more style too (fusion missle *_*)


btw my commando is unguilded but i played it sometimes only. (full stuff for sure)


:D I'm in process of min/maxing (full exemplar, changed enhancements) but i still need a lot of tunning and the augs (no money for now). I'm also unguilded. What's your Commando name?

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and speaking of 30% life finish abilities, Io have one, not arsenal, with the excellent volatile warhead (missile blast at + 75% damage and -10 heat, so good)


ps : i PMed you to not polluate a lot this topic

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and speaking of 30% life finish abilities, Io have one, not arsenal, with the excellent volatile warhead (missile blast at + 75% damage and -10 heat, so good)


ps : i PMed you to not polluate a lot this topic


Those "little things" that don't matter... :D


Regarding that, we should have a skill highlighter to help us with that... I don't think we have, right?

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the ability procs with a light around when you can use it at +75% damage and -10 heat (once every 15ec if you are on fire ;) )


like when mag shot grants an instant cast of serratedshot/powershot/rapid scan.


of course never use missile blast outside this proc (too expensive)


look well and boom !

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the ability procs with a light around when you can use it at +75% damage and -10 heat (once every 15ec if you are on fire ;) )


like when mag shot grants an instant cast of serratedshot/powershot/rapid scan.


of course never use missile blast outside this proc (too expensive)


look well and boom !


Rarely had problem with IO resource mngt when stayed on procs. Only when over exceeded. Improved Vents proved to be more efficient than Gyroscopic Alignment.

Another major DPS advantage is +30% periodic dmg on <30 hp. IO has 4 dots and 3 channeled.

So, hit sorc at 40% with EN and apply periodic. Not talking about merc and Op healers which Merc totally annihilates.

Problem for IO are Arenas. Needs team support and full mobility.

Edited by Aetideus
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Rarely had problem with IO resource mngt when stayed on procs. Only when over exceeded. Improved Vents proved to be more efficient than Gyroscopic Alignment.

Another major DPS advantage is +30% periodic dmg on <30 hp. IO has 4 dots and 3 channeled.

So, hit sorc at 40% with EN and apply periodic. Not talking about merc and Op healers which Merc totally annihilates.

Problem for IO are Arenas. Needs team support and full mobility.


(thumbs up)

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