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Starfighter just ruined my childhood growing up playing rogue squadron


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Well done Bioware. Never thought I'd see the days where I would hate a Star Wars flying game.


If this was made for an handheld device then I would understand, but whoever designed starfighter need to go play some Ace Online.

So, it sucks you were frustrated enough to post a comment like this, but not all games are designed alike. For example, one of my favorite games ever is Freelancer, which had a control scheme very similar to GSF, and I was immediately pleased by and comfortable with GSF's controls when I started playing. It's very subjective.


GSF has a lot of depth, great opportunities for players to grow in skill and understanding of the game, and a community full of people who are glad to help new pilots get into it and learn to be better.


Maybe instead of slagging GSF with glib insults, you ought to try availing yourself of all the resources available that could make it a better experience for you.



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What was it that made the experience so bad? Unless the gameplay itself is the problem (and that's hard to tell from one game), lots of people here are willing to help new players out with anything ranging from tips to grouping up.
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What are you specifically having issues with? A great many of us here would be glad to answer any questions you may have and go out flying with you. It is a very deep and rewarding gameplay experience that seems to, somehow, keep on giving.
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Biggest problem with GSF for me was choosing the right ship.


each class is different gameplay and each build and crew makes it entirely different experience.


then you can upgrade your ship making it much easier to handle, also learn to play objectives and help other players.


my favourite ship is the razorwire... nice bomber with heavy laser and right now I can use 3 mines at the same time.

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I know this isn't constructive, but I love it when people say '(insert subject matter) ruined my childhood'.


Was your childhood really so banal and insignificant that playing Rogue Squadron was the only memory you cherished, so much that playing another flying game that isn't exactly the same, thereby nullifying whatever previous skills you amassed from it, completely shatters those precious moments of fleeting happiness that you so dearly held on to?


But hyperbole aside, what didn't you like? Have you read through the guides available on the forums or joined the GSF channel on your sever to ask questions?

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When I started GSF it immediately reminded me at the time I played Rogue Squadron on the N64. I loved Rogue Squadron; made it to the third-best rank back then - still got that save on the cartridge. I also was - and I still am - impressed how good of a job the devs did making the mouse behave almost like a joystick.


I'm sure my initial GSF experience was different than yours, especially because I played it right after launch, with everyone flying in low-upgrade ships and generally a slower pace (until the first half-upgraded T2 Scouts showed up after a month or so). However, if someone asked me to describe GSF, I'd call it an improved, PvP-only Rogue Squadron.

Edited by Danalon
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At least it wasn't just me who thought of Rogue Squadron... :t_tongue: I'm very nostalgic about the "good old N64 days" and that is very much what saved GSF for me.


Through my whole MMO "career" I always avoided PvP as much as possible (and still do), be it in SWTOR, WoW, Rift or Silkroad Online. And if I did do it because of a (usually cosmetic) reward that I absolutely wanted, I just sat through the games without contributing much. Spawn, wait for red nameplates to appear, die, respawn, wait for red nameplates to appear, die, respawn... Getting roflstomped again and again is just frustrating. :jawa_frown:


When GSF was released, I was like "well it's PvP, but let's give it a try anyway". Luckily I tried it on Republic side, because with the ship designs there, espacially the T1 strike fighter, it immediately brought up memories of Rogue Squadron: "Nice stuff, this is the multiplayer mode that we never got in RS..." :t_biggrin:

(I only know the N64 version, the PC one might have had multiplayer.)


And that kept me playing. Along with the fact that almost everyone was performing poorly back then, so I wouldn't get steamrolled over and over again like in ground PvP. I must say I don't really know which factor was more important. Maybe if I started it today I would also say "well I'm just bad at PvP, so screw it" and not touch it ever again...



Edited by Ashkanie
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So, it sucks you were frustrated enough to post a comment like this, but not all games are designed alike. For example, one of my favorite games ever is Freelancer, which had a control scheme very similar to GSF, and I was immediately pleased by and comfortable with GSF's controls when I started playing. It's very subjective.


GSF has a lot of depth, great opportunities for players to grow in skill and understanding of the game, and a community full of people who are glad to help new pilots get into it and learn to be better.


Maybe instead of slagging GSF with glib insults, you ought to try availing yourself of all the resources available that could make it a better experience for you.




Des, He's got a legitimate point. Which is why the community has such trouble expanding in the first place.


Do I think its a little exaggerated to say it ruined childhood and/or rogue squadron, sure.


But for a new player to hate the gsf experience, that doesn't surprise me at all. So many "regulars" group up and beat up on the random new folk all the time and expect them to keep coming back. It's hard enough to make sense of the experience with the nearly useless tutorial.


I hated gsf for the longest time before I actually started to enjoy it. And even now it feels like I either join the losing side for a guaranteed loss to work on my piloting or further stack the winning side and be bored and pad my wins.

Pvp communities are prone to pushing out potential new members all the time, and gsf is no different.

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