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Most "royal" class


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so since there is no Leia/Padme kind of class i wanted to know which story would fit best a type of character who wears fancy dresses, (like the elegant social one or the senduous dress), elaborated hairstyles and fancy make up??
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Sounds like a class that is not going to do much fighting. So, umm, none of them really :)


The Jedi Sage has probably the most appropriate fighting style to elegant clothing that absolutely must not get muddy, and manicured fingernails that absolutely must not get chipped. But... the Jedi lifestyle *really* does not go with that sort of clothing and displays of opulence.

In my mind, the Sith Sorceror would not really be interested in frippery such as fancy clothing, and would use their clothing/armor as a way of sending a message that they are powerful. Plus, lightning is awesome, but lightning while wearing a ball gown seems a bit incongruous.


Shadow/Assassin? Too much cloth for all that melee fighting. You would be tripping over your skirts constantly.


Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight... just, no.


Same for the Bounty Hunter/Trooper... no. Just... no.


Smuggler (ironic, as you have Risha on your crew, with the whole Dubrillion arc to her companion story) is a bit too interested in dirty, oily starships to really fit that kind of clothing.


Which leaves Imperial Agent (mainly Operative) - not while out working, of course, but going undercover or working behind the scenes and blending in (somewhere like Alderaan), an elegant dress could work. But it has to be machine-washable, because if you get blood stains and viscera on it, they will be almost impossible to get out if they have to be washed by hand (but that would be Vector's problem anyway).

Edited by Erevan_Kindelar
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Thanks for your answers! yes i thought of a shadow or sage but i dont see jedi worrying too much about their looks, and imperial agent seems to be the closest one to actually find these type of outfits useful
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Sith sorcerer. Sith DO care about their looks. I'll never forget Kira: "Have you seen how Sith dress? It's like all fashion designers in the galaxy went to the dark side"


Honestly I saw that as more a minor bit of 4th wall breaking noting how all the cool looking armor etc was Imp side (back at launch Imperials definatly had the best outfits)

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DS Warrior is maybe a bit too brutal and aggressive, but with the noble background the LS Warrior makes a surprising fit for these. She's very refined, thoughtful, and has a sort of powerful presence that could make her seem dangerous even in ladylike clothes. I tend to prefer more elegant robes for mine over more armor-like outfits.
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Thanks for your answers! yes i thought of a shadow or sage but i dont see jedi worrying too much about their looks, and imperial agent seems to be the closest one to actually find these type of outfits useful


Depends on the Jedi in my view. My friend rp her jedi as leaving the order and she is very particular about what outfits she wears. You will never see her in "classic" jedi outfit. She is more of the refined lady-like than what people consider Jedi. She in my book fits refined, lady-like and carries herself as such and her attitude and behavior is more lady like than most.

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Well my BH started wearing fancy dresses when she became a Baroness lol


I could also see both sith classes as being really decadent with their clothing, even forgoing armor because they're so certain of their skill. Also smugglers generally don't wear armor and are sharply dressed ^_^

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Of all my female characters, the only two who wear elegant dresses are my shadow and my sorcerer.


Shadow - Consular is more of a diplomat class, and shadows are kind of like the spies of the Jedi world, so I saw my shadow as the type to go hob nobbing with the powerful elites of various planets, all the while having her secret orders to make sure certain outcomes are met. What better way to entreat with the nobles of Alderaan or the senators of Corellia than by looking like a powerful, elegant lady?


Sorcerer - She is a Rattaki and of course started out as a slave. I play her as thoroughly enjoying rubbing her newfound power and prestige in everyone's face, and she especially likes to advertise her elevated station by wearing, sumptuous, elegant clothes.


As far as nobility goes, I agree that the sith warrior is the best fit for that. Mine is a Pureblood and I play her as coming from a prominent, wealthy family. She is used to ordering people about and used to being obeyed. She wears practical clothes, but does prefer a flair for the dramatic, so I dress her in wide capes and bright colors - red, gold, orange, etc.

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Have you noticed how not only the female, but the male inquisitor sounds with that fancy accent and elegant speech? Definitely the SIth Inquisitor who fights at a distance, more specifically a sorcerer


Next would be a Jedi Sage and a imperial agent (undercover) who also have a very posh smooth voice male or female.


The Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior have no elegance in their voice. Let alone the Bounty Hunter and Trooper, which are all more rough.


Kind of ironic though, no? The Inquisitor comes from a slave background and yet has a much more elegant speech manner than the Sith Warrior who himself was the one suppose to be born of royalty or some higher status origins. It's like flipped around.

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