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Threads that need to be stickied!


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I don't know how often devs pop in and glance at the forums (once in the 2 years i've been flying, and i think we scared him off with that 900 post thread).


So maybe if we just started a thread that tells whoever it is straight up which threads that the community feels should be up at the front of the forums all day every day and maybe a little bit about why I think it should be there. Most of these will be guide threads since I feel that the lack of information for rookies is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for them to get into GSF (I'm looking at you, crappy tutorial...)


So without further ado (in no particular order):


Ask me anything/Training!

- Specific questions such as number crunching and min maxing!


Drakkolich's Shipbuilds

- Shipbuilds....by Drakko!


[Guide] Tips for Newer GSF Players

- A good place for new pilots to start so they can know what to expect from GSF


Damage Overcharge Guide, Maps + Screenshots

- Now people will know why they're getting blown out of the sky in 2 seconds


Interactive GSF Guide (Draft I)

- Just like the user manuals from back in the day


[Guide Request]: In depth guide for Ship Roles and Responsibilities

- Shameless self promotion!


Apart from those, maybe a thread where people who stream can stick up their twitch channels? Maybe a guild recruitment/advertisement thread as well?


Those are all the threads that I think would be quite useful. Are there any I missed?

Edited by Archonitek
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While I appreciate the idea since many of the threads you mentioned are mine. I really don't think we need that many threads stickied.


What might be a better idea is exactly what you ended up with this thread but maybe go even crazier.


How about a thread about all the resources one can find. Exactly like you posted in this thread but with maybe longer explanation about each link.


I'd also like to point out some of the threads you linked have links in the already stickied Stasiepedia.



I wonder if maybe I could get the Stasiepedia transfered to me so that I could edit it. I know Stasie doesn't have a sub anymore so we can't edit it.

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I wonder if maybe I could get the Stasiepedia transfered to me so that I could edit it. I know Stasie doesn't have a sub anymore so we can't edit it.


Updated with the relevant links, let me know if I missed anything cool that should be added. Also, if there's something in there that requires a sizable update, that's fine as well. :cool:


I have a sub, I just haven't been lurking on SWTOR forums. Rondo's Reddit post caught my attention. ;)


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Updated with the relevant links, let me know if I missed anything cool that should be added. Also, if there's something in there that requires a sizable update, that's fine as well


Awesome, welcome back to the forums and thanks for updating the guide. We should definitely have chat later, I have a bunch of tutorial videos we could put in it.

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