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So... broke the Cartel Market again I see?


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Was planning to buy some armor packs today, but I logged on to find out that the Cartel Market has been gutted again. What gives?


They announced they'd only be there for a week. :(

So yes, they got taken off. And probably for a long time at that.

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It's because they want us to spend money on the other packs, which are even more of a gamble. :p


In order for us to spend money on other packs there needs to be more than just 1 pack available at a time, I don't understand why they don't have all the alliance packs available once released. Did the programmers forget how to load more than 1 pack at a time? Over Christmas they left 1 lousy pack for sale, that's all you could purchase over Christmas. after the Strategic Alliance Pack got beaten to death now they are going to leave this same stale tired pack up for another month all by itself?


Maybe they are trying to see if deco's and outlander armor sets will be sold on GTN for as little as 5 credits each.

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They brought them back for a week, because people were calling them out on their outright lying about the packs. The packs were advertised as going to be permanently on the cartel market. It is also why they removed all the orange gear from the game, so they could add them to those packs to help inflate sales.


Well they soon discovered that people were buying more of those packs rather than the monthly packs, and they inadvertently cut way into their own profits. So then they quickly removed them, where the packs have been stuck in limbo (which really sucks cause they are the only avenue for some armors now). Only after the constant forum uproar did they add them for a week, and then stated they will be limited. The problem is, no one knows how limited, but I suspect it won't be a lot from here on out. Also, with the release of this new pack, they can't have the armor packs competing with them. Basically any promise Bioware ever makes you usually turns into an out and out lie.

Edited by Holocron
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Was the market bugged when they released those packs? Because they first showed up for me last night. I was planning on buying a few today, and they're gone again. Whee.


BioWare, instead of mucking about with these random packs, you could make some real money if you'd just let us buy Cartel armor sets individually.

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It's not a video game guys, it's a business. We've been told this in sports several times. It's not baseball, it's a business. When corporations take over this is what you get. Others will argue the MMO can't stay alive without this. I'm surprised we don't see Coke advertisements around Nar Shaddaa. The next planet will be Yahoo Prime. The all new Frito Lay double bladed lightsaber. :eek:


Seriously, I'm afraid until we hit some sales figure, we're stuck with this pack for awhile. We all should have Darth Malgus armor by now. :confused: Let's just hope some whale buys up enough to hit that figure so we can move on.

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Well they soon discovered that people were buying more of those packs rather than the monthly packs, and they inadvertently cut way into their own profits.


Well the simple solution is to have better monthly packs, because currently I wouldn't buy them for CC or for in-game credits. They're that rubbish now they've been gutted to give out less than previously, as well as still having rubbish RNG on the "good" items.


That's why B/S/G packs did well, you had a much better chance at getting something halfway decent by comparison.


To be fair, they could just get rid of the whole pack thing, and sell the armours and weapons etc directly on the GTN, on a permanent basis like a real store. That would be nice to see, but while players still like to gamble on RNG packs, guess that'll never happen.

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This was the worst cartel update I have seen yet. NOTHING new.


I am not buying Alliance packs because the market is flooded with the stuff, it is worth nothing within...a week after launch. Only the rarest of rare items are valuable, like Nexu.


Outside of Malgus and Insidious Counselor, most of the armors are hideous as Hell.


If they re-released the deep core packs, I would buy a ton. I need more Dark Honor Guards and I won't pay NINE MILLION for them!


I have purchased a million bronze packs. I really with those were perm.

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