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STARWARS Economy is broken!


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I feel crew skills are not profitable at all. Unless you can sell every single item for a good price.. which is not possible. You lose lot of money just be gathering resource through your crew mission. I went broke in Imperial Agent i used up all my money to leveling up crafting skill. A major problem with the game is buying skills after each level up which are priced damn high. Each skill cost around 5k to 10k when your leve 27. For each level you end up spending close to 17k. The games lot of avenue to spend you credit but none avenue to even get decent credits of anything.. and now they nerf slicing.... The Whole starwars economy needs correction :) what you guys think?
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They have stated before if you do all your gathering thru crew skills you will go broke. They are not meant to be the primary way to gather your resources. You need to still gather them mostly yourself. I have done that I have had no issues at all buying my skills each level or my schems on a level 40 JK. and no i do not have slicing on him.
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its not the skills that are broken. the fact that you can buy BLUE gear and MODS from vendors with commendations destroys any need for crafted gear (which is the same). Further, on the off chance you grind to a purple schematic, the difference between blue and purple is a couple of points at best and it results in epics only being priced more by a few k credits more over blues or people dont even look at them, in turn this losing you more money than before when you were crafting green items and vendoring them.
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The only gathering you should do for your crew skills should be the missions skills like diplomacy, underworld trading, slicing, etc. The other gathering skills that you can level up through gathering like scavenging, archaeology, etc. should be leveled mainly through actually going out and harvesting the mats yourself. I occasionally do send my companions out on missions for higher level crafting mats that aren't on the planet I'm currently on for a new item but that's only like 2 to 3 missions.
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first off why are you buying every skill? just buy one or two to lvl on then move to the next tier. second what game has ever had profitable low level crafting? low level gathering yes crafting no. Third If you go farm the stuff instead of sending companions you dont have to spend money to gather. And last no mmo has a stable econ when it launches, no on knows how much money is going ot be alot of money so things dont have real cred value. wait till your server has a large pop of 50s and then the econ will settle out. Edited by phyllain
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its not the skills that are broken. the fact that you can buy BLUE gear and MODS from vendors with commendations destroys any need for crafted gear (which is the same). Further, on the off chance you grind to a purple schematic, the difference between blue and purple is a couple of points at best and it results in epics only being priced more by a few k credits more over blues or people dont even look at them, in turn this losing you more money than before when you were crafting green items and vendoring them.


You can buy *some* mods from commendation vendors but not all. The vendors skip some of the better mods.


Not to mention that if you need mods or armor for companions too then you will need to supplement your commendations with credits.


Edit: I wanted to add that buying the commendation mods also puts you at a disadvantage while questing on that world since you have to wait till your quests are complete before buying the mods. Whereas if you purchased them from crafters you would have them on while questing that world.

Edited by Docmal
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first off why are you buying every skill? just buy one or two to lvl on then move to the next tier. second what game has ever had profitable low level crafting? low level gathering yes crafting no. Third If you go farm the stuff instead of sending companions you dont have to spend money to gather. And last no mmo has a stable econ when it launches, no on knows how much money is going ot be alot of money so things dont have real cred value. wait till your server has a large pop of 50s and then the econ will settle out.


If you have a crew skill like Diplomacy, you have to buy every single point, and the missions are long and expensive. I have spent almost 300k on getting Diplomacy to 400 and even now, after all that investment, it does nothing for my biochem because the top items require drops from heroics. I could have and should have skipped the skill entirely.

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its not the skills that are broken. the fact that you can buy BLUE gear and MODS from vendors with commendations destroys any need for crafted gear (which is the same). Further, on the off chance you grind to a purple schematic, the difference between blue and purple is a couple of points at best and it results in epics only being priced more by a few k credits more over blues or people dont even look at them, in turn this losing you more money than before when you were crafting green items and vendoring them.


Exactly....the only thing that sells atm for my 350+ art is the color crystals....I can put up advanced might or resolve hilts 11+ range and barely ask for "profit" and expect to end up reverse engineering them atm.


I feel most people have encountered similar issues, as when I go to upgrade my armor (cannot find any good armor mods), and cannot find any mods that are of level. Vendor modifications should be GREEN only, leave the blue to crafters, the "purples" should be better in the crafted version vs pvp/drop gear, and make unique crafter useable only versions similar to how Biochem gets the reuseable potions/buffs. For artifice for example maybe unique color crystals, or ability to add modification slot to lightsabers...Something along those lines

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Crew missions are essentially the same as buying your mats off the GTN only you have no clue how much if your getting if any. You'll never make money with a craft if you only buy your mats. that being said it can get very difficult for the mission only items like say Underworld Trading mats. Weather or not people like it they have to sell many of their valuable mats to sustain their own crafting .... or pick up Slicing and depend on the GTN for your rare mats.


I'm not sure if I like this model or not but it does work on paper ..... lol We will have to see if the economy adjusts to the abnormal system in place or if changes are necessary. For now I feel it will all balance out.

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first off why are you buying every skill? just buy one or two to lvl on then move to the next tier. second what game has ever had profitable low level crafting? low level gathering yes crafting no. Third If you go farm the stuff instead of sending companions you dont have to spend money to gather. And last no mmo has a stable econ when it launches, no on knows how much money is going ot be alot of money so things dont have real cred value. wait till your server has a large pop of 50s and then the econ will settle out.


If you have a crew skill like Diplomacy, you have to buy every single point, and the missions are long and expensive. I have spent almost 300k on getting Diplomacy to 400 and even now, after all that investment, it does nothing for my biochem because the top items require drops from heroics. I could have and should have skipped the skill entirely.

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The economy isn't broken. For the past 14 years every MMO I've played the community for the most part thought that whatever they're selling is the only one like it and charged a ridiculous price for it. Don't get me wrong, I like credits too :D but from what I'm seeing above it also looks like bad decisions....;)


If you want an example of a broken economy, look to a formally licensed Star Wars MMO where the ENTIRE economy and almost all items were player controlled.

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It's tough to sell anything but purples because of how easily people can keep their gear remotely upgraded. However I grinded out a pair of leggings that have 40 willpower 40 critical and some defense and endurance that I'm able to make for 2k and sell for 10k. The real problem IMO is that the awful galactic trade network discourages people from buying and selling that way. The only time I have success selling things without underpricing them is by using general chat.
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mmo trade skills has always been a cash sink til late game, with a rare hot item here and there.

its an invesment, you pour cash in and late game find a rare pattern and make cash that way.


as the game ages hopefuly they add more schematics and boom crafters are back on top, every mmo has always done this.

Edited by Voradoor
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You can't call the economy broken this early in a game. Wait until everyone is max level and things really start going. People don't buy low level gear and equipment as much because it gets replaced really fast while leveling. If you can craft orange gear, do it, because if it looks cool, lots of people will want it as they can keep it a long time.
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